Meals | Allergies


All meals will be served in the lower level of Antonian Hall.

Mealtimes are built into the schedule throughout the conferences; see the “Schedule” button for entry times.

Admittance to meals will be scheduled at designated times by wristband color.

Extra food and coffee is available for purchase at Cupertino’s Café in the J.C. Williams Center.

Allergies and Dietary Needs 

Allergies must be reported to the Conference Staff prior to the start of the conference.

Our food service provider can accommodate allergies to milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, gluten, and dairy, as well as diabetic needs and low sodium diets.

To ensure safety, those with food allergies will receive a purple “X” on their wristband at check in and will utilize a separate line in Antonian Hall to obtain their food.


The Portiuncula Chapel

The Portiuncula
Located behind Christ the King Chapel.

“Rebuild My Church”
When St. Francis heard those words from the mouth of the Lord, speaking through the San Damiano crucifix in a small, dilapidated church, he took them to mean simply rebuilding that and other church structures like it. That first tiny Portiuncula, a holy place and the center of St. Francis’ activity, is recreated here on Franciscan’s campus as a grace-filled haven for quiet meditation and eucharistic adoration.

Additional Use of the Portiuncula
The Portiuncula is mainly reserved for quiet prayer and adoration. Any vocal prayer is not encouraged in the Portiuncula itself. However, sites outside of the main chapel such as the Marian Grotto, Tomb of the Unborn Child, créche, and Stations of the Cross are available for vocal prayer.

Flash Photography
To preserve the peace and calm that the Portiuncula provides those who wish to pray without distraction, flash photography and video recording are not permitted. If you are required to record for news purposes, public relations, or class projects, the Office of Chapel Ministry must approve this in advance.


Arrival | Check-in


  • Buses: Enter campus by way of Franciscan Way West and proceed as directed by Campus Security to the staging area (Parking Lot H) where buses will park and Group Leaders will proceed to check in.
  • Cars/Vans: Enter campus by way of Franciscan Way West and park anywhere on campus (adhering to handicap and conference reserved signage). 

Check In 

Check in is on Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the St. Joseph Center Seminar Room. Every group must check-in before they can participate in any aspect of the conference.

Upon arrival, all adult chaperones must present a valid form of ID and have their Adult Chaperone Verification Form stamped by the Registration Team. There is an ID check station in Parking Lot H for those traveling by bus. After the ID check/verification is complete, the Group Leader and one chaperone may proceed to the Seminar Room with all forms to checkin, where you will receive wristbands, Fast Pass entry times, and housing assignments for your group. We do not have room to accommodate everyone in the Seminar Room, so please make sure additional chaperones and all youth wait outside. 

Groups must be checkedin before they can attend the Travelers Mass at 4 pm. 


Make sure to bring the following forms: 

  • On-Site Breakdown Form
  • Adult Chaperone Verification Forms–one for each of your chaperones; have IDs ready also, unless already verified at Parking Lot H.
  • Sunday Lunch Form (for groups of 30 or more) 

Be sure your whole group has submitted Liability Forms via your Dashboard. 

Franciscan LEAD Participants

If your youth have attended Franciscan LEAD, they must be picked up by a chaperone at checkin on Friday, outside the St. Joseph Center. 

In case of rain, LEAD participants will be in the J.C. Williams Center. 

Wristbands | Regulations

Participants must wear their wristbands at all times!

Participants must wear their wristbands at all times! No one will be admitted to the conference and sessions without BOTH wristbands.

Always wear your conference wristbands on your wrist. They are your access to general sessions, breakout sessions, and meals.

If you lose or break your wristband, please visit Guest Services on the upper level of the J.C. Williams Center with a chaperone to acquire another one.

Each participant must have two wristbands. Why are there two?

Colored Wristband: Allows entry to all sessions and meals; without it you will not be permitted entrance.

Silver: Adult Chaperone

Red/Yellow/Green/Blue: Youth

White Wristband: For emergency information. Write your name and allergies, as well as your Group Leader’s name and phone number on this wristband so that first-aid and conference staff will know who to call in case of an emergency.  This wristband will also indicate whether you have a food allergy, so that we can accommodate your dietary needs.

Matt Fradd

Matt Fradd is a Catholic Australian author, podcaster, and university professor. He has written and contributed to numerous books including Does God Exist? A Socratic Dialogue on the Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas, Marian Consecration with Aquinas, and The Porn Myth. Matt earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees in philosophy from Holy Apostles College & Seminary where he now teaches. He lives with his wife, Cameron, and their four children in Georgia.


