The Portiuncula Chapel

The Portiuncula
Located behind Christ the King Chapel.

“Rebuild My Church”
When St. Francis heard those words from the mouth of the Lord, speaking through the San Damiano crucifix in a small, dilapidated church, he took them to mean simply rebuilding that and other church structures like it. That first tiny Portiuncula, a holy place and the center of St. Francis’ activity, is recreated here on Franciscan’s campus as a grace-filled haven for quiet meditation and eucharistic adoration.

Additional Use of the Portiuncula
The Portiuncula is mainly reserved for quiet prayer and adoration. Any vocal prayer is not encouraged in the Portiuncula itself. However, sites outside of the main chapel such as the Marian Grotto, Tomb of the Unborn Child, créche, and Stations of the Cross are available for vocal prayer.

Flash Photography
To preserve the peace and calm that the Portiuncula provides those who wish to pray without distraction, flash photography and video recording are not permitted. If you are required to record for news purposes, public relations, or class projects, the Office of Chapel Ministry must approve this in advance.