Saturday Night Questions

Goal: To show how an encounter with the Holy Spirit has the power to transform our lives.

Saturday Night Keynote Scripture: The Road to Emmaus (Lk. 24:29-35)

  • What stood out to you when we read the Road to Emmaus together?
    • Was there a time in your life when you felt like the disciples on the Road to Emmaus? How do you think the Holy Spirit was at work in your life then? How have you seen the Holy Spirit at work prior to this conference weekend?


  • What was your adoration experience like tonight?
  • Has your image of Jesus changed after the talk and eucharistic adoration? How?
  • Has your image of the Holy Spirit changed after the talk and eucharistic adoration? How?
  • What did God do in your heart tonight during eucharistic adoration? Did he speak anything specifically to you?

Help the youth understand that, even if they didn’t feel anything, God is still working in their lives and calling them to an intimate relationship with him.

  • Do you have any questions about what you experienced tonight?
  • Are you hesitant to journey with Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Why or why not?