Jon Niven

Jon Niven is a gifted musician and songwriter who has helped usher thousands of people into the heart of Jesus with his gift for leading worship. The prayerfulness and humility he conveys in worship are unmistakable and help lead the worshiper into a deep encounter with God. As the co-founder of LIFT Ministries, Jon has led worship for countless retreats, adoration services, healing services, and Masses. He is currently the Director of Worship at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish in Naples, Florida. He resides in Naples with his wife and 2 children.


Vocations Information for Northwest

Connect with your diocesan vocation office
It is tough to hear God with all the noise and distractions in our world today. And even when we do hear something, how do we know what to do about it—or if it is really God? How can we know for sure? 

It’s normal to have questions and fears. That’s why each bishop appoints at least one priest in the diocese as vocation director to help young people like you make sense of your experiences and understand how God is speaking to your heart. 


For more information or to speak with the vocation director, visit If you are from outside the Diocese of Spokane, we will be happy to connect you with the vocation director in your own diocese.  

Vocations Information for Northwest 


Curtis Martin

Curtis Martin is the Founder and CEO (Chief Evangelization Officer) of the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). Curtis holds a Master’s degree in Theology and is the author of the best-selling book Made for More. In 2004, Curtis serves as a Consulter to the Pontifical Council of the New Evangelization. Curtis and his wife, Michaelann, live in Westminster, CO. They have been blessed with nine children.

Dr. Mary Healy

Dr. Mary Healy is professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit and an international speaker. She is a general editor of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture and author of two of its volumes, The Gospel of Mark and Hebrews. Her other books include The Spiritual Gifts Handbook and Healing. Dr. Healy serves as chair of the Theological Commission of CHARIS (Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service) in Rome. She was appointed by Pope Francis as one of the first three women ever to serve on the Pontifical Biblical Commission.


Sunday | Toronto

7:15 – 8:30 am


     Marketplace Open

8:30 am

      Main Doors Open

9:00 am – Noon

      Morning Session
      Keynote:   Living Fearlessly

      Celebration of Holy Mass


Saturday | Toronto

7:15 – 8:30 am


Marketplace Open

7:45 am

Main Doors Open
(Main Auditorium)

8:30 – 10:45 am

Morning Session

Celebration of Holy Mass

11:00 am – Noon

Women’s Session:  Fearless Women
(Main Auditorium)

Men’s Lunch

Small Groups

12:15 – 1:15 pm

Men’s Session:   Men Without Fear
(Main Auditorium)

Women’s Lunch

1:15 – 2:15 pm

Men’s Reconciliation

Women’s Small Groups

2:00 pm

      Session Doors Open
      (Main Auditorium)

2:15 – 3:15 pm

General Session
Keynote:  Hidden Wounds

3:15 – 5:15 pm

Open Time:  Recharge

3:30 – 4:15 pm  The Family of God  (Main Auditorium)
4:30 – 5:15 pm   My Messy Family   (Main Auditorium)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open

5:15 – 7:15 pm



       Marketplace Open

6:45 pm

Main Doors Open
(Main Auditorium)

7:15 – 10:00 pm 

Evening Session
Keynote:  Fearless God

Eucharistic Holy Hour and Procession

10:00 – 11:00 pm


Small Groups

Marketplace Open


Father Christopher Martin

Father Christopher Martin is a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. He is the pastor of St. Clare of Assisi parish, spiritual director, and retreat master. He spends his free time with his golden retriever, Moses.


Friday | Toronto

4:00 – 6:00 pm 


5:00 – 5:30 pm

Group Leader Meeting

6:00 pm

Main Doors Open
(Main Auditorium)

6:45 – 9:25 pm

Evening Session 
Keynote:   Created Fearless

Eucharistic Adoration

9:25 – 11:00 pm


Small Groups

Marketplace Open


Cooper Ray

Cooper Ray is a dynamic speaker and musician who shares his faith with honesty and passion. Drawing from 20 years of experience as a speaker, retreat facilitator, and musician, he is committed to bringing people to Christ through story, humor, and audience participation. Cooper lives in Dallas, Texas, with his wife, Laura and three sons, Eli, Keller, and Maximus. He serves as the Coordinator for Middle School Ministry at St. Ann in Coppell.


Office of Vocations, Archdiocese of St. Louis

Vocation Office

Considering Giving Your Life to God?

Where do I start?

The process you will follow to answer this fundamental question is called discernment. Your vocation as a Christian will be the particular way you live the universal call to holiness. Through prayer, study, conversation with others and reflection, you will be able to discover God’s plan for you.


