Thematic Overview

Friday Night | Jesus Our Hope

Jesus Christ is our hope. He is present to us, even if we do not always feel his presence. Through the Scripture passage about the calming of the storm at sea (Luke 8:22-25), we want to illustrate that Jesus is present in the storms both within us and outside of us. Our hope is in him alone; this offers us great peace and joy. This hope is an anchor to our soul.

Saturday Session 1 | Hope Does Not Disappoint

Jesus offers us a hope that does not disappoint. When we place our hope in worldly things or idols, they will fail and disappoint us. God is faithful to his promises, and to fully see that, we must understand what God has promised us. We will unpack God’s promises and offer practical ways to fully trust in God’s faithfulness–what it means to truly have living hope.

Saturday Session 2 | Hope in Prayer

Our prayer life is the foundation of our relationship with Jesus Christ. In times of trial, we turn to him, our rock. We want to share why and how to pray, especially in the midst of suffering and uncertainty. “My soul, be at rest in God alone, from whom comes my hope” (Psalm 62:5).

Saturday Session 3 | Hope Alive

By his death and resurrection, Jesus has overcome sin and death. He is alive and invites us to share in his life. Through the Scripture story of Jesus calling Peter to step out of his boat and walk on water, we want to illustrate Jesus’ call for each us to keep our eyes fixed on him and hope in him in the midst of fear. Jesus sends his Holy Spirit to give us courage and strength to step out of the boat and hope in him.