Group Leaders

Weekend Responsibilities 

A group leader is the person who organized the trip and will serve as the contact person between Central Office and the group’s participants. The group leader must be an adult, age 21 or older, who is in attendance with the group at the conference for the entirety of the weekend.

Arrival and Check In

Only the group leader is to report to Central Office to check in the group. Check in begins at 11 a.m.  Group leaders must have one completed Liability Form per participant (including all adults). **The group leader should submit the completed/signed Acknowledgement and Verification Form prior to arrival. Groups without this form on file cannot be allowed onto the conference site.

Bus Drivers

Unless the bus driver is also registered as a chaperone with your group, he or she is not allowed onto the conference site.  The exception to this is the closing Mass on Sunday morning. Buses MUST drop off either in front of the Civic Center or on the main parking lot side. DO NOT DROP OFF PARTICIPANTS ON THE SKATE PARK SIDE.

Franciscan LEAD Participants

LEAD participants will be on the grounds of the conference site when group check in begins. However, the LEAD program does not conclude until 1 p.m. LEAD participants will need to be “checked out” and dismissed to the group leaders.  Group leaders should check at Central Office to connect with their LEAD participants Friday.

Group Leader Information Packet 

At check in, group leaders will receive their pizza pick-up vouchers (if pre-ordered), Sunday travel meal pick-up vouchers (if pre-ordered), group T-shirts (if pre-ordered), participant wristbands, and lanyards.

Religious should check in at the Religious Table if they arrive prior to 3:30 p.m.  After 3:30 p.m, religious will check in by the chapel. Those religious serving at the conference will be given free entry; any that plan to be participants will need to register as a participant. 

Dress Code

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. Low-cut tops, mini skirts, short shorts, leggings with a top of an appropriate length or clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are not allowed.

Emergency Contact

For emergencies 24 hours a day, call Shawn Lapeyrouse at 985-790-0505. For less urgent matters, call Lift 3:16, Inc. at 985-262-9064. Families may leave messages by calling 985-262-9064.