Arrival & Check In

All groups should arrive at the campus of the University of San Diego. Check-in will be from 1-5pm in Hahn University Center, Forum A. If your group will be arriving at 5pm, please call 740-317-5299 and leave a message detailing your arrival. You will then need to go to the Conference Information Desk at JCP for check-in.

Buses will be directed to loop around campus in a single direction.

Cars will be directed to specific lots for temporary parking.

Chaperone ID Check will take place at near your car/bus. Every chaperone must be present. If you have a chaperone who must arrive late, he or she can get checked separately. If after 5pm, the chaperone must come to the Conference Information Desk at JCP for check-in.

Diocese of Los Angeles

Franciscan University is overjoyed to partner with the Diocese of Los Angeles to host the Steubenville 2:42 Young Adult Conference.


Always wear your conference wristbands on your wrist. They are your admission to all sessions and meals and are needed for security/emergency purposes. If you lose or break your wristband(s), go to the Information Desk located in the plaza of the Jenny Craig Pavilion. There is a $5 replacement fee per wristband.

Dress Code

All guests are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. Low-cut tops, miniskirts, short shorts, or clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are not permitted.

Smoking Policy

The University of San Diego is a smoke free campus.  Smoking is allowed on the city sidewalk of Linda Vista Road. During the sessions we ask all participants to refrain from smoking.


The Marketplace is located in Shiley Theater, Camino 130. See schedule for hours. The sale and distribution of any items is strictly prohibited without the permission of the Conference Director. 

Lost & Found

Lost & Found is located at the Marketplace outside of the Jenny Craig Pavilion. If you realize after the conference that you lost something, call 714-519-6623 within 2 weeks to claim your items.

First Aid

For all non-emergency first-aid needs, please go to the First Aid Station located in Shiley Theater. Hours are during conference sessions. 

Emergency Contact

For emergencies 24 hours a day, call Public Safety at 619-260-2222. They will call 911. For less urgent matters, needing Public Safety call 619-260-7777 or call 714-519-6623 to reach conference staff. 

Session Entry | NorCal

Entrance to the Grand Ballroom is based upon your groups Wristband Color. We’ve assigned each group a designated color for the weekend as best we can to be fair to all of the participants.
Please comply with the below entrance times:

Friday Night: Blue premiere seating.

Saturday Morning: Blue premiere seating.

Saturday Dinner: Green eat first

Saturday Night: Green premiere seating.

Sunday morning: Green premiere seating.

Meal Times

The below location for your wristband color will be the same for the entire conference weekend. Meal times may vary by color, see below for details.
Red, Orange, Yellow: Montgoris DH
Green, Blue, Purple: Marillac DH

Friday Dinner: BBQ on the Carnesecca Plaza
All colors may enter at their designated location; see above.

Saturday Breakfast: Open Dining
All colors may enter at their designated location; see above.

Saturday Lunch: Open Dining
All colors may enter at their designated location (above) during Men’s and Women’s Lunch. 
       Men: 11:15am-12:15pm
       Women: 12:15-2:00pm

Saturday Dinner
       Red and Green: 5:00-5:40pm
       Orange and Blue: 5:40-6:20pm
       Yellow and Purple: 6:20-7:00pm

Sunday Breakfast: Open Dining
All colors may enter at their designated location; see above.

Sunday Lunch: Bag Lunch To Go
Pick up bag lunch at Marillac Dining Hall

Meal Times

The below location for your wristband color will be the same for the entire conference weekend. Meal times may vary by color, see below for details.
Red, Orange, Yellow: Fox DH
Green, Blue, Purple: Hawk’s Nest DH

Friday Dinner: Open Dining
All colors may enter at their designated location; see above.

Saturday Breakfast
       Red and Green: 6:30-7:10am
       Orange and Blue: 7:10-7:50am
       Yellow and Purple: 7:50-8:30am

Saturday Lunch
All colors may enter at their designated location (above) at the time listed below. 
       Men: 11:15am-12:15pm
       Women: 12:15-2:00pm

Saturday Dinner
       Red and Green: 5:15-5:55pm
       Orange and Blue: 5:55-6:35pm
       Yellow and Purple: 6:35-7:15pm

Sunday Breakfast
       Yellow and Purple: 6:45-7:25am
       Red and Green: 7:25-8:05pm
       Orange and Blue: 8:05-8:45am

Sunday Lunch: Open Dining To Go
All colors may enter at their designated location; see above.

