Gary Norris

Gary Norris has led RCIA teams for the past 30 years in the Archdiocese of Denver, the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. He studied theology and catechetics at the Maryvale Institute and has certification in RCIA from the St. John Bosco Conference. Gary is currently the chairman of the Association of Catechumenal Ministry and serves ACM as a presenter for team training and catechist training. Gary works with his wife, Patty, together coordinating the St. John Bosco RCIA track. They have 6 children and 14 grandchildren.


Patty Norris

Patty Norris is the director of Religious Education at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Milford, Ohio. Involved in adult formation for many years, she specializes in the RCIA process as a speaker and seminar director for the Association for Catechumenal Ministries (ACM). As a speaker, consultant, and writer for ACM, she has served many dioceses in the United States and abroad. As a director of Religious Education, she is responsible for all adult formation. With her husband, Gary, she coordinates the RCIA track at the St. John Bosco Conference. They have 6 children and 13 grandchildren.


Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton

Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton is the fifth bishop of Steubenville, ordained and installed September 10, 2012. He is a member of the Board of Governors and the Development Committee of the Pontifical North American College, Rome. Bishop Monforton serves on the USCCB Subcommittee on Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. He also serves on the Board of Regents and Priestly Formation Board, St. Vincent Seminary, in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, and as episcopal moderator of the Diocesan Information Systems Conference. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in sacred theology from Franciscan University, where he is an adjunct faculty member. In addition, he is a presenter on three Catholic radio stations and pens a monthly article, “Ask the Bishop,” in the diocesan newspaper, The Steubenville Register.


Fr. Louis Molinelli, SDB

Father Louis Molinelli, SDB, made his first profession as a Salesian in 1981 and was ordained a priest in 1990. He graduated from Don Bosco College with a BA in philosophy and a teaching certificate in mathematics. He received an MA in Sacred Scripture and a master of divinity from the Pontifical College Josephinum. He later earned a master’s in education (school administration) from Boston College. He has been a teacher, assistant coordinator of youth ministry, academic dean, and principal. He served as the principal for six years at St. Petersburg Catholic High School, St. Petersburg, Florida, and he was the director and president of the Don Bosco Preparatory High School in Ramsey, New Jersey. Father Lou spent one year as parochial vicar at Corpus Christi Church in Port Chester, New York. Since 2011, Father Lou has been the director of Archbishop Shaw High School in Marrero, Louisiana.


Fr. Jay Mello

Father Jay Mello  is a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, and was ordained in 2007. He completed his undergraduate studies at Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2003. He also attended the Pontifical North American College in Rome where he completed his STB and earned his STL in dogmatic theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Father Jay currently serves as pastor of St. Joseph’s and St. Michael’s parishes in Fall River. He previously served in a number of parishes as parochial vicar, as a high school chaplain, and in the diocesan vocation office.


Fr. Drake McCalister

Father Drake McCalister is the coordinator of the catechetical practicum for the Office of Catechetics at Franciscan University and parochial vicar at Holy Family Church in Steubenville. He has worked with RCIA, youth ministry, catechist formation, and has served as a writer and speaker. A Pentecostal pastor in the Foursquare Church for 13 years, he resigned his pastorate after five years of study, prayer, and reluctance and brought his wife, Crystal, and three daughters (now five) home to the Catholic Church on December 12, 2004, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Father Drake was ordained to the priesthood on December 19, 2019. To read how this was possible, visit


Marcel LeJeune

Marcel LeJeune is the president and founder of Catholic Missionary Disciples, an organization that equips Catholic leaders for transformational ministry. Marcel holds a master of theological studies with a specialization in pastoral work. He is an international speaker, evangelist, and award-winning author of four books and numerous articles. Marcel is a regular guest on national Catholic radio, and he has appeared multiple times on Catholic television. Marcel and his wife, Kristy, have five children. Learn more about Marcel at


Dr. Mark Ginter

Dr. Mark Ginter, a theologian, author, and speaker, works to cultivate a new springtime of the Church through the new evangelization. As a husband, father, and grandfather, he works to renew Catholic family life. In 1997, he received a PhD in theology and psychology from Marquette University. For over 38 years, Dr. Ginter has taught in parishes, high schools, universities, and seminaries. Writing the first academic article on St. John Paul II’s new evangelization, he met that great pope on Jan. 5, 2005. He led the publication of the recently released book Spirit of God: Short Writings on the Holy Spirit. Currently, Dr. Ginter serves as strategic partnership liaison fellow for Franciscan University’s Catechetical Institute.

Ann Lankford

Ann Lankford has served as the director for the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization for the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, since 2002. She received her MA in theology and Christian ministry with a specialization in catechetics from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1998 and received the St. John Bosco Conference DRE Certification. At heart, Ann is a “people person.” Helping children, young people, and adults to fall in love with Jesus Christ and to be more fully committed to him in every area of their lives gives her great joy.


