Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine Garrett, CSFN is a native Texan, a convert to the Catholic faith, and a sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She lives and serves in Tyler, Texas, as a licensed professional counselor. She also loves traveling around to share the love of God with the young Church.

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Father Michael Schmitz is the director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth as well as the chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Father Mike attended Saint Paul Seminary and was ordained in 2003. He offers weekly homilies on iTunes and and has appeared in programs for youth and young adults through Ascension Press, as well as through regular short video messages on Ascension Presents.

Ben Walther

After producing two albums as an independent Christian musician, Ben Walther joined the Oregon Catholic Press family and released his album Make Your Home in Me in 2013. It debuted at No. 12 on the iTunes Christian charts. In June 2016 he released Ablaze, again partnering with OCP. A graduate of Franciscan University, Ben is honored to serve the Walsh University community as the director of Campus Ministry. He completed his master’s degree in theology and spiritual direction training through Franciscan University. He and his family live in North Canton, Ohio.

Fr. Joe Freedy

Father Joe Freedy is the youngest of five children. He grew up in Pittsburgh and attended Bethel Park High School. Earning a scholarship to the University at Buffalo to play football, Father Freedy started at quarterback for three years. After college, he entered the seminary in Pittsburgh and was assigned to study in Rome first at the Gregorian University and then at the John Paul II Institute. He was ordained a priest in June of 2008 and is currently assigned at Holy Redeemer in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania.

Bob Lesnefsky

Bob Lesnefsky serves as assistant director of Household Life at Franciscan University. He has spent most of his life sharing the hope of God’s love with inner city kids in the nonprofit he started, Dirty Vagabond Ministries. Bob, aka RIGHTEOUS B, is also a washed up, award-winning Christian hip-hop artist and speaker, using rap music as an engaging outreach to teens. Bob and his wife, Kate, both Franciscan University alumni, live in Steubenville, Ohio, with their seven children. Bob also has a ton of stupid tattoos.

Fr. John Burns

Father John Burns is a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. He studied business at Notre Dame but then realized a deeper call to give his whole life to God. He was ordained in 2010, and in 2019, he completed a doctorate in moral theology on the topic of healing through forgiveness. Father John works extensively in healing and renewal ministry with communities of women religious. He is founder of Friends of the Bridegroom, an apostolate dedicated to the renewal of the Church through the renewal of the priesthood and women’s religious life.

Sarah Swafford

Sarah Swafford is the founder of Emotional Virtue Ministries. She speaks internationally on faith, relationships, and interior confidence to audiences of all ages at school assemblies, retreats, rallies, parishes, and conferences. She is the author of Emotional Virtue: A Guide to Drama-Free Relationships and cohost of EWTN’s At the Heart of Relationships. Sarah is a contributor to Chosen and What We Believe: The Beauty of the Catholic Faith, both published by Ascension. She resides in Atchison, Kansas, with her husband, Dr. Andrew Swafford, and their five children. Learn more about Sarah and Emotional Virtue Ministries at

Paul J. Kim

Paul J. Kim is an internationally recognized Catholic speaker, beatboxer, and comedian whose presentations have impacted people in 48 states and 16 countries over the past decade, leading them to life-changing encounters with Christ. He’s the author of the bestselling online course, the founder of the Triumph Men’s Conference, and his videos have accumulated millions of views. His background includes work as a marriage and family therapist and religious formation with the CFR’s. He resides in Texas with his wife and five children. Learn more about Paul’s ministry at

Andrew Laubacher

Andrew Laubacher, aka ALOB, was raised in Ventura, California, where he attended Mass, played many sports, hung at the beach and was always into music. He attended Catholic school before switching to a public school because he was “tired of the Catholic rules.” In high school, he partied hard. After a serious wake-up call, he decided to attend a Steubenville Youth Conference where he found God. That changed his life. ALOB received degrees in theology and philosophy from Franciscan University. He is on the road full time, traveling and evangelizing around the world.

Ennie Hickman

For over two decades, Ennie Hickmans pursuit of Gospel joy has helped transform the lives of countless people. He has served as a youth minister, coach, domestic missionary, international speaker, nonprofit president, and currently serves The Saint Constantine School in Houston, Texas. In 2019, after 10 years leading Adore Ministries, Ennie and his wife, Cana, founded Del Rey Collective to empower individuals and families to live on mission in ordinary life. Ennie, Cana, and their nine children aim to follow Jesus’ commands to love God and their neighbors while accompanying people in this beautiful, messy, life of joy.

