Trent Horn

Trent Horn earned a master’s degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville following his conversion to the Catholic faith. He is currently pursuing a graduate degree in philosophy from Holy Apostles College. He serves as a staff apologist for Catholic Answers and specializes in teaching Catholics to graciously and persuasively engage those who disagree with them. Trent models that approach on the radio program Catholic Answers Live, where he dialogues with atheists, pro-choice advocates, and others. Trent is also a lecturer who travels throughout the world speaking on subjects related to the Catholic faith, the co-host of Hearts and Minds, and the author of nine books.



The Eucharistic Chapel is located in Coach Commons and is open from 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., except during Mass times.   

Emergencies/First Aid/Lost & Found


Please call UST Public Safety for emergencies at 651-962-5555; Public Safety will contact further emergency assistance if needed. Please also call them for medical emergency during non-conference hours (11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). For Medical assistance during conference visit First Aid located in the lower level of the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex.

For non-medical emergencies 24 hours a day or for less urgent matters, call Amy Cummings 651-231-6815.

First Aid

For all medical needs between 7:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m., please go to the First-Aid Station located in the Tommy room in the lower level of Anderson Athletic and Recreation Center (AARC). Call UST Public Safety, 651-962-5555, after conference hours. Youth requiring first-aid care must be accompanied by an adult. Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the first-aid staff.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located in the Field House. If you realize after the conference that you lost something, call 952-224-0333 within two weeks to claim your items.


Smoking Policy

Except for designated outside areas, all conference venues are smoke-free facilities. During the sessions we ask all participants, including adult chaperones, to refrain from smoking. 


Dress Code

Dress Code

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. TOPS: no low-cut, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, sleeveless, or off the shoulder. BOTTOMS: no miniskirts or short shorts—the hemline must be at fingertip-length or below when arms are hanging at the side. NOTE: Yoga or athletic pants are OK but only when worn WITH a fingertip length modest tunic. Absolutely no clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures is allowed. In addition, all clothing must cover midriffs and undergarments.

Dr. Edward Sri

Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, author, and well-known speaker who presents to people around the world. He has written several best-selling books, including No Greater Love; Who Am I to Judge?, Walking with Mary, and his latest, The Art of Living: The Cardinal Virtues and the Freedom to Love. He is the presenter of several faith formation programs, including Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained. With Curtis Martin, he is a co-founder of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and currently serves as senior vice president of Apostolic Outreach. Dr. Sri leads pilgrimages to Rome and the Holy Land and hosts “All Things Catholic podcast.” He and his wife, Elizabeth, are blessed with eight children and reside in Littleton, Colorado.


Steve Angrisano

As a speaker and music missionary, Steve Angrisano has been featured at major events in every diocese of the United States including countless Steubenville youth conferences. His passionate message of faith, hope, and love is masterfully woven throughout his music, speaking, and storytelling. Steve’s easy, honest style of ministry is born from who he is: a committed witness to the life and love of Jesus Christ.



6:30 am – 7:45 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fr. Drake McCalister (CTK)

6:00 am – 8:00 am

Breakfast (Antonian Hall)

7:30 am – 1:00 pm

Media Sales  (FFH Lobby)

7:30 am

Doors Open  (Workshop Venues)

8:00 am – 9:15 am                    

Workshop 7:

  1. Fidelity to God and Humanity: How the Human Sciences can Inform Religious Education
    Dr. Joseph White (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)
  2. Catechesis in the Period of Purification and Enlightenment (RCIA2)
    Lori Smith (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)
  3. Following God’s Pedagogy: Principles for Children’s Catechesis
    Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP (JCWC, Gentile Gallery)
  4. The Evangelist’s Toolbelt: Practical  Skills Needed to Evangelize (YA) – Marcel LeJeune (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)
  5. Effective Ways to Grow Parish and School Leaders Toward the Church’s Discipleship Vision with the Catechetical Institute (DO)
    Dr. Mark Ginter (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)
  6. Our Life in Christ: The Basics of Catholic Morality (CT2 / YM2)
    Dr. Eric Westby (Egan Hall, 113)
  7. The Ancient School of Alexandria: What Can We Learn for Our Catechesis and Evangelization
    Dr. Petroc Willey (Egan Hall, 213)
  8. The Deposit of Faith: An Introduction to the Catechism (HLT) – Dr. Marlon de la Torre (Cosmas and Damian, 206)
  9. Discernment of Spirits (RT)
    Sr. Mary Madeline Todd, OP (FFH)
  10. Undivided Love; We are Worth the Fight: St. John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, Mulieris Dignitatem Gina Bauer(Cosmos and Damian, Room 300)
  11. Biblical Catechetics (CS1) Jose Gonzales (CTK)

