Sunday Morning/Afternoon Questions (maybe for the ride home)

Sunday Morning/ Afternoon Questions (possibly during the ride home):

  • What was one commitment you made to Jesus this morning during our time of prayer? What is your plan to ensure you follow through on that commitment?
  • What did your experience at this conference show you about God’s love?
  • What is one thing you can do to foster your relationship with Jesus after the conference and every day?
  • How can you continue to foster a relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • What are some challenges you are going to face returning home?
  • What will you do if you struggle to live your life in Christ or if the circumstances at home make it challenging to live your faith?
  • How will you stay connected with your youth group, friends, and community members who are striving to live as followers of Christ?
  • How can you bring this conference experience back to your parish, youth group, high school, family, friends, etc.? How can you share this faith with others?
  • What did you hear this weekend that gives you hope for going back home today?
  • When you encounter those areas of darkness that you came into the conference weekend with, what is your ‘action plan’? How will you seek Christ as the one true light?
  • If you could ask the Holy Spirit for two things, what would they be?
  • Continue to ask questions based on what you know about each of the youth in your small group and
    how they experienced this weekend conference.

Note: be sure to follow up with those young people in your group who gave their life to Jesus for the first time during the commitment call, or those who expressed a desire to come into full communion with the Catholic Church through the Baptism Call.