Mark Joseph

I had a great upbringing, the oldest of four boys to two loving parents. Married right after college, we had three kids in six years. I bought a business at 27 and grew it moderately over 10 years before hitting the proverbial homerun.

Although things looked good from the outside, I was never satisfied. I was chasing the American dream. I was incapable of living in the moment, always pushing for more, striving for what I hadn’t already achieved. The pace crowded out the peace.

I then suffered significant tragedy, where I was literally forced to my knees, in need of real help. Quite unexpectedly in March, 2006, I experienced conversion, really feeling the unconditional love of God for the first time in my life. My journey began there.

Having become passionate about my faith, I felt a real call to leave the commercial world to go to work for the Catholic Church, joining Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2012. Today I work as the Vice President of Outreach and Evangelization at the University, where I am part of a team that gets to evangelize, educate, and empower, all by God’s grace, tens of thousands every year.

Given what I’ve learned and how the message resonates with so many, all by the grace of God, I’ve become committed to helping others.

I’ve written a book, which was published in August, 2018 by Our Sunday Visitor, and launched this web site. I blog, speak, and work with people who are overwhelmed by life to understand that they are made for greatness, coaching them through the process that leads to peace, joy, and fulfillment.

I am married to my best friend, Cyndi, and have three adult children, two son-in-laws, one soon to be daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter. Cyndi and I live outside of Pittsburgh, PA., where our passions are faith, family, health, and fitness.