9:15 am – 9:45 am

Transition Time

9: 45 am – 12:30 pm

Gathering Music  Steubenville Worship
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Celebrant/Homilist: Bishop Andrew Cozzens
Keynote: The Liturgy: An Encounter that Leads to Revival and Renewal”
Dr. James Pauley

12:30 pm

Third of Three Diocesan Leaders’ Luncheon
Bishop Tebartz-Van Elst  (Antonian Hall, Schiappa Boardroom)

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Lunch  (Antonian Hall)



6:30 am – 7:45 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation  Fr. Drake Mc Calister (CTK)

6:30 am – 8:30 am

Breakfast  (Antonian Hall)

7:00 am

Catechetical Institute Diocesan Officials‘ Breakfast  (JCWC, Gentile Gallery)

7:30 am – 2:00 pm

Media Sales  (FFH)

8:00 am

Doors Open  (FFH)

8:30 am – 10:30 am

Spiritual Direction Available  (Meet at Entrance of CTK)
*For those registered in the Retreat Track ONLY. Sign-up available in Christ the King Chapel.

8:30 am – 9:00 am

Divine Office – Morning Prayer  (Liturgy Committee)

9:00 am – 10:15 am     

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Celebrant/Homilist:  Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz Van Elst

10: 45 am – Noon    

Workshop 4: 

  1. The Ecclesial Method (CT1 / RCIA2)  Dr. James Pauley (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)
  2. Praying With Scripture: Lectio Divina (CT2) Teresa Hawes (Egan Hall, 113)
  3. The Essential Link Between Liturgy and Catechesis (PCL1 / CS1 / RCIA1 / CT1) William O’Leary (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)
  4. Developing a Missionary Mindset (YA) Marcel LeJeune (JCWC, Gentile Gallery)
  5. Kerygmatic Accompaniment With Teenagers (YM1) Dr. Bob Rice (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)
  6. How to Avoid Bad Meetings (DO) Ken Ogorek (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)
  7. Introduction to Educating in Christ  Dr. Gerard O’Shea (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)
  8. Developing a Vision for the Domestic Church Dr. Greg Popcak (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)
  9. Attachment and Morality: A Catholic View of the Human Person Dr. Andrew Sodergren (Cosmas and Damian, Room 206)
  10. Organizational Health and Building a Cohesive Leadership Team  Paco Gavrilides (JCWC, St. Leo Room)

Noon – 2:00 pm

Lunch  (Antonian Hall)

12:00 pm

Second of Three Diocesan Leaders’ Luncheon with
Bishop Tebartz Van Elst  
(Antonian Hall, Schiappa Boardroom)

1:00 – 1:45 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation  (CTK)

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Spiritual Direction Available  (Meet at Entrance of CTK)
*For those registered in the Retreat Track ONLY. Sign-up available in  Christ the King Chapel.

1:00 pm

Doors Open  (Workshop Venues)

2:00 – 5:30 pm

Eucharistic Adoration  (CTK)

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Workshop 5:

  1. Scripture: The Heart of Catechesis (CT1 / RCIA1) Dr. Eric Westby (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)
  2. Liturgy and Catechetical Methodology (CT2 / CS2) Dr. Amy Roberts (Egan Hall, 113)
  3. Recruiting, Training, and Forming Volunteers I (PCL1)  Dr. Martha Drennan (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)
  4. The Catechumenate: Paradigm for All Catechesis (PCL2 / RCIA2) Gigi Zapiain (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)
  5. The Preventive System of St. John Bosco (CS1)  Fr. Lou Molinelli, SDB (Cosmas and Damian, Room 206)
  6. Vocational Discernment With Teenagers (YM1)  Gina Bauer (Egan Hall, 213)
  7. An Interconnected Net: Intra and Extra-Parish Ministries With Teens (YM2)Kris Frank (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)
  8. Prayer: The Foundation of Mission (YA)  Marcel LeJeune (JCWC: Gentile Gallery)
  9. Working With Priests (DO)  Ann Lankford (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)
  10. Teaching the Eucharist to Children  Dr. Gerard O’Shea (FFH)