Brian Greenfield

Brian Greenfield was born and raised in Washington, D.C. Brian attended Seton Hall University and then attended Franciscan University of Steubenville. In 2002, Brian entered the Community of the Franciscans of the Renewal. After postulancy, Brian returned to Washington, D.C., to further discern. Brian returned to Seton Hall to finish his studies in theology, receiving his MA in theology and another master’s degree in education leadership. Brian currently lives in Tampa, Florida, with his wife, Genevieve, and three children, Mieko, Michael, and Grace. He works at Jesuit High School, where he is the assistant principal for Discipline.

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic from Miami. She has degrees in theology and psychology from Franciscan University of Steubenville and the Augustine Institute. She has worked in youth ministry for over 15 years, including serving as a youth minister and as a high school theology teacher. Mari is currently serving with The Evangelical Catholic. She is a presenter for Ascension Press, including YOU: Theology of the Body and Connected: CST for this generation. Mari loves to dance, has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ, and is dedicated to helping others encounter him.

Kris Frank

Kris Frank serves as the Chief Mission Officer for the National Eucharistic Congress. He previously served as the vice president of Vagabond Missions. Kris has had the privilege of traveling around the country, sharing the Gospel with teens and adults at retreats, camps, conferences, and parish missions. In addition, he has contributed to various evangelical and catechetical writing projects and publications over the years. In 2020, Kris published his first book, Hope Always: An Anchor for Life’s Storms. Kris lives in Steubenville with his wife, Grace, and their six children.

Priestly Discernment Program – Franciscan University

Is God calling you to consider becoming a priest?

Discern a possible vocation to the priesthood and/or religious life with other young men and receive preparation for seminary! Young men in the Priestly Discernment Program (PDP) at Franciscan University of Steubenville gain a firm foundation in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Four Dimensions of Formation:

  1. Intellectual Formation
  2. Human Formation
  3. Spiritual Formation
  4. Pastoral Formation

Here at Franciscan, we add a fifth dimension, dedicated to Fraternal Formation, for the building up of community life and brotherhood.

Log on to our website or visit our Facebook page for more Information.

Sunday | Rockies

7:00 – 8:30 am

(Aurora Exhibit Hall 3)

Marketplace Open

8:15 am

Main Doors Open
(Adams Ballroom)

8:45 am – Noon

Morning Session
Keynote: Prayer: Acts 2:42

Celebration of Holy Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

Friday | Rockies

1:00 – 5:00 pm

Group Check-in
(Aurora Exhibit Hall 2)

Marketplace Open
(Aurora Exhibit Hall 2)

6:15 pm 

Main Doors Open
(Adams Ballroom)

6:45 – 9:30 pm

Evening Session
God Illuminated

9:30 pm – 11:30 pm

(Juniper Ballroom)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open

Noelle Mering

Noelle Mering is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a scholar at the Institute for Human Ecology. She is the author of the book Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology, co-author of the Theology of Home book series, and editor at Noelle has an MA in philosophy from Franciscan University. She resides in Southern California and is a wife and a mother of six children.

Dr. John Bergsma

Dr. John Bergsma  is a professor of theology at Franciscan University and served as a Protestant pastor for four years before entering the Catholic Church in 2001. Dr. Bergsma holds a PhD in theology from the University of Notre Dame, where he specialized in the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls. He has authored over a dozen books on Scripture and the Catholic faith, including Bible Basics for Catholics, Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and A Catholic Introduction to the Bible. He speaks regularly on Catholic radio and at conferences and parishes nationally and internationally. He and his wife, Dawn, reside with their eight children in the Steubenville area.

Dcn. Bob Rice

Deacon Bob Rice lives in the Diocese of Steubenville with his wife, Jennifer, and seven children. He is a professor of catechetics at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he teaches courses on Scripture, youth ministry, and music ministry. He travels around the country preaching about Jesus and leading worship. He also does a weekly podcast with Franciscan University President Father Dave Pivonka, TOR, called “They That Hope.” Learn more about him at


6:30 am – 8:30 am 

 Breakfast  (Antonian Hall)

8:00 am

Doors Open  (FFH)

8:40 am – 9:00 am

Rosary  Liturgy Committee  (FFH)

9:00 am – 12:30 pm


Praise and Worship  

Keynote:  “When Victory Doesn’t Look Like Victory”
Fr. Louis Merosne

Witness: “Two Conversions: Head and Heart”
Nathan Crankfield

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Celebrant/Homilist: Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR

12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Lunch  (Antonia Hall)

Until 2:00 pm 

Residence Hall Checkout


6:30 am – 8:30 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation (JPII Library)

6:30 am – 8:30 am

Breakfast (Antonian Hall)

7:30 am

Doors Open  (FFH)

8:00 am – Noon

Registration Open  (JCWC: International Room)

8:00 am – 9:00 am

Prayer Teams Available  (JCWC: Fireside Lounge)

8:10 am – 8:30 am

Rosary  Liturgy Committee (FFH)

