Missing Teen Policy

It is our primary goal to keep all young people safe while attending a Partnership for Youth Steubenville
Youth Conference. In the unlikely event of a teen being reported missing during the conference:

  • PFY Safety/Security Coordinator is notified
  • Gather details regarding when/where/by whom the youth was last seen
  • Confirm teen’s access to cell phone/internet/other communication
  • Security will check First Aid Station, Counselor, and Housing locations
  • After 30 minutes, notify venue safety/security staff
    o With venue staff determine when police are called
    o Once police have been notified, they will take over
  • After 60 minutes, Group Leader will be required to notify parent/guardian
  • Once teen is found, escort youth to Group Leader and request that parent/guardian be notified
  • Depending on circumstances, teen may be sent home