3:15 pm – 3:45 pm

Transition Time

3:45 pm – 5: 00 pm

Workshop 6:

  1. Recruiting, Training, and Forming Volunteers II (PCL1)  Dr. Martha Drennan (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)
  2. Philosophical Foundations of Catechesis (PCL2 / CT1) Dr. Ron Bolster (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)
  3. Pastoral Components of the Christian Initiation Process: From Initial Motivation to Firm Conviction to a Catholic Worldview (RCIA1) Patty Norris (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)
  4. Discernment Process for Participant’s Readiness for the Rites (RCIA2)  Lori Smith (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)
  5. Holy Spirit, Converter of Hearts (CT2 / YM2) Fr. Jay Mello (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)
  6. Theology of the Body for Teens (YM1)  Gina Bauer (Egan Hall, 213)
  7. Virtuous Leadership – Patience, Perseverance, Graciousness, Humility (HLT) Paco Gavrilides (Cosmas and Damian, 206)
  8. Planning and Execution in a Diocesan Setting (DO) Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)
  9. Integrated Family Catechesis: Multiple Models for Honoring the Role of Parents as First Witnesses of the Faith  Dr. Joseph White (Egan Hall, 113)
  10. Sexual Identity Disorders  Dr. Andrew Sodergren (FFH)
  11. Teaching the Art  (CS1) Jose Gonzales (JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Dinner  (Antonian Hall)

5:30 pm – 6:45pm

Online Student Happy Hour (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

5:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Media Sales  (FFH)

5:45 pm 

Doors Open  (FFH)

6:45 pm – 7:00 pm

Gathering Music  Steubenville Worship

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


Praise and Worship  Steubenville Worship
Keynote:  “Encounter and Mission at the Heart of Evangelizing Catechesis: How the Eucharistic Revival Is Helping the Church Fulfill Her Evangelistic Mission”  Bishop Andrew Cozzens

9:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Social  (JCWC)
Complimentary popcorn and snow cones.



6:30 am – 7:45 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation  Fr. Drake McCalister (CTK)

6:30 am – 8:30 am

Breakfast  (Antonian Hall)

8:00 am – 9:00 am

Track Check-In  (St. Joseph’s Center, Totino Room)

8:00 am – Noon

Registration Open  (St. Joseph Center, Seminar Room)

8:00 am

Doors Open  (FFH)

8:30 am – 9:00 am

Divine Office – Morning Prayer  

9:00 am – 10:15 am   

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
:  Fr. Matthew Gossett

10:45 am – Noon

Workshop 1 

  1. Catechesis for Conversion: The Kerygmatic Approach (CT1) Marc Cardaronella (JCWC, Gentile Gallery)
  2. The Church: Dispenser of the Mysteries and Guardian of the Deposit of Faith (CT2)  Fr. Drake McCalister (Egan Hall, Room 113)
  3. Personality and Profile of the Successful PCL (PCL1)  Gigi Zapiain (Cosmas & Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)
  4. Catechesis for Persons With Disabilities (PCL2)  Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)
  5. The Mission of Catholic Schools and the Role of Teachers (CS1)  Dr. Amy Roberts (Egan Hall, Room 213)
  6. The Catechumenal Process: A Modern Restoration of an Ancient Practice (RCIA1)  Dr. Scott Sollom (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)
  7. Forming Souls Through Small Groups (RCIA2)  Ann Lankford (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)
  8. The Spirituality of the Youth Minister (YM1)  Dr. Bob Rice (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)
  9. The Liturgical Nature and Sacramental Life of the Church (YM2)  Dr. James Pauley (JCWC, St. Leo Room)
  10. Relational Administration and Accompaniment in Diocesan Ministry(DO)
    Chris Burgwald (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)
  11. Contemplative Prayer (RT) Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP and Teresa Hawes (FFH)

Noon – 2:00 pm

Lunch  (Antonian Hall and JCWC Tent)

12:00 pm

First of Three Diocesan Leaders’ Luncheon  Bishop Tebartz-Van Elst  (Antonian Hall, Schiappa Boardroom)

1:00 – 1:30 pm

Information Session: Discipleship Quads and Parish Missions          Martin Watjen (JCWC: Gallery)

1:00 pm – 1:45 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation  (CTK)

