Plenary Indulgences at the Portiuncula | Portiuncula Chapel

By the generosity of the Vatican office of the Apostolic Penitentiary, faithful who visit the Portiuncula can receive plenary indulgences on any of five different occasions through the year: August 2, October 4, January 22, one day a year freely chosen by the individual faithful, and as often as in a group a pilgrimage is made to the Portiuncula Chapel. Plenary indulgences release the recipient from all temporal punishment due to sin, wiping out any time in purgatory incurred by past sins.

According to the decree, those who desire to gain the plenary indulgence should devoutly visit the Portiuncula Chapel, where they pray for the intentions of the Holy Father as well as the Our Father and the Creed. In addition, it is necessary that the Church’s ordinary conditions for receiving a plenary indulgence be met: Individuals must have the interior disposition of complete detachment from sin; have made a sacramental confession; and have received the Holy Eucharist. These must be completed within a week to 10 days before or after the visit to the Portiuncula.