Meal Times

The round, coloured sticker on your lanyard determines the time and location where your group will eat lunch and dinner. If your sticker falls off, please go to the Information Desk in the Dalhousie Arts Centre. Breakfast is always eaten in the residence where you slept. Dinner on Friday is “open” with no specifically assigned meal times or locations.

Friday Dinner:
4:30-6:30pm, Howe Hall and Shirreff Hall

(no assigned meal times—your group can eat at either cafeteria, whenever you like)


Saturday Breakfast:
Girls: 6:30-8:30am, Howe Hall

Boys: 6:30-8:30am, Shirreff Hall

Saturday Lunch:
RedYellow (Girls): 11:30-12:30pm, Shirreff Hall
Green & Blue (Girls): 11:30-12:30pm, Howe Hall
All Colours (Boys): 12:30-1:30pm, Shirreff Hall

Saturday Dinner:
Red4:45-5:45pm, Shirreff Hall
Green5:45-6:45pm, Shirreff Hall
Yellow4:45-5:45pm, Howe Hall
Blue5:45-6:45pm, Howe Hall

Sunday Breakfast:
Girls:7:00-9:00am, Howe Hall
Boys: 7:00-9:00am, Shirreff Hall

Group Leaders

Weekend Responsibilities 

A group leader is the person who organized the trip and will serve as the contact person between Central Office and the group’s participants. The group leader must be an adult, age 21 or older, who is in attendance with the group at the conference for the entirety of the weekend.

Arrival and Check In

Only the group leader is to report to Central Office to check in the group. Check in begins at 11 a.m.  Group leaders must have one completed Liability Form per participant (including all adults). **The group leader should submit the completed/signed Acknowledgement and Verification Form prior to arrival. Groups without this form on file cannot be allowed onto the conference site.

Bus Drivers

Unless the bus driver is also registered as a chaperone with your group, he or she is not allowed onto the conference site.  The exception to this is the closing Mass on Sunday morning. Buses MUST drop off either in front of the Civic Center or on the main parking lot side. DO NOT DROP OFF PARTICIPANTS ON THE SKATE PARK SIDE.

Franciscan LEAD Participants

LEAD participants will be on the grounds of the conference site when group check in begins. However, the LEAD program does not conclude until 1 p.m. LEAD participants will need to be “checked out” and dismissed to the group leaders.  Group leaders should check at Central Office to connect with their LEAD participants Friday.

Group Leader Information Packet 

At check in, group leaders will receive their pizza pick-up vouchers (if pre-ordered), Sunday travel meal pick-up vouchers (if pre-ordered), group T-shirts (if pre-ordered), participant wristbands, and lanyards.

Religious should check in at the Religious Table if they arrive prior to 3:30 p.m.  After 3:30 p.m, religious will check in by the chapel. Those religious serving at the conference will be given free entry; any that plan to be participants will need to register as a participant. 

Dress Code

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. Low-cut tops, mini skirts, short shorts, leggings with a top of an appropriate length or clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are not allowed.

Emergency Contact

For emergencies 24 hours a day, call Shawn Lapeyrouse at 985-790-0505. For less urgent matters, call Lift 3:16, Inc. at 985-262-9064. Families may leave messages by calling 985-262-9064.


Lanyards MUST be worn to verify you as a participant. If you lose your lanyard, immediately report to Central Office (youth must be accompanied by an adult chaperone).


Meals will be served in the South Village Dining Hall. Please reference this schedule for meals on Saturday:


Saturday LUNCH (colors for Women only):

Orange & Blue: Noon-12:30pm

Red & Green: 12:30-12:50pm


Saturday DINNER:

Orange & Blue: 5:00-5:45pm

Red & Green: 5:45-6:30pm