1:30 pm

Doors Open  (Workshop Venues)

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Workshop 2  

  1. Jesus: The Christocentricity of Catechesis (CT1)  Marc Cardaronella (JCWC, Gentile Gallery)
  2. The Four Last Things (CT2 / CS2)  Dr. Mark Ginter (Egan Hall, Room 113)
  3. The Kerygma: Key Doctrines (PCL1 / CS1 / YA)  Fr. Drake McCalister (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)
  4. Legal Issues for PCLs: Ecclesial & Civil (PCL2)  Gigi Zapiain (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)
  5. Liturgical Components of the Christian Initiation Process: Gateways and Sources of Grace for Conversion (RCIA1)  Gary Norris (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)
  6. Catechesis in the Catechumenate: Faith, Hope, and Love (RCIA2)  Dr. Scott Sollom (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)
  7. The Role of the Family and Community in Youth Ministry (YM1)  Gina Bauer (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)
  8. The Church Goes Forth: Missionary Outreach to Teens (YM2)  Kris Frank (JCWC, St. Leo Room)
  9. The Six Types of Working Genius: A Resource for Diocesan Leadership Teams (DO)  Dr. Chris Burgwald (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)
  10. The Trinity: Developing a Relationship With God in Daily Life (HLT)  Jeremy Duo (Cosmas and Damian, 206)
  11. Contemplative Study (RT)  Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP(CTK)

3:15 pm – 3:45 pm

Transition Time

3:45 pm – 5:00 pm

Workshop 3

  1. Sacred Scripture: The Big Picture (CT1 / PCL2 / CS1 / HLT)  Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig (Egan, 113)
  2. Analyzing Doctrine With Doctrinal Keys (CT2 / PCL2 / RCIA2)  Dr. Ron Bolster (Egan, Room 213)
  3. Teaching Catechesis for Conversion (PCL1 / CS1)  William O’Leary (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)
  4. Magisterial, Conciliar, and Catechetical Documents I (PCL2)  Dr. Martha Drennan (JCWC: St. Leo Room)
  5. The Evangelizing Classroom (CS2 / PCL2)  Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)
  6. Catechetical Components of the Christian Initiation Process: Illuminating and Securing the Path of Faith (RCIA1)  Gary Norris (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)
  7. Catechesis in the Mystagogy and the Neophyte Year (RCIA2)  Patty Norris (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)
  8. Forming Teen Missionary Disciples (YM1)  Kris Frank (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)
  9. The Necessity and Practice of Mental Prayer (HLT)  Jeremy Duo (Cosmas and Damian, 206)
  10. Personnel is Policy (DO)  Ken Ogorek (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)
  11. Entering into the Sabbath Rest (RT)  Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP (CTK)

5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

Online Student Happy Hour (JCWC: Gallery)  *Pre-Registration required

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Dinner  (Antonian Hall and JCWC Tent)

5:45 pm

Doors Open  (FFH)

6:45 pm – 7:00 pm

Gathering Music  Steubenville Worship

7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Praise and Worship  Steubenville Worship
Keynote: “The Better Part”  Katie Prejean McGrady
Eucharistic Holy Hour  Fr. Drake McCalister

8:45 pm – 10:00 pm

Prayer Ministry Available  (FFH Lobby)

9:30 pm – 11:00 pm

Media Sales  (FFH)

10:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation  (CTK)


Workshop Session 2: Tuesday, 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm

1.   Jesus: The Christocentricity of Catechesis (CT1)  Marc Cardaronella (JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

At the heart of catechesis, we find Christ. In essence, the job of the catechist is to teach Christ and everything in relation to him. In this workshop, you’ll learn seven essential ways to center everything you teach on the Person of Jesus Christ.

2.   The Four Last Things (CT2/ CS2)  Dr. Mark Ginter (Egan Hall, Room 113)

The Big Questions: Who made me? Why did God make me? What is my purpose? Where am I going? What happens when I die? These are burningly urgent and profoundly relevant questions. How Divine Revelation answers these questions right up to our last breath is essential for meaning in life. We’ll correct common myths about the “Four Last Things,” provide suggestions for teaching these amazing truths, and address the powerful curiosity we all have about crossing that final threshold.

