Servants of Christ Jesus

Meet the Servants of Christ Jesus in the Marketplace at their booth!

Servants of Christ Jesus (

With Zeal for a New Evangelization, we desire to help souls respond to Jesus by means of preaching, teaching, spiritual exercises, administration of the Sacraments, and assistance to the poor.

When Jesus is our first love, we find ourselves beloved lovers of God.

We are a missionary men’s community, helping souls meet and love Jesus as Lord.
We practice prayerful and penitential chastity, poverty and obedience in the footsteps of our Savior. We are inspired by St. Francis of Assisi and St. Ignatius Loyola in fraternity and apostolic generosity.
We evangelize and disciple youth, preach retreats, train missionaries, and provide spiritual direction. We live and work in Denver, and we are on mission wherever He calls us.
We die to ourselves, to live for Christ and for His Bride, the Holy Catholic Church.

We are the Servants of Christ Jesus.