Assistance | First Aid | Emergencies


Our staff and student workers are eager to help you and are identified with applicable attire. For general conference questions, please ask someone wearing a staff shirt or call 740. 283.6801. For nighttime on-campus needs, contact your housing host. Student hosts are available on the main floor of each residence hall.

First Aid

It is very important that the Youth and the Chaperones look after their physical well-being throughout the conference weekend.

It is very important that youth and the chaperones look after their physical well-being throughout the conference weekend.

Water stations are available across campus, be sure to stay hydrated!

For all medical needs, please go to the First Aid Station, located in the J.C. Williams Center.  For help, find a Member of the Conference Staff. 

  • Medical personnel are available 24 hours a day during the conference.
  • Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the medical staff.
  • Youth requiring first aid must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.
  • Everyone should know the name of their group leader when going to First Aid.  This will ensure a quick recovery of Liability Release Form for the medical team’s reference. 
  • During the session times, youth will not be allowed into the housing facilities.  If they are not feeling well, they must go to First Aid.
  • We are not authorized to dispense medicines, including Tylenol and Advil.  Anyone needing these medicines can purchase them in the Bookstore located in the lower level of the J.C. Williams Center.  Any medicines that need to be refrigerated can be kept in the First Aid area.
  • Only the most basic service can be provided in the First Aid Center.  Anyone requiring more than one hour of medical attention will be sent to a local hospital.
  • If transportation to the hospital is necessary, a chaperone must accompany the youth, provide support to the youth, and assist in notifying the parents/legal guardian. 
  • Visitors will not be permitted in the First-Aid station except for the accompanying chaperone.

Emergency Contact

  • In case of a life-threatening emergency, call 911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone. Please note that some campus phones require dialing “9” to access an outside line.
  • In case of an emergency that is not life-threatening, call Jefferson Security at 740.283.6911 (or at Extension 6911 from a campus phone), the University operator (0), or locate a staff member.
  • The general number for security is 740.283.6333.

Evacuation Plan 

Throughout the conference weekend, conference staff will be monitoring the weather.  

In the case of a declared weather WARNING in Jefferson County, an emergency will automatically be declared.  The evacuation procedures (whether during a session or otherwise) will be immediately implemented.

If you discover an emergency situation, please contact the nearest staff member.

In the case of an emergency, please listen to our staff and security personnel. They will be giving directions as to where you should go and what you should do.