Workshop 7

8:00am – 9:15am                    

Workshop 7:

1. (RT) The Gift of Spiritual Direction

Robert Siemens


2. (OT) Moving a Parish from a School Year Model to Forms of Outreach that Better Server Conversion

Dr. Doug Beaumont

(Egan: Room 113)

3. (OT) Men’s Ministry in Today’s Church

Justin Frato

(Cosmas & Damian: Pugliese Auditorium)

4. (OT) St. Frances De Sales and St. Ignatius Loyola as Mentors

Eric Gallagher

(Finnegan Fieldhouse: Baron Room, 2nd Floor)

5. (OT) How to Avoid Bad Meetings: A Strategy for Healthy Leadership Teams

Ann Lankford

(Cosmas & Damian: Room 206)

6. (OT) How to Effectively Proclaim the Kerygma and Invite a Response

Michael Hall/André Regnier/Marcel LeJeune

(Finnegan Fieldhouse)

7. (OT) Seeking to Help People Discover Their Personal Vocation Using the MCORE Approach

Dr. Joshua Miller

(Cosmas & Damian: Room 300)

8. (OT) The Preventive System of St. John Bosco in the Digital Age

Fr. Lou Molinelli, SDB

(JCWC: St. Leo Room)

9. (OT) When Leaders Sin: Why We Still Need the Holy, Catholic Church

Ken Ogorek

(Finnegan Fieldhouse: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)

10. (OT) Mentoring Within a Parish

Antoniette Pace

(Egan: Room 213)

11. (OT) Parish Renewal: Building an Evangelized and Evangelizing Faith Community

Tom Quinlan

(JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

12. (OT) How to Do Marriage Prep in High School Settings to Prepare Young People for Matrimonial Success

Chris Vaughn

(Finnegan Fieldhouse: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)

13. (OT) The Priest as Minister of the Word: What Every Catechetical Leader Needs to Know

Dr. Eric Westby

(St. Joseph Center: Classroom A)

14. (OT) Revisioning Infant Baptism Ministry in the Heart of the New Evangelization

Larann Wilson

(St. Joseph Center: Classroom B)