Walking Tour

Tap here for the Walking Tour Map

The cross symbol  below represents the designated spiritual sites of pilgrimage located on Franciscan University’s campus. Related prayers and meditations for these sites can be found in the previous Prayer Reflections section of this program.

“When asked how the transformation of this institution came about during his presidency, [Father Michael Scanlan] responded, ‘All we did was pray, pray, pray…’ May we honor his memory and continue his amazing legacy.” – Father Nathan Malavolti, TOR

Christ the King Chapel includes a secluded Eucharistic Chapel whose stained-glass windows beautifully depict the seven sacraments.

Portiuncula Chapel is available for contemplative prayer, silent reflection, and frequent eucharistic adoration. A replica of the chapel rebuilt by St. Francis, it has been designated a pilgrimage site for a plenary indulgence by the Vatican.

Marian Grotto invites devotees to consider Mary’s unique place in redemption history.

Stations of the Cross are made of cast bronze and replicate those located in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Crèche is a rough stone enclosure that houses a nearly life-size manger scene. It is located near the Portiuncula Chapel and Tomb of the Unborn Child.

Tomb of the Unborn Child serves as a perpetual memorial to the innocent victims of abortion.

7. Rosary Circle beautifully displays an image of the rosary, the heart of Marian devotion. It also serves as the main hub for conference shuttle services.

8. St. Francis Residence Hall is the oldest of our residence halls and is named in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order. It accommodates 137 residents.

9. Antonian Dining Hall

10. Marian Residence Hall, the second residence hall built, accommodates 177 residents. It is named after Our Lady, recognizing her special role in God’s plan of salvation.

11. Trinity Residence Hall is situated near the edge of the campus plateau. Trinity accommodates 147 residents. It is named for the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

12. Sand Volleyball Courts

13. St. Thomas More Residence Hall is the largest of our residence halls, accommodating 312 residents. St. Thomas More Hall is named for a lay Franciscan martyred during the reign of Henry VIII.

14. SS. Kolbe and Clare Residence Halls accommodate 131 students and two guest apartments. These halls are named for the 20th-century Franciscan martyr, St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, and St. Clare, foundress of the Second Order of Franciscans.

15. SS. Louis and Elizabeth Residence Halls are home to 180 students. The University’s newest residence halls are named for King Louis of of France and Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, secular Franciscans who grew in holiness through fidelity to their lay vocations.

16. Piazza dei Santi

17. Finnegan Fieldhouse serves as the main event facility for most of our conferences. It houses two full-sized basketball courts, racquetball courts, a spacious fitness center, aerobics room, physical therapy performance room, and athletic offices.

18. J.C. Williams Center is the principal social hub for the entire University family and includes University Bookstore–located on the ground floor.

Mail Room–located on the ground floor.

Information Desk–located centrally on the upper floor and site of Lost and Found. First Aid–located on the upper floor.

The Pub and Cupertino’s Café –located on the upper floor. Exhibitor Tables–on both floors; location for free resources from various Catholic ministries and exhibitors.

19. John Paul II Library features a statue of St . John Paul II near the entrance.

20. SS. Cosmas and Damian Science Hall is our newest academic building and houses technology-based laboratories. Pugliese Hall, a multi-media auditorium, is located in the lower level.

21. Starvaggi Hall houses the Admissions Office, Human Resources, and Information Technology Services on the top floor. The ground floor accommodates the Enrollment Services Office, Community Relations Office, and other administrative offices of the University.

22. Egan Hall is the main classroom building, which also contains faculty offices and Anathan Theatre.

23. St. Joseph Center houses the permanent offices of Franciscan University Advancement Office, the Marketing and Communications Department, and additional faculty offices and classrooms. It is also the location of Conference Registration and Check In.

24. Assisi Heights is the location of the Christian Outreach Office, the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, Alumni Center, and Campus Security.

25. Physical Plant Services Building

26. Memorial Field

27. Intramural Fields

28. Softball Field

29. Vaccaro Baseball Field is the site of play for our local American Legion team.

30. Practice Soccer Field

31. Game Soccer Field

32. Holy Spirit Friary is the private residence of the Franciscan friars. We request that you respect the cloistered atmosphere of the friary.

33. The Steel Cross was inspired by a similar cross in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

34. Sandella’s Flatbread Café provides various sandwiches and specialty drinks on the upper floor.

35. Scotus Hall

36. Vianney Hall

37. St. Bonaventure Hall

38. Franciscan Square is the home of the new University Inn.

39. Padua Hall is situated on the lower campus and is named for St. Anthony of Padua. The hall is home to older undergraduate students.

A. Main Entrance

B. West Entrance