Mission Youth

Mission Youth

Mission Statement
Mission Youth, engaging young people, adults and families, exists to spread Christ’s love through missions in the US and abroad serving communities in their specific needs. The encounter with Christ, others, and ourselves transforms and empowers us and those we serve.

Core Values
MY Missionaries leave their comfort zone and joyfully embrace the extreme conditions and sacrifice that the mission entails.
MY Missionaries are aware of their mission to spread the fire of Christ’s love by all of their words and actions.
MY Missionaries bring Christ’s message of salvation by their own joy and enthusiasm while on mission.
MY Missionaries embrace each person and culture, showing respect in their interactions with all the people they encounter on the mission trip.
MY Missionaries know that united with the team of missionaries, they will make a greater impact than what they could do alone.
Guiding Principles
MY missionaries bring the love of Christ on mission by bringing people to the sacraments, witnessing to the Gospel and engaging in humanitarian work.
MY missionaries respond to the real needs of the communities Mission Youth serves.
MY missionaries know that the mission brings together different people and cultures; being open to those relationships allows mutual enrichment and growth.
MY missionaries are aware that Mission Youth is a Catholic organization that offers moments of prayer and access to the sacraments while on mission.
MY missionaries are invited to take up the challenge of the mission to give the best of themselves and open their horizons.
MY missionaries should be aware of their surroundings and make decisions to ensure the safety of themselves and others while on mission.

Mission Youth and Regnum Christi
Mission Youth is a pastoral program directed by Regnum Christi, an apostolic movement recognized by the Universal Church.