Saturday Afternoon Questions

Goal: to show how Jesus, through his cross and Resurrection, has overcome sin and death by suffering with us. Through this session, our hope is to continue to remove barriers and develop an expectant and eager faith in Christ. 

Saturday Afternoon Keynote Scripture: Luke 22:39-46 (Agony in the Garden) & John 20:11-18 (Appearance to Mary Magdalene) 


  • Which “Garden” do you find yourself in? Why? 
    • Gethsemane – life sometimes feels really dark or heavy; there may be a lot going on that’s overwhelming and stressful; lack in trust that God is who he says he is. 
    • Eden – distant from God, feeling cut off, abandoned, or that you cannot approach God as a Father or friend. 
    • Empty Tomb – there’s joy and a feeling of closeness with Jesus. While issues may exist, they may not feel so intimidating. 
  • What is preventing you or what hesitations do you have when thinking about entering into and embracing the garden of the empty tomb? 
  • What do you hope that the Holy Spirit will ‘transform’ in your life? What areas of darkness do you want him to bring light into? 
    • For the small group leader: briefly share a time when you experienced the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in your life. What was that like? What did you feel or experience? How was life different after? 


  • What stood out to you in praying through the Scripture of the appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene? 
  • Was that experience of praying with Scripture new? What did you enjoy/ find difficult? 


  • What was your adoration experience like this afternoon? 
  • What did God do in your heart during eucharistic adoration? Did he speak or reveal anything specifically to you? 
    • Help the youth understand that, even if they didn’t feel anything, God is still working in their lives and calling them to an intimate relationship with him. 
  • Has your image of Jesus changed after the talk and eucharistic adoration? How? 
  • Do you have any questions about what you experienced? 
  • What is different about the light/ meaning/ purpose Jesus provides as opposed to that which is offered by other things in our lives that appear to provide light/ meaning/ purpose? 
  • Did Jesus illuminate any particular areas of your life which felt previously dark?