3.  Kerygma: Key Doctrines (PCL1 / CS1/ YA)  Fr. Drake McCalister (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)

The basic proclamation of the good news of Jesus’ saving life, death, and Resurrection, known as the kerygma, is about giving the gift of belonging — the call to a life within a love beyond all telling. This workshop lays out the essential elements of this most important story, enabling those who teach, share, and witness to more effectively unfold its surpassing beauty to other souls. Knowing the kerygma is essential in leading others to a saving faith in Jesus.

4.   Legal Issues for PCLs: Ecclesial  & Civil (PCL2)  Gigi Zapiain (Cosmas and Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)

All professions, particularly those serving minors, have legal implications, and parish catechetical leadership is no exception. This is an introduction to matters concerning civil and ecclesial law and their impact on parish religious education programs, though each diocese and state will have its own particular implementation. Ignorance in these matters is not bliss-it could be liability.

5.   Liturgical Components of the Christian Initiation Process: Gateways and Sources of Grace for Conversions (RCIA1)  Gary Norris (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)

What are the liturgical components of the RCIA / OCIA process in each period? This will include minor and major rites; however, there are many liturgical components that are to be incorporated gradually by period in the process separate from the major and minor rites. Actually creating liturgical people is a prime objective of the RCIA/ OCIA process, and that will be the focus of this presentation.

6.  Catechesis in the Catechumanate: Faith, Hope, and Love  (RCIA2)
Dr. Scott Sollom (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)

Details to come

7.   The Role of the Family and Community in Youth Ministry (YM1) Gina Bauer (FFH Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

This workshop will explore St John Paul II Apostolic Exhortation, On The family while also giving best practices on involving family and community in our youth ministry programs.

8.    The Church Goes Forth: Missionary Outreach to Teens (YM2) Kris Frank (JCWC, St. Leo Room)

Looking at Jesus as our model of ministry, this session will explore how to reach teens who are not initially interested in youth groups. We will explore best practices to engage new teens and invite them into the Church and a relationship with Christ.

9.   The Six Types of Working Genius: A Resource for Diocesan Leadership Teams (DO)  Dr. Chris Burgwald (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)

With Patrick Lencioni’s new model for collaborative teamwork — The Working Genius — we are able to be more self-aware, more fruitful and more successful by better understanding the types of work that bring us fulfillment and the types of work that frustrates us. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the Working Genius framework: what it is and how they can incorporate it into their ministry.

10.   The Trinity: Developing a Relationship With God in Daily Life (HLT)
Jeremy Duo (Cosmas and Damian, 206)

The Mysterium Mysteriorum: The mystery of mysteries. Here’s the one mystery that most people give up trying to understand before they even try. A mystery, however, is not something we cannot know anything about, but rather something that we cannot entirely understand. Yet, that does not mean that we cannot know some things–especially when those things have been revealed by God. Better yet, what we can know about the Most Blessed Trinity can forge our paths toward sanctity.

11.    Contemplative Study (RT)  Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP (CTK)

All who work in catechetical ministry should take as their own the Dominican motto: contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere, for indeed our work is to contemplate God’s truth, beauty, and goodness and to hand on to others the God we contemplate. Contemplative study is so much more than reading the catechism so as to “proof-text” an apologetic lesson; it is an occasion to ponder the Face of our Beloved First Truth.  Don’t forget to bring your Catechism.


Workshop Session 3: Tuesday, 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm

1.   Sacred Scripture: The Big Picture (CT1/ PCL2 / CS1/ HLT)  Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig  (Egan Hall, Room 113)

This session will introduce participants to biblical catechesis through an ancient catechetical technique: the use of the Story of the Bible. Often we fall into the habit of teaching individual topics without reference to the greater context of salvation history. In order to draw others into the life of God and the Church we have to help them make this Story of the Bible their own. Everything that the Church teaches makes sense when delivered within the context of the Story of the Bible.

2.   Analyzing Doctrine With Doctrinal Keys (CT2 / PCL2/ RCIA2)  Dr. Ron Bolster (Egan Hall, Room 213)

The Church expects her catechists and teachers to provide a complete and systematic delivery of the Deposit of Faith. But where is the time? Do you ever find yourself asking, “What must I teach? What do they have to know?” This workshop will introduce you to a technique of analyzing doctrine so that you can answer these questions with confidence and deliver the Deposit in a life-changing way. We will consider doctrine in its fundamental catechetical components, the “keys” to the Deposit.

