Tuesday Workshop 1

9:00am – 10:15am                    

Workshop 1:

1. (CM) Method: Effective Delivery of the Basic Gospel
The goal of evangelization is to lead those who may not know Christ to a place where they encounter God in a way that leads them to conversion. In this session, we will look more closely at effective delivery of the gospel so that the hearer can understand and respond appropriately.
Andre Regnier
(JCWC: St. Leo Room)

2. (CT1) Scripture, the Heart of Catechesis
Marc Cardaronella
(JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

3. (CT2) Pedagogy of Revelation and the Response of Faith
Revelation means to pull back the veil.  It is God’s way of manifesting a bit of Himself, allowing us time to absorb it and respond before He shows us a bit more; and the process repeats.  Because the work of catechesis is oriented toward conversion, the catechist needs to understand clearly how a person gets faith, grows in faith, and loses faith.  This workshop delves in the sacred pattern of God’s methodology – how He reaches out to us, and How he calls and enables us to freely respond.
Scott Sollom
(JCWC: International Lounge)

4. (CS) The Educational Leader in a Catholic Setting
This session will explore how God can use school leaders to build His kingdom. We will look at the role of prayer, relationship building and authenticity in helping school leaders fulfill the mission of Catholic schools.
Debbie Nearmyer
(Fieldhouse Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

5. (CS) Towards a Catholic Understanding of “Human Resource Management”
This presentation will consider Scripture, magisterial teachings and other theological works to consider an appropriate Christian anthropology that can underpin an authentically Catholic approach to human resource management in Catholic institutions. It will explore perspectives and opportunities to honor the inherent dignity of imago Dei in our employees throughout employment cycle from attraction and recruitment through to celebration and closure.
Lindsay Fuhrman-Luck
(Finnegan Fieldhouse – Main Stage)

6. (DO) Conflict Resolution in a Diocesan Setting
Working with people with a variety of personalities and passion for serving the Church provide ingredients for conflict. If conflict leads us to either avoidance or personal attack, it can greatly hamper our work. If addressed properly, our areas of disagreement can provide fertile ground for good decision-making. This session will focus on understanding healthy conflict and on the keys to embracing it in a way that enhances our relationships, our decisions and the fruitfulness of our efforts.
Ann Lankford
(Egan Hall – Room 113)

7. (HFF) Preparación Sacramental en el Contexto Hispano:
Sacramental Preparation within a Hispanic Context
This catechetical workshop will provide the participant how to teach the Sacraments of Initiation in a Trinitarian-Christocentric method with respect toward an understanding of Hispanic Culture and how the sacraments are lived out.
Marlon De La Torre
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 300)

8. (PCL1) Personality and Profile of the Successful PCL
While the duties and job descriptions for Parish Catechetical Leaders can vary as much as the parishes in which they serve, there are enduring qualities and characteristics that can be observed in successful and effective practitioners of this vital pastoral ministry. What are these qualities and characteristics? Do you have what it takes?
Gigi Zapiain
(Cosmas & Damian – Pugliese Auditorium)

9. (PCL2) Analyzing Doctrine
The Church expects her catechists and teachers to provide a complete and systematic delivery of the Deposit of Faith. But where is the time? Do you ever find yourself asking, “What must I teach? What do they have to know?” This workshop will introduce you to a technique of analyzing doctrine so that you can answer these questions with confidence and deliver the Deposit in a life-changing way. We will consider doctrine in its fundamental catechetical components, the “keys” to the Deposit.
Ron Bolster
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 206)

10. (RCIA1) The Catechumenate: A Modern Restoration of an Ancient Practice
What is our purpose and goal as ministers in the Church in an RCIA process? To make new Catholics? To spread the Gospel? To run a good process? Our purpose and goal must transcend the “how” of RCIA and begin with the “why.” The restoration of the catechumenal process is a reflection of the Church’s wisdom in going back to a tried and true practice in order to lovingly bring people into her fold. It is a restoration of grace for those who are seeking Christ and His Church.
Bill Keimig
(Fieldhouse Performance Room, 2nd floor)

11. (RCIA2) Pastoring from the Initial Inquiry to the Rite of Election
Pastoring is an essential aspect of the RCIA process. To make sure that each individual is given the opportunity to be known and served by those tasked with their incorporation into the Catholic community it is essential to look at all the aspects of “pastoring” required.
Patty Norris
(Fieldhouse Baron Room, 2nd floor)

12. (YM 1) Personal Spirituality and the Call to Holiness
“Jesus thirsts; his asking arises from the depths of God’s desire for us.” (CCC 2560) Jesus not only desires to have a relationship with youth, but with youth ministers as well. In fact, God cares more about doing ministry to people than he cares about people doing ministry for others. This opening session focuses on God’s intense love for us, and places that personal relationship as the center for all our ministry.
Jim Beckman
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom A)

13. (YM 2) Our Life in Christ: The Basics of Catholic Morality
In the context of youth ministry, this workshop offers a summary outline of the basic principles of Catholic morality and how our moral life is rooted not merely in a code of ethics or set of rules, but profoundly in the Person of Jesus. The workshop discusses the major moral issues teens face today and equips youth ministers with the tools to establish a sure foundation for right moral living.
Dr. Eric Westby
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom B)

14. (RT) Reflections on How the Blessed Mother Mary Accompanies Us in This Vale of Tears
The sufferings and struggles of life can be overwhelming and may at times even tempt us to doubt or despair of God’s love. God did not promise to remove suffering from our life but He did promise a Mother who would accompany us in this ‘vale of tears’. Never was it known that anyone who fled to her protection, implored her help, or sought her intercession was left unaided. Let your confidence in our Mother of Mercy be strengthened or rekindled during this Bosco Retreat Session.
Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP

15. (OT) Kerygma and the Power of Testimony
Proclaiming the Kerygma is at the core of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. This workshop will explore what the Church means by the Kerygma and how we can work it into everyday encounters with friends, family and strangers by sharing our own testimonies of God’s action in our lives.
Scott Elmer
(Egan Hall – Room 213)

16. (OT) A Reasoned Defense of Male and Female and Traditional Marriage
The LGBTQ+ movement has swept through many of our culture-making institutions – entertainment, education, politics, media – radically changing how many people understand sex, gender, men, women and what it means to be human. How can we, as catechists, propose the Church’s luminous wisdom about who we are as human persons, created male and female in God’s image and likeness to a culture so confused and deceived? Using both faith and reason, let us attempt to begin answering that vital question.
Steve Greene
(St. Joseph Center: Totino Room)