From Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR

Peace and blessings! 

Maybe this is your first Steubenville Conference. Maybe this is your 21st. Either way, I’m excited to welcome you—or welcome you back—to Franciscan University’s campus. God is going to do great things during each of the conferences, and I’m so glad you will be present to experience it. 

Every summer since my ordination, I’ve been a speaker for Steubenville Conferences. I’ve lost count, but my best guess is that I’ve been to over 100 conferences. So, I’d like to offer some advice for both the first timers and seasoned veterans like me. 

First, let go of all your plans and expectations. Give God permission to do whatever he wants to do. That said, there are some things I am certain will happen. Your spiritual life will be enriched, and you will worship with a community of other Catholics from all around the country who will inspire you. 

Second, take advantage of this conference as a time for prayer, fellowship, and refreshment. Be open to how Jesus wants to talk with you. He will surprise you if you let him. 

Also, have confidence. Have confidence that God has you here for a reason, that he is already at work in your life. God is good. He loves you, and you can trust in him. 

Thank you for joining us this summer. I hope to see you again next year for the 50th anniversary of Steubenville Conferences! 


Father Dave Pivonka, TOR
Franciscan University of Steubenville