
If you have purchased a meal plan, your name badge will be necessary for admission into all meals. If you have not purchased a meal plan, breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be purchased in Antonian Hall for $9, $12, and $15, respectively. Otherwise, please consider visiting Cupertino’s Café or the Pub (both located in the J.C. Williams Center) or the retailers at Franciscan on the Square (near the University’s entrance) for food and beverages. See “Cafe and Campus Store Hours” under the “Information” button for the hours of operations for the Cupertino’s Café and the Pub.

  • Meal Location Information
    • If you have been with us in the past, you would know that we have had very long lines for food throughout this conference.  To alleviate these long lines, we have added a second location for food service.  If you have a meal plan, your two options for lunch and dinner throughout the weekend are the Cafeteria or the Tent.
    • At the Cafeteria, we have staggered entrance times to alleviate long lines there.  These times are posted on signs throughout campus.  We will also have push notifications identifying these times.  Please honor these times based on the sticker that is on your nametag (blue and yellow).  These times only apply to lunch and dinner at the cafeteria.  The tent will not have staggered times, and the mealtimes for the tent are the same as the cafeteria.  
    • If you do not have a meal plan and want to eat on campus, you can only purchase food at the retail locations on campus and at the Tent.  Only those with meal plans can eat at the cafeteria.  
  • For those that are waiting for their time to go to dinner, we would encourage you to visit our bookstore which includes titles from many of the presenters this weekend or to visit the Port Chapel area which includes the Tomb of the Unborn Child, Our Lady of Guadalupe image, Stations of the Cross and Marian Grotto.