Workshop Session 6: Wednesday, 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm

1.    Recruiting, Training, and Forming Volunteers II (PCL1) Dr. Martha Drennan (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)

Details to come

2.   Philosophical Foundations of Catechesis (PCL2 / CT1)  Dr. Ron Bolster (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)

Details to come

3.   Pastoral Components of the Christian Initiation Process: From Initial Motivation to Firm Conviction to a Catholic Worldview (RCIA1)  Patty Norris (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)

Pastoring is a key component of the RCIA process. This workshop addresses this aspect which is both extremely personal and very practical. How do we address all the different needs and circumstances that are present in each new inquirer and how does the Church guide us in this respect? These areas and more will be addressed.

4.   Discernment Process for Participant’s Readiness for the Rites (RCIA2)  Lori Smith (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)

Please request talk description from Bill Keimig for the RCIA Track description of this workshop.

5.   Holy Spirit, Converter of Hearts (CT2 / YM2)  Fr. Jay Mello (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)

Beginning with Pentecost, we will look at the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church and in particular the role of the Holy Spirit in the new evangelization and the work of the Church today. The Holy Spirit empowers us as disciples to have the important and sometimes difficult conversations about the faith with the people in our lives. Jesus promised us that the Spirit would guide us and give us the words when in these situations.

6.  The Evangelist’s Toolbelt: Practical Skills Needed to Evangelize (YA)  Marcel LeJeune (JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

How do we evangelize? What are the best tools that a Catholic evangelist should use? What are the strategies and tactics that work in helping transform modern people? What does conversion look like? How can we reach those far from God? Get practical, everyday tools and tips about what actually works outside of just running another video program at your parish for the same folks who always show up for everything. Find out how to reach the lost, help lead others to Jesus, and evangelize others.

7.  Theology of the Body for Teens (YM1)  Gina Bauer (Egan Hall, 213))

Details to come

8.  Virtuous Leadership – Patience, Perseverance, Graciousness, Humility (HLT)  Paco Gavrilides (Cosmas and Damian, 206)

Details to come

9.    Planning and Execution in a Diocesan Setting (DO)  Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)

Effective strategic planning is critical for achieving the results that we desire. But how do we create a realistic plan that can be executed with the resources that we are given? How do we prioritize our projects so that our best resources and time are going to the most important things? How can we be reasonably sure that our plan is God’s will? Join us for this workshop where we will tackle these questions and more as we engage in ministry in our time.

10.    Integrated Family Catechesis: Multiple Models for Honoring the Role of Parents as First Witnesses of the Faith  Dr. Joseph White (Egan Hall, 113)

An ever-present question in parish and school religious education is how to move beyond a child-only focus to a model of formation that supports parents as the first and most important catechists. While no single approach is ideal for every parish or school, some best practices have arisen for forming families and equipping parents in this God-given vocation. In this session, we’ll discuss various models that integrate parents and family life in religious education in effective and meaningful ways.

11.    Sexual Identity Disorders   Dr. Andrew Sodergren (FFH)

Details to come