How to Pray with Someone

  1. Ask the person if anyone has ever prayed with them before. If not, first explain prayer ministry and intercession: It is asking someone to pray for them, and instead of the other person praying alone later, he or she will pray for them out loud right away.  
  2. Ask them if there is anything specific on their heart for which they would like prayers.  
  3. Begin with prayers of gratitude for the person, for God’s love of them, and for what God is doing in their heart.  
  4. Offer their intentions out loud. Always bring them to Christ and direct your prayer and focus to him. 
  5. Note: If a Scripture or an image comes to mind that might be helpful for the person, discern whether it will be received well. If you decide to share it, make sure to explain that God will sometimes speak through Scripture or images and encourage them to continue to pray with it and see how God is speaking to them through it.  
  6. Close the time with a prayer that can be prayed out loud together (Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be, etc.).  
  7. Encourage them to continue to seek God in prayer. Also, encourage them to continue to talk with someone about what God is doing in their life and, if needed, help them to seek additional help through counseling, spiritual direction, mentorship, etc.