Dave VanVickle

Dave VanVickle fell in love with the Lord at the age of 14 and has dedicated his life to bringing others into a radical relationship with Christ. He is a popular speaker and retreat leader who presents on topics related to spiritual warfare, the universal call to holiness, and authentic Catholic spirituality. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville and has years of experience assisting priests with their ministries of deliverance and exorcism. He is also co-host of the popular Ascension podcast “Every Knee Shall Bow.” Dave resides in Pittsburgh with his five children: Sam, Max, Judah, Josie, and Louisa.

Bishop Joseph Espaillat

Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat is an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of New York. Growing up in Manhattan, he learned to speak three languages: English, Spanish, and Street. He loves ministering the sacraments: celebrating the holy sacrifice of the Mass, hearing confessions, and proclaiming the Word of God.  He loves working with youth and helping them encounter Christ.  Bishop J enjoys spending time with family and friends as well as playing softball, basketball, tennis and golf.  He also enjoys watching movies, writing poetry, and rapping.  Bishop J is also the founder of the ministry Messengers of Christ.

Fr. Louis Merosne

Father Louis Merosne is madly in love with the Trinity, the Blessed Mother, and the Catholic Church. Born in Haiti, he moved to Boston in 1993. He studied at the Franciscan University (undergraduate French, philosophy, and theology from 2002 to 2005 and graduate theology and Christian ministry from 2005 to 2007). Ordained in 2011, he now serves in Haiti in the Diocese of Anse-à-Veau and Miragoâne under Bishop Pierre-André Dumas. Preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ is both a duty and passion for him. His perpetual prayer intention is to be a saintly priest.

John Beaulieu

John Beaulieu has worked in the Christian Outreach Office of Franciscan University since 2003 and serves as the director of Evangelization and Engagement. A graduate of Franciscan University, John has served in ministry for over 30 years. He spent 2 years serving with NET and 19 years as a parish youth minister. A regular speaker at parish and diocesan events, John addresses topics such as Life in the Spirit, media and teen culture, and Catholic evangelization. John and his wife, Lisa, live in Steubenville with their five children.

Pete Burak

Pete Burak is vice president of Renewal Ministries. He is a 2010 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville and has a master’s degree in theology from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Pete is a frequent speaker on discipleship and evangelization, and he is the co-director of Pine Hills Boys Camp. He is a monthly columnist for Faith Magazine and the host of “The Hour” and “Spirit-Filled Leadership” podcasts. Pete and his wife, Cait, have four children.


Stand in Victory

“But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Cor. 15:57

Conference Schedule:

  • All general sessions will be held in Finnegan Fieldhouse (FFH).
  • JCWC indicates J.C. Williams Center; CODA indicates SS. Cosmas and Damian.
  • All participant meals will be served inside and outside of Antonian Hall
    • For those without a meal plan, individual meals are available for purchase for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
      • Lunch (Saturday only) and dinners purchased outside of Antonian Hall: $10
      • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner purchased in Antonian Hall: $9.41, $12.55, and $15.69, respectively

Noon – 8:00 pm

Registration and Housing Check-in  (St. Joseph’s Center: Seminar Room)

3:00 pm

Doors Open  (FFH)

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Travelers’ Mass (FFH)  TOR

4:30 pm – 6:30 pm 

*NEW* Young Adult Social at Franciscan Square
185 Franciscan Square – outdoor green space)

*Open to ages 18-30. Food and drinks available for purchase at the Harp and Habit

4:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Dinner  (Antonian Hall and JCWC Tent)

6:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Gathering Music (FFH) – JP Von Arx

7:00 pm – 9:30 pm


Praise and Worship/Prayer
Gathering Music (FFH) – JP Von Arx
and Pete Burak

Keynote: “Choose This Day
Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR

9:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation  (JPII Library)

9:30 pm – 10:45 pm

Social  (Outside FFH and JCWC)

Everyone is welcome to attend. Please come fellowship and meet new friends! Cash bar and popcorn and snow cones will be available.

Joel Stepanek

Joel Stepanek has been passionately involved in youth ministry for over 15 years and has traveled throughout the United States and world proclaiming the Gospel. He is the author of several books, including Beginning WellChasing Humility, and True North: A Roadmap for Discernment. Joel is an avid Packers fan and enjoys cooking, Spartan races, and reading. Most importantly, he loves spending time with his wife, Colleen, and three children, Elijah Daniel, Sophia Grace, and Micah James.

Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR

Father Dave Pivonka, TOR, became president of Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2019. The well-known Catholic speaker and author received his bachelor’s from Franciscan University, then earned an MDiv, MA in theology, doctorate in education, and executive juris doctorate. A member of the Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular, Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, he was ordained a priest in 1996. He served in leadership positions at Franciscan University including as vice president for Mission and Planning. He also served as director of the TOR’s Post-Novitiate Formation and most recently directed the TOR’s evangelistic outreach Franciscan Pathways.

