Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Scavenger Hunt

Hunt around your parish to find the following items. This can be done in small groups or individually. Ensure that every group has a camera of some kind, as some of the items require pictures! If you are participating from home, see how many of these you can find around your own house or neighborhood!

  • Statue/icon/image of Mary –  say a Memorare for someone you know that is sick
  • Favorite place to pray
  • Image/statue/medal of your patron saint – say a prayer, asking for their intercession
  • Depiction of the Holy Spirit (candle, dove image, etc.)
  • Crucifix – meditate on Christ’s Passion for a moment
  • Green space (flowers in or outside of church, backyard at home) – thank God for his beautiful creation
  • Sanctuary of your church – stop and pray
  • Something Franciscan (e.g., FUS gear, tau cross, three-knot rope, St. Francis statue, picture of Assisi
  • The most beautiful rosary you can find –say a decade of it for your parish or family community
  • Retreat/Steubenville T-shirt – share a memory with your group from that retreat/conference
  • Bible – take a picture of your favorite verse
  • Saint book – share your favorite quote from that saint
  • Encyclical or the Catechism
  • Your youth group or family (selfie time!)
  • Take a picture of your best chalk art and submit it (mentions us and use the hashtag #Steubielive)
  • Take a picture outside the sacristy and say an Our Father for the priests
  • Take a picture with the vocations poster and pray for vocations
  • Take a picture of your favorite piece of art/statue in your church or your home

Virtual Scavenger Hunt at Home

You don’t need to leave the house to have a fun scavenger hunt! This list has many items that are probably already in your houses (or fridges!). To raise the stakes, try offering a prize to the first person in your group to submit pictures of everything on the list. The list below is just suggestions, so feel free to get creative and make your own list for your group or family!

  • Soy sauce
  • Steubenville T-shirt from last year
  • A family pet
  • A stuffed animal
  • The biggest coffee mug you can find
  • A textbook
  • A board game
  • A piece of sports equipment
  • A pool noodle
  • A box of pasta
  • A candle
  • A decorative pillow
  • A houseplant
  • A magnet
  • A deck of cards
  • A flashlight
  • Toilet paper (extra points for every roll)
  • A toaster
  • Chips and salsa