Scott Sollom

Scott Sollom is an associate professor of theology at Franciscan University. He has been blessed to engage in catechetical workshops in many and varied settings. His recent publications include “Trinity and Unity in Every Catechesis” in The Catechetical Review and co-editing the academic volume Speaking the Truth in Love: The Catechism and the New Evangelization. Scott previously served as a DRE in Stillwater, Minnesota, and College Station, Texas, as well as a youth minister in Hudson, Wisconsin. Scott and his wife, Mary, have five children.


Dr. Martha Drennan

Dr. Martha Drennan graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1998 with a master of arts degree in theology and Christian ministry, specializing in catechetics. She also graduated from The Catholic University of America with a doctor of ministry degree. She serves as an adjunct professor with Franciscan University and writes material for the Franciscan at Home workshops with the Catechetical Institutes.


Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM

Sister M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM, a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George, holds a BA in theology and elementary education from St. Louis University, a pontifical catechetical diploma, an MA in religious education from the Angelicum, and a PhD in theology from Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, England. Sister Johanna has been involved in religious education for over 25 years. She currently serves as an associate professor of theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, specializing in catechetics. Her first publication, Mentors in the New Evangelization: Catechetical Saints of North America, became available in 2013.


Marc Cardaronella

Marc Cardaronella is director of the Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri. He graduated from Franciscan University with a master’s degree in theology and catechetics and served for 12 years as a parish director of religious education. Marc is the author of Keep Your Kids Catholic: Sharing Your Faith and Making It Stick from Ave Maria Press. His articles have appeared in CATECHISTThe Catechetical Review, and numerous websites including Amazing CatechistCatholicMom.comThe Big Pulpit, and National Catholic Register. Marc writes about evangelization, catechesis, and forming kids within the family on his personal blog,


Dr. Chris Burgwald

Dr. Chris Burgwald was born and raised in a small town in central Minnesota. While he was raised as a Catholic, he stopped practicing his faith in college until a “chance” encounter his junior year brought him back to the faith. The flame that was ignited then ultimately led him to doctoral studies in theology and an adult life spent deepening his own faith, sharing it with others, and equipping other Catholics to do the same. Chris and his wife, Germaine, and their five children live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where Chris has served the Diocese of Sioux Falls as the director of Adult Discipleship and Evangelization since 2002.


Gina Bauer

Gina Bauer is a dynamic presenter with 25 years of experience serving the Church as a youth director, religious educator, retreat director, youth ministry team trainer, consultant, and speaker. Gina is able to convey Catholic teachings in a compassionate, down-to-earth style that reaches the hearts of listeners, equipping them with practical tools to live holy lives in today’s culture. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, and her master’s in theological studies from the University of Dallas Institute for Religious and Pastoral Studies. She and her husband, Duane, have four children and live in St. Paul, Minnesota.


Dr. Petroc Willey

Dr. Petroc Willey is a professor of theology (catechetics) at Franciscan University. Before coming to Franciscan, he worked in Catholic higher education in Oxford and Birmingham for about 30 years. Dr. Willey gained his first degree in theology from King’s College London and an STL from Maynooth, Ireland. He also has doctorates in philosophy from Liverpool University and the Lateran Pontifical University. He was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as a consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization. Dr. Willey and his wife, Katherine, have four children.


From the Father’s Heart

“So Jesus said to them, ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave the bread from heaven; my father gives you the true bread from heaven.’”  John 6:32

Conference Schedule:

  • All general sessions will be held in Finnegan Fieldhouse (FFH).
  • CTK indicates Christ the King Chapel; JCWC indicates J.C. Williams Center.
  • All participant meals will be served in Antonian Hall. Lunch and dinner will also be served in the JCWC Tent.
    • For those without a meal plan, individual meals are available for purchase for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
      • Lunch and dinners purchased in the tent: $10
      • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner purchased in Antonian Hall: $9, $12, and $15, respectively

Noon – 8:00 pm

Conference and Track Registration  (St. Joseph Center : Seminar Room)

Noon – 7:00 pm

Track Check In   (St. Joseph Center, Totino Room)
Required for all participants seeking a certificate. Retreat and Diocesan Officials tracks only.

2:30 pm

Doors Open  (FFH)

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm                

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Bishop Jeffrey Monforton

4:30 pm – 7:00 pm          

Dinner  (Antonian Hall and JCWC Tent)

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Bishop’s Dinner for Diocesan Officials  (FFH Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)  *Invite Only

6:15 pm

Doors Open  (FFH)

7:15 pm – 9:00 pm  

Praise and Worship   Steubenville Worship
Keynote: “From the Father’s Heart
Dcn. Bob Rice 

9:00 pm – 10:30 pm 

Social (Outside FFH and JCWC)

Everyone is welcome to attend. Please come fellowship and meet new friends!  Complimentary popcorn and snow cones and cash bar available.