Jackie Francois Angel

Jackie Francois Angel is a speaker, vlogger, worship leader, author, and homeschooling mom from Orange County, California. In 2013, Jackie married Bobby Angel, who shares her passion for Jesus, coffee, and superhero movies. Together they have written two books, including Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry: 5 Steps to Discerning God’s Will (with Fr. Mike Schmitz). They reside in Texas with their five children.

Katie Prejean McGrady

Katie Prejean McGrady is an award-winning author of four books, international Catholic speaker, and host of The Katie McGrady Show on The Catholic Channel on Sirius XM. She writes for Blessed is She and LaCroix International and hosts the podcasts “Ave Explores” for Ave Maria Press, “Like a Mother” for Our Sunday Visitor, and “Family Mass Prep” on Hallow. Katie lives in Lake Charles, Louisiana, with her husband, Tommy, and her daughters, Rose and Clare.

Franciscan University

Our mission as a Catholic and Franciscan university is to educate, to evangelize, and to send forth joyful disciples for lives of worldwide mission.

At Franciscan University, you’ll find professors, spiritual mentors, and lifelong friends who will challenge and help you to grow intellectually and spiritually. In the midst of our academically excellent and passionately Catholic community, you’ll discover who God made you to be and leave here prepared to flourish professionally, spiritually, and personally.

Want to learn more? Tell us about yourself so we can connect with you. 

Come visit our beautiful campus and experience what it’s like to be a student here for a day. 



Faith is a precious gift from God. As the largest religious media network in the world, EWTN has an important role in educating others about our Catholic faith and spreading the good news of salvation. Our rich and rewarding Catholic faith was communicated by our Lord to the Apostles, and has been handed down through the centuries by His humble servants under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. For the Catholic faithful, you’ll find a sincere presentation of the Church’s teachings in order to help strengthen your faith and lead a deeper commitment to a life pleasing to our Lord. For non-Catholics, we hope to answer your questions, resolve your curiosity and create a rich environment that will help you one day decide to join us. We invite you to explore our numerous pages of historical faith documents, prayers, teachings, information on saints and other current issues in Catholicism today.


Small Group Tips


Small group time is some of the most important time that will take place during the retreat. It is a chance for young people to share with one another their thoughts, feelings, and what God is doing in their hearts. By listening and loving them during this time, you incarnate the love of Christ and reinforce all other aspects of the retreat.



  • “To convert somebody, go and take them by the hand and guide them.” – St. Thomas Aquinas. You are there to walk with teens and guide them closer to Jesus.
  • To model availability and authenticity.
  • To serve.
  • To facilitate a conversation – a conversation where you are doing the majority of listening.



  • To help participants process their experience.
  • To answer their questions.
  • To share parts of your testimony.
  • To pray with the participants.



  • Find a quiet place to meet with minimal distractions.
  • Make sure that everyone is sitting on the same level and looking at each other.
  • Small groups should not be mixed gender. This will allow for greater intimacy and more directed conversations coming out of the men’s/women’s sessions.
  • Small groups should be around 6 people in size. With larger groups, comfort and intimacy can be lost.
  • If possible, try to your best to avoid assigning best friends or cliques to the same small group.



  • Begin with prayer. Model it in the first small group meeting and ask others to lead prayer in subsequent gatherings.
  • Learn names and spend time just getting to know the teens. They won’t care how much we know until they know how much we care.
  • If it’s the first or second small group for the weekend, play an ice breaker game or ask some icebreaker questions.
  • Start every small group with asking teens if they have any comments/questions from the talk – if there was anything they didn’t understand.
  • Use open-ended question and allow people to respond honestly, without judgment.
  • Be patient and don’t fear silence. They may be processing.
  • Keep speech positive. No negative humor.
  • Don’t allow one person to monopolize the discussion.
  • If someone derails the conversation, kindly say “Thank you so much for sharing! Let’s talk more about this later today!”
  • Don’t allow interruptions.
  • Do not correct in front of everyone.
  • If someone does not seem to want to talk in the small group, try engaging them one on one.



  • Don’t have an agenda. Have an open heart and let God lead.
  • Small group time is for them to speak and for you to listen. Do not preach or teach during this time.
  • Don’t worry. Don’t be afraid. God’s chosen you for this.
  • Don’t move on from a fruitful conversation.
  • Make the most of each small group meeting.
  • Everyone is encouraged to share, but no one has to.
  • Be honest and authentic – we are on this journey together.
  • Do not break the privacy or confidentiality of another member. Let the small group know that everything is confidential unless something that could be harmful to them or someone else is shared.
  • If someone shares about something harmful or is in imminent danger to themselves or another, tell the group leader. The group leader will then take any necessary next steps per diocesan safe environment policy.

Diocese of Joliet Vocations

Every person has a unique calling from God, and the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Joliet works to help all people discern and flourish in their calling as a priest, religious, deacon or spouse. God speaks to all of us and has a specific purpose for each of our lives, and a vocation is his holy invitation to pursue a religious life using the gifts He has given us.

