Workshop Session 5: Wednesday, 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm

1.    Scripture: The Heart of Catechesis (CT1 / RCIA1)  Dr. Eric Westby (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)

Details to come

2.    Liturgy and Catechetical Methodology (CT2 / CS2)   Dr. Amy Roberts  (Egan Hall, Room 113)

The Directory for Catechesis states that the Church’s “sacramental mission cannot be separated from the process of evangelization” and that liturgy and catechesis should both be “oriented toward bringing to life the experience of God’s love.” This workshop will consider how to form students for receptive participation in the liturgy that allows them to experience his love.

3.    Recruiting, Training, and Forming Volunteers I (PCL1)  Dr. Martha Drennan  (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)

Details to come

4.   The Catechumenate: Paradigm for All Catechesis (PCL2 / RCIA2) – Gigi Zapiain (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)

The General Directory for Catechesis (1997) called the baptismal catechumenate, “the paradigm [model] for all catechesis.” How does this translate into the day-to-day instruction in and sharing of the faith with those already baptized? We will explore how this does not mean reproducing the OCIA in a programmatic fashion, but taking on its style and formative dynamism.

5.  The Preventive System of St. John Bosco (CS1) – Fr. Lou Molinelli, SDB (Cosmas and Damian, Room 206)

This presentation will discuss the elements of the Preventive System of St. John Bosco and its application to the world of the young in the setting of catechesis. We will explore the basic spirituality that underlies the Preventive System and its application to our role as catechists and in the lives of the young.

6.   Vocational Discernment with Teenagers (YM1)  Gina Bauer  (Egan Hall, Room 213)

This workshop will explore Pope Francis‘s Apostolic Exhortation CHRISTUS VIVIT, Christ is Alive, and what practices we can implement in our youth ministry programs to aid teenagers in the discernment of their vocations.

7.  An Interconnected Net: Intra and Extra-Parish Ministries With Teens (YM2)  Dr. Bob Rice/Kris Frank (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor

Is a youth group, alone, enough for our parishes to offer teens? As a Church, can we give young people more than a weekly program? This workshop will examine how to best serve teens by connecting them to the entire parish and further ministry opportunities outside the typical youth program.

8.  Prayer: The Foundation of Mission (YA)  Marcel LeJeune (JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

Our personal mission is built on our personal prayer lives. If we want to be better at evangelizing others, we have to go deeper in prayer. Not just any kind of prayer, but prayer that is built on understanding God’s heart, which longs for the salvation of a world that is in desperate need. God wants to have us share this desire and depth of intimacy with his heart. This session will help us explore what a missionary prayer life looks like.

9.  Working With Priests (DO) Ann Lankford (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)

A priest is consecrated in Christ’s name “to feed the Church by the word and grace of God.” But he is also a fellow human being with weaknesses who experiences conversion and routinely receives the Sacrament of Confession. This interactive session will discuss the proper attitude, relationship, and boundaries needed in working with priests in order to draw forth the greatest fruit for the Kingdom of God.

10.   Teaching the Eucharist to Children   Dr. Gerard O’Shea (FFH)

The Eucharist is an unfolding mystery . Sofia Cavalletti noted that everything God has ever done, everything he is doing now, and everything he will ever do is in some way symbolized in the Eucharist. This talk will identify the ways in which different strategies and materials need to be employed to account for the typical developmental stages from children to adolescents. It will focus in particular on the “mystagogy” of the sacrament, making links between the liturgy and the Scriptures.