
From the Father’s Heart

“So Jesus said to them, ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave the bread from heaven; my father gives you the true bread from heaven.’”  John 6:32

Conference Schedule:

  • All general sessions will be held in Finnegan Fieldhouse (FFH).
  • CTK indicates Christ the King Chapel; JCWC indicates J.C. Williams Center.
  • All participant meals will be served in Antonian Hall. Lunch and dinner will also be served in the JCWC Tent.
    • For those without a meal plan, individual meals are available for purchase for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
      • Lunch and dinners purchased in the tent: $10
      • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner purchased in Antonian Hall: $9, $12, and $15, respectively

Noon – 8:00 pm

Conference and Track Registration  (St. Joseph Center : Seminar Room)

Noon – 7:00 pm

Track Check In   (St. Joseph Center, Totino Room)
Required for all participants seeking a certificate. Retreat and Diocesan Officials tracks only.

2:30 pm

Doors Open  (FFH)

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm                

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Bishop Jeffrey Monforton

4:30 pm – 7:00 pm          

Dinner  (Antonian Hall and JCWC Tent)

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Bishop’s Dinner for Diocesan Officials  (FFH Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)  *Invite Only

6:15 pm

Doors Open  (FFH)

7:15 pm – 9:00 pm  

Praise and Worship   Steubenville Worship
Keynote: “From the Father’s Heart
Dcn. Bob Rice 

9:00 pm – 10:30 pm 

Social (Outside FFH and JCWC)

Everyone is welcome to attend. Please come fellowship and meet new friends!  Complimentary popcorn and snow cones and cash bar available.