Dr. Marlon De La Torre

Marlon De La Torre is the department director of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Diocese of Fort Worth. For 23 years he has served as a professor of catechetics for diocesan seminary and deaconate formation as well as for the Catholic Distance University, parish/diocesan DRE, Catholic high school principal (Diocese of Memphis), and superintendent of Catholic Schools (Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph). His published/media credits include Screwtape Teaches the Faith, knowingisdoing.org, catholicmom.com, The Sower, NewAdvent.org, and EWTN Live. He holds an MA in theology/catechesis from Franciscan University, an MEd from University of Saint Mary, and a PhD in catechetics and doctrine from the University of Notre Dame-Australia. He and his wife, Amy, have four children, Miguel, Gabriella, Maria, and Gianna.