Dress Code/Lost & Found

Dress Code

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. TOPS: no low-cut, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, sleeveless, or off the shoulder. BOTTOMS: no miniskirts or short shorts—the hemline must be at fingertip length or below when arms are hanging at the side. NOTE: Yoga or athletic pants are OK but only when worn WITH a fingertip-length modest tunic. Absolutely no clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures is allowed. In addition, all clothing must cover midriffs and undergarments.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located at the Grand Lobby West at the Partnership for Youth table. If items are not claimed prior to the end of conference, they may be claimed by calling 952-224-0333 within two weeks.


Expectations of Youth

Show love and respect for God  

  1. Pray daily for self and others.  
  2. Receive the sacraments.  
  3. Participate in the activities.  
  4. Be open, flexible, and have a servant’s attitude.  
  5. Represent God in your words and actions.  

Show love and respect for yourself  

  1. This is a “no-smoking” weekend. All state laws governing alcohol, drugs, and tobacco will be strictly enforced. Possession or consumption of alcohol and drugs is not permitted at any time during the conference. 
  3. Drink plenty of water, obey sleeping times, and make sure you eat all meals. This will allow you to fully participate and not be tired.  
  4. Remember that you are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Present yourself accordingly.  
  5. If you must leave an activity, your adult chaperone must accompany you.  
  6. Dress modestly. Clothing must cover all undergarments and midriffs. Bikini tops, low-cut tops, miniskirts, short shorts, and shirts with vulgar language are not allowed.  

Show love and respect for others  

  1. Be safe. No horseplay or other potentially harmful actions. Leave pocket knives, lighters, and other hazardous materials at home. No skateboards, iPods, cell phones, laptops, or rollerblades.  
  2. All words and actions you use should build up others and not injure.  
  3. No teens are allowed to drive to or from the conference.  
  4. The facility must remain clean and undamaged.  
  5. No outside visitors at the conference, please.  
  6. All aisles and the stage area must remain clear for safety reasons. Remain in your youth group’s area at all times.  
  7. Make sure that your actions during the activities do not distract others from hearing, seeing, or praying.  
  8. Allow others to sleep. “Lights Out” means that it is time to sleep. Do not be in the showers or halls after this time.  

Consequence Policy  

All youth are expected to follow the above outlined expectations and the directions of conference staff, Convention Center staff, and Gonzaga University staff. Any instances of transgression of these policies, lack of cooperation, or insubordination will be subjected to appropriate discipline and/or fines. Failure to comply may result in immediate dismissal of the participant at the expense of the individual.   


Emergency Contact

For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 AND Jessi at 360-352-3321. For non-life-threatening emergencies, please call Jessi at 360-352-3321. Gonzaga University Security may be reached at 509-313-2222. 


First Aid/Lost & Found

First Aid 
Our First-Aid Room is located in the Main Lobby 

Lost and Found
Lost and Found items may be picked up at the Information Window. For items lost on Gonzaga’s campus, please call Campus Security at 509-313-2222. 


Prayer Ministry

First Line of Defense  

Thank you for your “yes” to care for and minister to the youth at the Steubenville Youth Conference!   

The group leader and adult chaperones are the primary ministers to the youth on the weekend. Please be sure to share this information with all adult chaperones and religions in your group.  

The Team of Prayer Ministers  

Prayer Ministry Stations are located around the ballroom throughout all sessions. When not in sessions, prayer ministers will be stationed near the chapel. Prayer ministers will be wearing red shirts and/or “prayer ministry” lanyards.   

Prayer ministers are there to be of assistance in an intercessory way to help teens experience Christ’s love, healing, and hope as much as possible. Please encourage the teens in your group to take an opportunity to pray with our Prayer Ministry Team. (Be sure that an adult accompanies the teen.)  

Role of Prayer Ministry  

The role of prayer ministry is to serve and support you and your chaperones by offering spiritual assistance to the youth in your group. Prayer ministers can assist you if there are several teens that need attention or if there is a particular situation that you and your chaperones are unsure how to handle.   

Remaining Present  

If a prayer minister does assist your youth, it is necessary to have an adult chaperone from your group present to watch over and pray with them. This is because it is the adult chaperone who will be going home with the youth. In addition, he or she can continue to pray for and with the youth at home if needed.   


Dress Code/Lanyards

Dress Code
All Steubenville Conference participants are expected to dress in a modest, respectful manner. Low-cut/revealing tops, short shorts, miniskirts, excessively baggy jeans, and any clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are NOT allowed.  

Name Tag Lanyards
All participants are issued a name tag lanyard. The group’s lanyard color determines which meal shift they are assigned and their seating assignment during sessions. These name tag lanyards are also used for identifying conference attendees and must be worn for admittance into the Convention Center. 




Our Adoration Chapel is open whenever the building is open. It is located in the music room at the entrance of the performing art center. Come spend some quiet time with Jesus! Leave your prayer requests on the big sheet of paper; they will all be offered up at the closing Mass on Sunday.