St. Scholastica Monastery

We, the Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery, Duluth, Minnesota, are monastic women who seek God in community through a life of prayer and work. Living in accordance with the Gospel, the Rule of St. Benedict, and the General and Specific Norms of the Monastic Congregation of St. Benedict, we respond to the needs of the Church and the world through our ministries.

Our days are centered on communal and personal prayer and on the meditative reading of scripture. As we grow ever closer to Christ, our eyes and ears are opened to others around us, and we hear God’s calling to become Christ in our human relationships. Thus our prayer leads directly to ministry and work.

Work is key to Benedictine spirituality. It is through creative and productive work that we become co-creators of God’s world. In St. Benedict’s time, only slaves and the poor had to work. St. Benedict, on the other hand, saw work as redemptive and creative, a way to pray while using one’s God-given talents. We encourage each other to develop our individual talents and rejoice in the sharing of these gifts through our variety of ministries.