3.   Teaching Catechesis for Conversion (PCL1/ CS1)  William O’Leary  (Cosmas & Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)

Catechesis should always seek to foster conversion. How can you catechize for conversion? This workshop will explore how one can teach toward conversion for young people and adults.

4.   Magisterial, Conciliar, and Catechetical Documents I (PCL2)  Dr. Martha Drennan (JCWC, St. Leo Room)

Details to come

5.   The Evangelizing Classroom (CS2/ PCL2) Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM   (Cosmas and Damian, Room 300)

Details to come

6.   Catechetical Components of the Christian Initiation Process: Illuminating and Securing the Path of Faith (RCIA1)  Gary Norris (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)

This presentation will cover all the catechetical components of the RCIA/OCIA. The responsibilities of the team and the catechists will be covered with focus on what catechetical content is appropriate to each period. Discussion of differences in approach from period to period will assist RCIA/OCIA leaders and catechists to grasp what are the critical topics pertinent to each period and how to effectively and gradually complete each catechetical objective appropriate.

7.   Catechesis in the Mystagogy and the Neophyte Year (RCIA2) Patty Norris  (St. Joseph Center, Classroom B)

The Sacraments of Initiation are just the beginning of a lifelong journey. The Mystagogy and the Neophyte year are essential to help the neophytes lean into the grace of the sacraments received. This workshop discusses ideas to facilitate on going conversion that will lead to a firm conviction and clear Catholic world view.

8.   Forming Teen Missionary Disciples (YM1)  Kris Franc  (FFH Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

Getting teens to a youth group event is an accomplishment. But helping them grow into a true disciple is the goal. This session will examine how we form young missionary disciples and give practical steps on how to facilitate opportunities that embolden and empower them after encountering Christ.

9.   The Necessity and Practice of Mental Prayer (HLT)  Jeremy Duo  (Cosmas and Damian, Room 206)

The Mysterium Mysteriorum: The mystery of mysteries. Here’s the one mystery that most people give up trying to understand before they even try. A mystery, however, is not something we cannot know anything about, but rather something that we cannot entirely understand. Yet, that does not mean that we cannot know some things–especially when those things have been revealed by God. Better yet, what we can know about the Most Blessed Trinity can forge our paths towards sanctity.

10.   Personnel is Policy (DO)  Ken Ogorek (FFH: Performance Room, 2nd Floor)

Getting the right person hired for any position is more than half the battle for the successful performance of important leadership jobs. This session offers practical tools and tips for interviewing, orienting, and providing meaningful supervision for your coworkers in the vineyard of evangelization and catechesis ministry. While no one bats a thousand when it comes to hiring, a few solid practices will go a long way toward forming and leading your effective team.

11.   Entering into the Sabbath Rest (RT)  Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP (CTK)

Pope St. John XXIII famously quipped that the job of being pope never disturbed his sleep because his last prayer of the day was: “It’s your Church, Lord. I’m going to bed.” So many of us do the work of God as it if all depends on us, and for this reason, we struggle with stress, discouragement, and “burn-out.” Maintaining peace in the midst of our work requires us to excel at the one thing necessary: being able to rest in the Lord.


Workshop Session 1: Tuesday, 10:45 am – Noon

Catechesis for Conversion:
The Kerygmatic Approach
Marc Cardaronella
(JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

Catechesis is a moment in the overall process of evangelization. Ideally, it happens after conversion and deepens faith. But what happens when the people who show up for catechesis aren’t yet converted? You must evangelize while you catechize, not simply informational but transformational. This workshop shows you how.

2.  The Church: Dispenser of the Mysteries and Guardian of the Deposit of Faith (CT2)
Fr. Drake McCalister
(Egan Hall, Room 113)

The Church is the Body of Christ and his continued history on earth. The graces entrusted to her make possible the holiness of humanity; the revelation of truth entrusted to her guarantees our access to the truth. The mission entrusted to her engages all human endeavors and transcends all human failings so that God’s Spirit can go forth to fulfill Christ’s call to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). This workshop will focus on the nature of the Church and her sacramental mission.

3.  Personality and Profile of the Successful PCL (PCL1)
Gigi Zapiain (Cosmas & Damian, Pugliese Auditorium)

Although the duties of Parish Catechetical Leaders are as unique as the parishes they serve, there are enduring qualities that every successful PCL possesses, no matter their job description. Come discover what those qualities are and how your own talents and abilities harmonize with this vital parish ministry.