8:30 am – Noon


Praise and Worship   JP Von Arx

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Celebrant/Homilist:  Bishop Joseph Espaillat

Keynote: “Equipped for Victory: The Charisms of the Holy Spirit”
Jackie Angel

Noon – 2:00 pm

Lunch  (Antonian Hall + Outside of Antonian Hall)

Noon – 2:00 pm

Prayer Teams Available  (JCWC: Fireside Lounge) 

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm

Pilgrimages Information Session  (FFH: Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor)
If you would like to attend this session and have a meal plan, sign up at the Pilgrimages Table to have your meal delivered to the Aerobics Room. If you do not have a meal plan, you can purchase a lunch for $10

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation  (JPII Library)

1:00 – 1:30 pm

Information Session for Elevated Parish Missions
Martin Watjen  
(FFH: Performance Room, 2nd floor)

1:00 pm – 1:50 pm

“Estate Planning – Are you Prepared?”
Jim Thaler  
(JCWC: St. Leo Room)

1:30 pm

Doors Open  (Workshop Venues)

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


“Allowing Jesus to Heal Our Wounds”
Jackie Angel (FFH)

       “Life in the Spirit Part 1”
        John Beaulieu
       (FFH 2nd floor: Performance Room)

“Is it Possible to Rejoice in the Lord Always?”
Paco Gavrilieds  (CODA: Pugliese Auditorium)

“Victory with Mary at Our Sides”
Fr. Louis Merosne   (FFH 2nd floor: Aerobics Room)

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm


3:30 pm – 4:30 pm


“The Power of Intercessory Prayer with Mary & Saints”
 Jackie Angel  (FFH)

        “Life in the Spirit Part 2″
          John Beaulieu
          (FFH 2nd floor: Performance Room)

“His Love is Made Known in His Power”
 Paco Gavrilides
CODA: Pugliese Auditorium)

“Excellence in the 21st Century:  Applying Faith and Reason to Everyday Life”
 Nathan Crankfield (FFH 2nd floor: Aerobics Room)

3:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Young Adult Social and talk: “Discovering Your Vocation and Personal Mission”
Bishop Joseph Espaillat (FFH Outdoor Courtyard)

*Open to ages 18-30. Drinks, snacks, and games provided.

4:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Dinner  (Antonian Hall + Outside of Antonian Hall)

5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Prayer Teams Available  (JCWC: Fireside Lounge)

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation  (JPII Library)

5:30 pm

Doors Open  (FFH)

6:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Gathering Music  (FFH) JP Von Arx

 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm


Praise and Worship  JP Von Arx

Keynote: “New Spaces, New Visions: Get Ready for Your New Season!”
Bishop Joseph Espaillat

Eucharistic Holy Hour
Presider: Fr. Louis Merosne

Prayer Teams will be available during the Holy Hour in the FFH lobby.

10:00 pm – 11:00 pm  

     Sacrament of Reconciliation
     (JPII Library)

10:00 pm – 11:15 pm

Social  (Outside FFH and JCWC)

Everyone is welcome to attend. Please come fellowship and meet new friends! Cash bar and pizza will be available for purchase.

Paco Galvielides

Since the time of his conversion to Catholicism in 1968, Paco Gavrilides has dedicated his life to serving Christ in the Church with a passion to share the Gospel. As a teacher, speaker, and evangelist, Paco has worked with many dioceses, movements, and individuals both nationally and internationally. He has been especially active in leadership formation, men’s ministry, family ministry, and evangelization among Hispanics and African Americans. Paco served the Church for over 10 years as Homiletics Instructor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan, a post he has held since 2011. He received the equivalent of the STB at the Archdiocesan Seminary in Monterrey, Mexico, and completed his Licentiate Degree in the New Evangelization at Sacred Heart.

Nathan Crankfield

Nathan Crankfield was born and raised in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He became the first Catholic in his entire family at the age of 13. After graduating from Mount St. Mary’s University, Nathan went on to become an infantry officer in the U.S. Army. During his four years of active duty service, Nathan graduated from Airborne School and Ranger School. He also served as a platoon leader on a combat deployment to Afghanistan. After the Army, Nathan began working in ministry for organizations such as Dynamic Catholic, Benedictine College, and Hallow. He is now the host of the “Seeking Excellence” podcast and lives in Denver with his wife, Emily, and their son, Jordan.

John Paul Von Arx

John Paul Von Arx seeks to share his faith and love for country music in venues all across America and has been performing professionally for the last nine years. Since the release of his debut solo album in 2018, John Paul has been known for his advocacy work for people with Down Syndrome and their families. Additionally, in 2020 he was hired as coordinator of Worship at Franciscan University in order to mentor students in leading worship and to teach Intro to Music Ministry as an adjunct professor.