Praying for & with One Another

Individual Prayer

  • Share your prayer intentions through the Steubenville Live app. We will offer these intentions at Mass during the conference. Pray for the intentions that others have shared! This is an opportunity to be connected through prayer while physically apart.  
  • Ask your parents or siblings to pray with you. You can share your intentions out loud and end with an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.  

Family/Group Prayer

  • Invite everyone to share their own prayer intentions.  
  • If everyone is comfortable, one person can open with a prayer, and each person can pray specifically for their intentions in their own words.  
  • Pray the Litany of Trust, Rosary, or the Divine Mercy Chaplet together. (The “Prayers” button on the Steubenville Live app provides these and many other prayers that can be prayed out loud together!)