4.  Catechesis for Persons with Disabilities (PCL2)
Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM (Cosmas & Damian, Room 300)

Details to come

5.  The Mission of Catholic Schools and the Role of Teachers (CS1)
Dr. Amy Roberts (Egan Hall, Room 213)

Pope Benedict XVI stated that “Every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God,” and Pope Francis affirmed that “Catholic schools remain essential places for the evangelization of the young.” This workshop will examine the mission and essential marks of Catholic schools, the role of teachers in carrying out this mission, and effective mission implementation for today’s students and families.

6.  The Catechumenal Process: A Modern Restoration of an Ancient Practice (RCIA2)  Dr. Scott Sollom  (St. Joseph Center, Classroom A)

Details to come

7.   Forming Souls Through Small Groups (RCIA2)  Ann Lankford (St. Joseph Center Classroom B)

Joining with other Catholics for study, reflection, and prayer is exceedingly helpful to the spiritual journey of participants. This workshop will focus on how to guard the vision for and benefit small groups: to enter more deeply into relationship with Jesus Christ so that we can truly love and serve others out of our love for him.

8.    The Spirituality of the Youth Minister (YM1)  Dr. Bob Rice  (FFH, Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

Details to come

9.   The Liturgical Nature and Sacramental Life of the Church (YM2)
Dr. James Pauley (JCWC, St. Leo Room)

Pope Pius X understood “active participation” in the liturgy to be the source of a new flourishing in the Christian life. As we consider the new ardor, methods and expressions needed in youth ministry today, the liturgy remains the high point and the source of every effort toward the evangelization of young people. In this workshop, we will explore the liturgy’s connection to evangelization and concrete ways that youth ministers can help stimulate a new flourishing in sacramental living.

10.   Relational Administration and Accompaniment in Diocesan Ministry (DO)  Dr. Chris Burgwald (FFH Performance Room, 2nd floor)

Accompaniment and relational ministry are demonstrably the most fruitful approach to virtually every method of formation. But what does this look like in the context of diocesan ministry? How can diocesan administration be cast in a relational, accompaniment mold? This workshop will address these and related topics, equipping participants to make relationships the heart of diocesan ministry, and in so doing bear abundant fruit.

11.   Contemplative Prayer (RT)
Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP and Teresa Hawes (FFH)

The Catechism teaches that “prayer is the encounter of God’s thirst with ours. God thirsts that we may thirst for him” (CCC 2560). Every person is called to experience the depth of God’s thirst which manifests itself in a most profound way in contemplative prayer. Contemplative prayer isn’t the extraordinary prayer of the mystic: it’s the ordinary prayer of every sinner who wishes to become one.


Dr. James Pauley

Dr. James Pauley is professor of theology and catechetics at Franciscan University and editor of the Catechetical Review. He has also written two books focused on the renewal of catechesis, An Evangelizing Catechesis: Teaching from Your Encounter with Christ (Our Sunday Visitor, 2020) and Liturgical Catechesis in the 21st Century: A School of Discipleship (Liturgy Training Publications, 2022). Dr. Pauley began working as a parish catechetical leader in 1989 and has served professionally in parish, diocesan, and university catechetical formation for 33 years. He enjoys serving as a frequent speaker in dioceses and parishes nationwide on a variety of topics related to evangelization, catechesis, and the transformative sacramental encounter. He is married to Katrina, and they have three daughters.


Dr. Eric J. Westby

Dr. Eric J. Westby is an assistant professor of theology and catechetics at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He completed his doctoral studies at the Maryvale Institute of Birmingham, England, offering a critique of seminary formation in light of priestly catechetical ministry. He holds a master of arts degree in theology and Christian ministry from Franciscan University, from where he was the first student to complete the certification in catechetics. He has been involved in parish catechetics since 1988 and is the founder of and More importantly, he is husband to Nikki and father of five girls.


Dr. Ron Bolster

Dr. Ron Bolster is an assistant professor of theology on the faculty of the Catechetics Office at Franciscan University. The former director of that office, he also served the Diocese of Peoria before joining Franciscan in 2004. He holds a PhD in education from the University of Notre Dame, Australia, an MA in theology with catechetical certification from Franciscan University, and a BS in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Cornell University. He serves on the Confirmation Team for the parishes of Steubenville and has experience in RCIA, the Neocatechumenal Way, and catechist training. He is co-author of Ascension Press’ Chosen: Your Journey to Confirmation program. Ron and his wife, Andrea, reside with their children in Steubenville.