When one experiences the unique and personal love of Jesus, desires begin to grow within his/her heart. These desires grow over time and begin to direct the individual’s life. To discern, then, is to ‘separate’ this deep holy desire from the many other desires of life and choose to follow the voice of Jesus, the good shepherd.”

Diocese of Joliet

Prohibited Items

Food may not be brought into conference session areas.

Glow-sticks, laser pointers and flashing items are not permitted.

Clothespins: No passing out clothespins (‘clipping’) during the conference


Partnership for Youth reserves the right to deny entrance to, or request the ejection of, any group or individual who does not comply with the policies and procedures of th conference. In the event that entrance is denied, or a person(s) is(are) ejected, no refunds will be issued and they will return home that their own expense.

Camera Use

VIDEO CAMERAS and FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY are not allowed during Liturgical services but are permitted during general sessions. This includes cell phones with cameras and video capabilities. Assigned media representatives will be the only individuals allowed to take pictures or videos during the Liturgy.

E-Cigarettes and Smoking

All Steubenville Youth Conference facilities are smoke-free. This includes the use of e-cigarettes. Outside of conference session times, smoking is permitted in designated areas.

The Smoke-Free Illinois Act is (SFIA) a state law which protects residents, workers, and visitors from the harmful effects of exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and e-cigarette vapor by prohibiting smoking of all forms of combustible tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars, and hookah, and e-cigarettes, vapes, and any other electronic smoking device, in public places and places of employment. In addition to indoor areas, use of these products is banned outdoors within 15 feet from any entrance, exit, window that opens, or ventilation intake of a public place or place of employment. The SFIA has been protecting Illinois residents and visitors from the dangers of secondhand smoke since its enactment on January 1, 2008; e-cigarettes were added to the act beginning January 1, 2024.

The SFIA defines places of employment as any area under the control of a public or private employer that employees are required to occupy, enter, or pass through while on the job. Public places are defined as a portion of any building or vehicle, whether owned by a private or public entity, used by and open to the public. The definition contains a list of many types of public places, including hospitals, restaurants, stores, offices, elevators, indoor theaters, libraries, warehouses, concert halls, public conveyances, meeting rooms, schools, and private clubs. It is not an exhaustive list. All public places meeting the statute’s definition are subject to the requirements of the SFIA.

Alcohol, Drugs and Weapons

All local laws concerning alcohol, drugs and weapons will be strictly enforced. Possession and/or consumption of alcohol or drugs is prohibited at all Steubenville Youth Conferences. We have a zero tolerance policy, and youth or adults found consuming alcohol will be sent home.

  • Violation of Policy: If a teen is found in possession of drugs, alcohol or weapons; or has
    consumed drugs or alcohol or is a danger to themselves or others, their parents will be called to come pick them up. Teens may not return to the conference. Teens will be kept with officers at the conference security office in order to keep them safe. Teens will be released only to parents or approved adults to be removed from the conference site. During the time the teen is with site security, parents will incur a $30/hour charge.
  • At the discretion of Partnership for Youth staff and/or site public safety personnel some offences may be reported to and handled by local law enforcement.

Guest Policies

The Steubenville Conferences are closed events. Anyone not registered for the conference as a teen participant, young adult, adult chaperone, group leader, clergy, or volunteer WILL NOT be allowed into any areas of the event site at any time throughout the entire weekend. This includes Masses. Special requests for Guest attendance during ANY part of the conference must be pre-approved and compliance with Safe Environment requirements must be fulfilled. Please contact the Partnership for Youth office at least one month prior to the conference for information.

Infants and Children Policy
Although we strongly support Catholic family life, due to insurance regulations and facility constraints, infants and children are not allowed at the conference.

Late Arrivals and Early Departures
All participants (teens and adults) should attend the entire conference; arriving and departing with their group. The conference theme builds from one session to the next and it is important for participants to be present for the entire day. Late arrivals and early departures are strongly discouraged. In the event that the Group Leader wishes to make an exception, please contact the Partnership for Youth office to coordinate the arrival/departure.

Diocese of Joliet

There is so much to learn about our faith and our diocese.

We serve, support, and collaborate with the clergy, religious, and lay leaders of our parishes, schools, and ministries to animate the mission of the Catholic Church through the bishop’s vision of Catechesis, Evangelization, and Faith into Action.

Diocese of Joliet

Partnership for Youth

Partnership for Youth was founded out of a desire to offer a Catholic youth conference in the Midwest that would awaken and strengthen young people in their faith.


Our Holy Father is calling us all to participate in the evangelization of the Church, an evangelization beginning with young people and those who influence them. The vision of Partnership for Youth is to help youth discover their reason for being, through their relationship with Christ within the fullness of the Catholic Church.


Awaken and strengthen young people in their relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church by providing Catholic events.