
6:30 am – 7:45 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fr. Drake McCalister (CTK)

6:00 am – 8:00 am

Breakfast (Antonian Hall)

7:30 am – 1:00 pm

Media Sales  (FFH Lobby)

7:30 am

Doors Open  (Workshop Venues)

8:00 am – 9:15 am                    

Workshop 7:

  1. Fidelity to God and Humanity: How the Human Sciences can Inform Religious Education
    Dr. Joseph White (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)
  2. Catechesis in the Period of Purification and Enlightenment (RCIA2)
    Lori Smith (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)
  3. Following God’s Pedagogy: Principles for Children’s Catechesis
    Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP (JCWC, Gentile Gallery)
  4. The Evangelist’s Toolbelt: Practical  Skills Needed to Evangelize (YA) – Marcel LeJeune (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)
  5. Effective Ways to Grow Parish and School Leaders Toward the Church’s Discipleship Vision with the Catechetical Institute (DO)
    Dr. Mark Ginter (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)
  6. Our Life in Christ: The Basics of Catholic Morality (CT2 / YM2)
    Dr. Eric Westby (Egan Hall, 113)
  7. The Ancient School of Alexandria: What Can We Learn for Our Catechesis and Evangelization
    Dr. Petroc Willey (Egan Hall, 213)
  8. The Deposit of Faith: An Introduction to the Catechism (HLT) – Dr. Marlon de la Torre (Cosmas and Damian, 206)
  9. Discernment of Spirits (RT)
    Sr. Mary Madeline Todd, OP (FFH)
  10. Undivided Love; We are Worth the Fight: St. John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, Mulieris Dignitatem Gina Bauer(Cosmos and Damian, Room 300)
  11. Biblical Catechetics (CS1) Jose Gonzales (CTK)

9:15 am – 9:45 am

Transition Time

9: 45 am – 12:30 pm

Gathering Music  Steubenville Worship
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Celebrant/Homilist: Bishop Andrew Cozzens
Keynote: The Liturgy: An Encounter that Leads to Revival and Renewal”
Dr. James Pauley

12:30 pm

Third of Three Diocesan Leaders’ Luncheon
Bishop Tebartz-Van Elst  (Antonian Hall, Schiappa Boardroom)

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Lunch  (Antonian Hall)