Dress Guidelines

Partnership for Youth requests that all participants adhere to the following guidelines regarding modest dress.
Please note that it is the responsibility of group leaders and chaperones to address these guidelines with their teens. Conference staff and volunteers will not personally address modesty with participants unless there is a gross violation.

Please avoid the following:
*Shorts, skirts, or dresses shorter than 5 inches above the knee while standing, or that are tight, drawing attention to the shape of the body.
*Shirts that reveal midriff or are low cut from the neck area.
*Leggings, yoga pants and tights, unless paired with a long loose fit ting tunic or dress.
*Rolling up of skirts or shorts at the leg or waistband.
*Pants or shorts that say to the point where they reveal one’s undergarments.
*Clothing that may appear to have an anti-Christian message or with writings that include crude language, promotion of alcohol or drug use, or suggestive material of a crude or a sexual nature.
*”Free Hugs” signs and shirts.

*Shoes must be worn at all time.
*During all Liturgies and prayers, out of respect, every male must remove any headwear. This includes all hats, visors, headbands, bandanas, etc.
*Individuals serving in any capacity during the liturgical celebrations are asked to wear long pants or a long skirt and an appropriate shirt.
*Dancing that appears inappropriate or vulgar will not be permitted.