Twitter: @stlvocations
Facebook: St. Louis Vocation Office

Pete Burds

Pete Burds has used his five loaves and two fish for the sake of building the kingdom ever since his awakening to Catholicism through a youth ministry program. Through storytelling and leading retreats, he has proclaimed the freedom found in Christ to thousands. He serves as the director of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Pete is a wanna-be philosopher, has a mild obsession with the band Switchfoot, and, because of Christ, finds himself living a life greater than he could have dreamed. He and his family live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Kyle Heimann

Kyle Heimann has traveled the country with the Catholic-acoustic-humor-folk-beard-rock duo, Popple, for years. He plays guitar, ukulele, kazoo, harmonica, and the nose flute. He can be heard on his daily radio show/podcast learning about the Catholic faith from guests and games on The Kyle Heimann Show. He enjoys sharing his faith through humorous stories, analogies, and multimedia. Kyle is married and has four kids. He is a bad dancer.


Father John Parks

Father John Parks is a priest for the Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona. Before seminary, Father Parks received a degree in theatre from Arizona State University and was a youth speaker specializing in pro-life and chastity topics. Ordained a priest in 2010, he has taught theology and philosophy at a Catholic High School for four years and is currently the Pastor of St. Theresa Catholic Church and School in Phoenix. Most importantly, Father Parks loves being a priest and is immensely grateful for the merciful love of Jesus.

Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson  is a YouTuber, speaker, and author from sunny Southern California. Emily speaks and sings at events across the world. She has over 125,000 YouTube subscribers and has written five books: I Choose the Sky, Go Bravely, Awaken My Heart, God’s Brave Boy, and God’s Glorious Girl. She loves Chipotle, the Pacific Ocean, and living in California with her Dutch husband Daniël and their two sons, Zion and Jet.


Peter Herbeck

Peter Herbeck is the vice president and director of missions for Renewal Ministries. For the past 30 years, he has been actively involved in evangelization and Catholic renewal throughout the U.S., Canada, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Peter is a co-host for the weekly television programs The Choices We Face and Crossing the Goal. He also hosts the daily radio show Fire on the Earth. He is a frequent conference speaker, has authored When the Spirit Comes in Power and When the Spirit Speaks, and has produced CDs and booklets about discipleship and life in the Spirit. Peter and his wife, Debbie, have four children and reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Al Kresta

Al Kresta is a broadcaster and president and CEO of Ave Maria Communications. He hosts the nationally syndicated Catholic talk show Kresta in the Afternoon heard on over 400 stations and Sirius Radio weekdays from 4 to 6 p.m. Eastern Time. Al’s life and spiritual journey took on a new dimension in February 2003 when he lost his left leg to a virulent infection often referred to as the flesh-eating bacteria. His extended recovery and eventual return to broadcasting have given him new insights into the realities of suffering and hope. Al is the author of the best-selling book Dangers to the Faith: Recognizing Catholicism’s 21st Century Opponents and several others.


Dr. Nina-Sophie Heereman

Dr. Nina Sophie Heereman is a Catholic biblical scholar from Germany. After completing law studies and serving for two years as junior lawyer, she experienced a powerful encounter with the Word of God and felt the call to dedicate her life fully to the Church in the new evangelization. She obtained a baccalaureate in theology from the Gregorian University, a licentiate in sacred Scripture from the Pontificial Biblical Institute and the doctorate in sacred Scriptures at the École biblique et archéologique de Jérusalem. Dr. Heereman has taught at the Collège des Bernardins in Paris and the Pontificial Biblical Institute in Rome and is currently an assistant professor of sacred Scriptures at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park, California.


Si – St. Cloud | Groups

Sioux City Metro
Shane Deman

Section 4 Row 7-11 Seats 1-5
Section 4 Row 12 Seats 1-8
Section 4 Row 13-16 Seats All

Frances OTool

Section 4 Row 12 Seats 10-12

Spires of Faith Cluster
Casey McCarraher

Section 5 Row 13-16 Seats 1-5
Section 5 Row 17 Seats 1-2

Spirit of Life Catholic Area Faith Community
Ashley Nelson

Section 3 Row 6 Seats 4-12
Section 3 Row 7-8 Seats 5-12
Section 3 Row 9-10 Seats 6-12

Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Matt Larson

Section 130 Row A Seats 8-10
Section 130 Row B-C Seats 7-11

St. Anastasia
Jake Burmis

Section 3 Row 7-8 Seats 1-4
Section 3 Row 9-11 Seats 1-5

St. Andrew Catholic Church
Kent Yoder

Section 110 Row A Seats 1-6

St. Augustine & St. Edward
Jaci Brennan

Section 2 Row 1 Seats 1-7

St. Bridget River Falls WI
Amy Burns

Section 2 Row 11-12 Seats 6-12

St. Cloud Metro Area
Nikki Silbernick

Section 115 Row D-F Seats 1-9
Section 115 Row G-J Seats 1-8
Section 115 Row K Seats 1-4