Wednesday Workshop 6 | 2:00pm – 3:15 pm

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Workshop 6:

1. (CM) Discipleship Pathway: Jesus’ Strategy for Renewal
Catholic leaders want to make disciples, evangelize well, and be fruitful. Many just don’t know how to do it intentionally. Without a clear plan on how to build disciples, they try to “make disciples” and when things don’t go as expected (e.g., there isn’t much conversion or spiritual maturity), they don’t know why things went wrong. This session will explore how to develop a pathway of discipleship and how every Catholic leader can be more intentional and fruitful in their work.
Marcel LeJeune
(JCWC: St. Leo Room)

2. (CT1) The Church Prays What She Believes: Liturgy in Catechesis
Mary Mosher
(JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

3. (CT2) The Blessed Virgin Mary
Scott Sollom
(JCWC: International Lounge)

4. (CS) Crafting Engaging Lessons for Religion Class
The Ecclesial Method allows catechists to proclaim a truth of the faith in a way that is both engaging and that evangelizes. This talk will outline the steps for the ecclesial method as well as give examples of how each step can be implemented in a catechetical setting, with a particular emphasis on its use in the classroom.
Katherine Finney
(Fieldhouse Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

5. (DO) Administration as Ministry
St. Paul lists administration as a gift to build up the Church (1Cor. 12: 28). Administration is often unsung and unnoticed, yet the harmony, communication, and collaboration necessary for ministry would suffer without it. This workshop will explore the importance of administrative work in service to the Church, the body of Christ.
Dr. Therese Recinella
(Egan Hall – Room 113)

6. (HFF) La Vocación de Oración en Familia: The Vocation of Prayer as a Family
La oración nutre la vida de la familia. Abre corazones, disuelve los resentimientos, inspira la gratitud y se convierte en una fuente de gracia, paz y alegría para toda la familia. Pero en nuestras vidas tan ocupadas y llenas de actividades individuales, ¿cómo se puede lograr la oración familiar? Este curso contestará la pregunta fundamental del, “¿porque debemos orar como familia?” y seguirá con herramientas prácticas de como orar como familia y como pareja.
Mary Ann Wiesinger
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 300)

7. (PCL1) First Penance and First Eucharist Preparation
William O’Leary
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Pugliese Auditorium)

8. (PCL2) Child Catechetical Methodologies and Learning Styles
Dr. Gerard O’Shea
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 206)

9. (RCIA1) The Challenge of Charity: Life in God’s Family
Fr. Derek Anderson, SOLT
(Fieldhouse Performance Room, 2nd floor)

10. (RCIA 2) Catechesis in Purification and Enlightenment: Preparing to Receive the Life of God
Bill Keimig
(Fieldhouse Baron Room, 2nd floor)

11. (YM 1) The Church, the Body of Christ: Working with Bishops, Pastors, Staff, and Parents
This workshop will focus on the calling that every baptized person receives, union with God himself and Love of neighbor! Providing practical tips on how to cope with the challenges that can arise in working with and serving bishops, pastors, parish and volunteer staff, and parents as we called and equipped by God. “For you are all one in Christ Jesus.” LG 32
Gina Bauer
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom A)

12. (YM 2) St. John Paul’s Understanding of the Family
The responsibility of passing on the faith to a young person begins first and foremost with his or her family, particularly the parents. St. John Paul II wrote that catechesis within the family has “a special character, which is in a sense irreplaceable (Familiaris Consortio #68).” Studies have found that a young person is more likely than not to reflect the religiosity of his or her parents. It is therefore essential that those in youth ministry understand their role in supporting families.
Dr. Eric Westby
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom B)

13. (OT) Love is in the Air – And its Redefinition is Killing Us
“Love makes the world go round. All you need is love. Love is a many splendid thing.” Sometimes people use the same word but mean something very different. As catechists and leaders we must help folks understand what–and Who–love is, and is not. This workshop helps us inculturate a key aspect of our Faith: specifically, love. In the name of love, please attend this session.
Ken Ogorek
(Finnegan Fieldhouse – Main Stage)

14. (OT) The Preventive System of St. John Bosco: Reason, Religion, and Kindness
Fr. Louis Molinelli, SDB
(Egan Hall – Room 213)

15. (OT) Distraction and Indifference: Looming Obstacles to Discipleship in Our Time
Dr. Chris Burgwald

16. (OT) Studying Scripture from the Heart of the Church: Genesis to Jesus
Kimberly Hahn
(St. Joseph Center: Totino Room)