Workshop Session 3: Tuesday, 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm

1.   Sacred Scripture: The Big Picture (CT1/ PCL2 / CS1/ HLT)  Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig  (Egan Hall, Room 113)

This session will introduce participants to biblical catechesis through an ancient catechetical technique: the use of the Story of the Bible. Often we fall into the habit of teaching individual topics without reference to the greater context of salvation history. In order to draw others into the life of God and the Church we have to help them make this Story of the Bible their own. Everything that the Church teaches makes sense when delivered within the context of the Story of the Bible.

2.   Analyzing Doctrine With Doctrinal Keys (CT2 / PCL2/ RCIA2)  Dr. Ron Bolster (Egan Hall, Room 213)

The Church expects her catechists and teachers to provide a complete and systematic delivery of the Deposit of Faith. But where is the time? Do you ever find yourself asking, “What must I teach? What do they have to know?” This workshop will introduce you to a technique of analyzing doctrine so that you can answer these questions with confidence and deliver the Deposit in a life-changing way. We will consider doctrine in its fundamental catechetical components, the “keys” to the Deposit.

3.   Teaching Catechesis for Conversion (PCL1/ CS1)  William O’Leary  (Cosmas & Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)

Catechesis should always seek to foster conversion. How can you catechize for conversion? This workshop will explore how one can teach toward conversion for young people and adults.

4.   Magisterial, Conciliar, and Catechetical Documents I (PCL2)  Dr. Martha Drennan (JCWC, St. Leo Room)

Details to come

5.   The Evangelizing Classroom (CS2/ PCL2) Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM   (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)

Details to come

6.   Catechetical Components of the Christian Initiation Process: Illuminating and Securing the Path of Faith (RCIA1)  Gary Norris (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)

This presentation will cover all the catechetical components of the RCIA/OCIA. The responsibilities of the team and the catechists will be covered with focus on what catechetical content is appropriate to each period. Discussion of differences in approach from period to period will assist RCIA/OCIA leaders and catechists to grasp what are the critical topics pertinent to each period and how to effectively and gradually complete each catechetical objective appropriate.

7.   Catechesis in the Mystagogy and the Neophyte Year (RCIA2) Patty Norris  (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)

The Sacraments of Initiation are just the beginning of a lifelong journey. The Mystagogy and the Neophyte year are essential to help the neophytes lean into the grace of the sacraments received. This workshop discusses ideas to facilitate on going conversion that will lead to a firm conviction and clear Catholic world view.

8.   Forming Teen Missionary Disciples (YM1)  Kris Franc  (FFH Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

Getting teens to a youth group event is an accomplishment. But helping them grow into a true disciple is the goal. This session will examine how we form young missionary disciples and give practical steps on how to facilitate opportunities that embolden and empower them after encountering Christ.

9.   The Necessity and Practice of Mental Prayer (HLT)  Jeremy Duo  (Cosmas and Damian, Room 206)

The Mysterium Mysteriorum: The mystery of mysteries. Here’s the one mystery that most people give up trying to understand before they even try. A mystery, however, is not something we cannot know anything about, but rather something that we cannot entirely understand. Yet, that does not mean that we cannot know some things–especially when those things have been revealed by God. Better yet, what we can know about the Most Blessed Trinity can forge our paths towards sanctity.

10.   Personnel is Policy (DO)  Ken Ogorek (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)

Getting the right person hired for any position is more than half the battle for the successful performance of important leadership jobs. This session offers practical tools and tips for interviewing, orienting, and providing meaningful supervision for your coworkers in the vineyard of evangelization and catechesis ministry. While no one bats a thousand when it comes to hiring, a few solid practices will go a long way toward forming and leading your effective team.

11.   Entering into the Sabbath Rest (RT)  Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP (CTK)

Pope St. John XXIII famously quipped that the job of being pope never disturbed his sleep because his last prayer of the day was: “It’s your Church, Lord. I’m going to bed.” So many of us do the work of God as it if all depends on us, and for this reason, we struggle with stress, discouragement, and “burn-out.” Maintaining peace in the midst of our work requires us to excel at the one thing necessary: being able to rest in the Lord.