Friday Evening Questions

Goal: To invite young people into an open, honest moment of self-reflection on their own faith. Have them ask the question, first, “Do I truly believe in God?” and second, “Do I trust God?”.

Friday Night Keynote Scripture: Mark 10:46-52 (The Healing of the Blind Man, Bartimaeus).

Entering into the Conference Weekend:

  • Where are you (physically, spiritually, emotionally) coming into this conference weekend?
  • What are two words you would use to describe your relationship with God right now?
  • How have you seen Jesus working in your life during the past few months?

Experience of Praise and Worship:

  • Describe your experience of praise and worship this evening.
    • What was something the worship leader said that struck you? Have you ever prayed like this before? What did you enjoy about this style of prayer? Why? What was difficult about praying like this? Why?


  • What struck you from the Gospel reading of Jesus Healing the Blind Man, Bartimaeus
    • Who do you relate with most in the story? Why?
    • What are those things in your life rebuking you and telling you to be silent? What are those things in your life attempting to undermine your understanding of Jesus?
  •  Just as Jesus comes to Bartimaeus and brings light/ restores his sight, we have those things in our lives which provide meaning/ purpose/ light. What are those?
    • Do these things, in turn, illuminate God or obscure Him? Do they help us see God for who he really is? Or, do they make us blind to who he is?
  • If you could pick two words to describe who God is to you/ your relationship with him, what words would you pick? Why?
  • If Jesus were to ask you the same question he asked Bartimaeus, “What can I do for you?” how would you respond? What would you ask for?
  • For the small group leader: we encourage you to share parts of your story of how Jesus came and brought sight to your own life. At the end of this small group session, please share your story with your young people. In addition, invite them to share their own stories of how Jesus has worked, or hope he will work, in their life this weekend.