Ken Ogorek

Ken Ogorek is the archdiocesan catechetical director in Indianapolis; his duties also include evangelization and discipleship initiatives. After earning a master’s degree from the Pontifical Center for Catechetical Studies, Ken taught high school religion, then served as assistant diocesan catechetical director in Pittsburgh for 10 years before returning to his native Hoosier state in 2007. With his bride of 25-plus years and their children, Ken is a parishioner at St. Pius X in Indianapolis. His skills as a retreat leader have been highly sought after in recent years.


Dr. Marlon De La Torre

Marlon De La Torre is the department director of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Diocese of Fort Worth. For 23 years he has served as a professor of catechetics for diocesan seminary and deaconate formation as well as for the Catholic Distance University, parish/diocesan DRE, Catholic high school principal (Diocese of Memphis), and superintendent of Catholic Schools (Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph). His published/media credits include Screwtape Teaches the Faith,,, The Sower,, and EWTN Live. He holds an MA in theology/catechesis from Franciscan University, an MEd from University of Saint Mary, and a PhD in catechetics and doctrine from the University of Notre Dame-Australia. He and his wife, Amy, have four children, Miguel, Gabriella, Maria, and Gianna.


Dr. Joseph White

Dr. Joseph White is a child and family psychologist and director of Catechetical Resources for Our Sunday Visitor Publishing and Curriculum. He formerly worked as a parish catechetical leader and spent seven years as director of Family Counseling and Family Life in the Diocese of Austin. A frequent guest on Catholic television and radio, Dr. White is the author of 12 books and numerous articles on catechesis and ministry and co-authored the Allelu and Alive in Christ catechetical series.


Lori Smith

Lori Smith  has served in Catechumenal Ministry (RCIA) since 2000 at St. John the Baptist Parish in Chico, California, where she successfully transitioned from a school year model to a year-round process in 2011. Since then, she has added RCIA adapted for children and teens. As formation chair of the RCIA Committee for the Diocese of Sacramento, she presents at workshops and develops formation for RCIA teams. A graduate of the Bosco Conference RCIA Track, Lori is also a mentor and task writer for the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University. Her passions are accompanying people into a relationship with Christ and His Church and assisting RCIA coordinators to develop the best possible RCIA process for their parishes.

Gigi Zapiain

Gloria (“Gigi”) Zapiain has served in catechetics on the parish and diocesan levels for over 30 years, serving as a parish DRE and catechetical consultant for the Archdiocese of Washington and diocesan director of Faith Formation for the dioceses of Fargo, North Dakota, and Bridgeport, Connecticut. She holds an MA in religious studies and a Pontifical Catechetical Diploma from the Notre Dame Institute. She is currently director of the Secretariat for Catechesis and Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, a board member for the Association for Catechumenal Ministry, and a board advisor for My Catholic Faith Delivered, an online catechetical platform.


Mary Ann Wiesinger Puig

Mary Ann Wiesinger Puig worked at the diocesan level for 12 years, serving as director of religious education, RCIA leaders, evangelization leaders, and catechists. At the forefront of her efforts is her passion for raising leaders and disciples. Raised in El Paso, Texas, Mary Ann is bilingual and bicultural. Throughout her professional career, she has worked hard to provide the same degree of excellence in both English and Spanish formation programs and enjoys teaching in both languages.  Mary Ann currently works for Franciscan University’s Catechetical Institute, developing Spanish language programming.


Dr. Amy Roberts

Dr. Amy Roberts taught high school for 13 years and served as chair of the religion department for 10 years before accepting a teaching position with the catechetics faculty of Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2011. She assisted Aquinas College with catechist training and taught adult faith formation classes for the Diocese of Knoxville. Dr. Roberts earned her doctoral degree from the University of Notre Dame Australia, writing her dissertation on forming Catholic school teachers as witnesses.


William O’Leary

William O’Leary has worked in pastoral ministry as director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry in a number of parishes for the past 20 years. He currently works as the director of Religious Formation for a large parish in Overland Park, Kansas. His passion is catechist formation and curriculum development. William holds a BA in theology and an MA in theology with a specialization in catechetics both from Franciscan University. He recently completed his doctoral work in catechetics from the University of Notre Dame in Sydney, Australia.