Buses / Parking

Car/Van Parking
All vehicles carrying 15 or fewer passengers should use the S. Granada Ave. entrance and take a right before the main entrance circle to enter Lot B.

Please use ONLY the 1st-3rd parking lanes to park personal vehicles.  The spaces beyond the 3rd parking lane are reserved for bus staging and parking.

Bus Staging
Buses must use the W. Cushing St. entrance to El Paso Ave.  Buses should then make an immediate left into Lot B.

The 4th-6th parking lanes in Lot B will be the bus staging area.  If your bus is not going to be parked on site for the day, please use those lanes to unload/load your groups. Volunteers will be on hand to assist with directing traffic.
Your driver can stage the bus for loading no earlier than 30 minutes prior to dismissal and must stay with the bus while waiting.

Bus Parking
A limited number of bus parking spaces are available in the 7th parking lane of Lot B for those needing to park the bus on site for the day.

Pedestrian Safety
When crossing the street between Lot B and the main entrance, please be sure your teens pay attention to traffic.

Click here for the Parking Map.