Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin, faithful to the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary through her appearances on the American continent in 1531, serves the spiritual needs of those who suffer poverty in body and soul. It is a place of ceaseless prayer for the corporal and spiritual welfare of God’s children, especially those in most need.

A Gift of Providence

Pilgrims come to the Shrine Church to receive God’s forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance and to participate in Holy Mass. Through her beautiful image behind the altar, Our Lady of Guadalupe continues her vocation and mission of bringing Christ to us and bringing us to Christ.

In November of 1995, then-Bishop Raymond Leo Burke met with a small group of people to discuss his ideas for a Marian shrine.​

Through what many attribute to divine providence, a beautiful site of approximately 70 acres was gifted by the Robert Swing family. It was the desire of the late Mr. & Mrs. Swing that the tract of land which they had cared for so well might one day become a place that would draw people closer to God.

University of St. Thomas

University of St. Thomas: All for the Common Good

At St. Thomas we believe diversity, equity and inclusion are indispensable to academic excellence and the holistic development of our students. Our university community includes and welcomes ALL people.

With eight schools and colleges, St. Thomas offers a comprehensive university with undergraduate and graduate options.

With one campus along the Mississippi River in St. Paul, a second campus in the heart of downtown Minneapolis, and a third campus in Rome, St. Thomas offers an urban experience with lots of greenery thrown in. But you can’t believe everything you read on the internet. So come to campus and see it all for yourself.

Our two-year college, Dougherty Family College, is for students who want to obtain a four-year college degree. They receive financial, academic and professional support on the way to their goals.

All students can participate in Study Abroad, Research, and Internship opportunities, and access the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, which helps spread the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation across campus.

Contact Us!

Connor Flanagan

Connor Flanagan is a pop/hip-hop artist passionate about encouraging others to step into God’s dream for their life. In a world where people are crippled by fear, scared of the unknown, and longing for purpose; Connor desires for his career to serve as a witness of what can happen when you don’t settle for what the world offers, and instead allow God to breathe life into your gifts. Pulling from influences such as Macklemore, Mat Kearney & TobyMac, Connor’s acoustic roots plus love for hip-hop have allowed him to create a unique sound that is accessible by any audience. From driving anthems to acoustic pop, Connor’s ability to bring his songs to life on stage is what sets him apart. From booking and promoting his own album release tour, to opening for acts such as Kari Jobe & David Crowder, Connor is committed to crafting a live experience that communicates both hope & encouragement to all those in attendance.

Connor Flanagan

Dress Guidelines

Partnership for Youth requests that all participants adhere to the following guidelines regarding modest dress.
Please note that it is the responsibility of group leaders and chaperones to address these guidelines with their teens. Conference staff and volunteers will not personally address modesty with participants unless there is a gross violation.

Please avoid the following:
*Shorts, skirts, or dresses shorter than 5 inches above the knee while standing, or that are tight, drawing attention to the shape of the body.
*Shirts that reveal midriff or are low cut from the neck area.
*Leggings, yoga pants and tights, unless paired with a long loose fit ting tunic or dress.
*Rolling up of skirts or shorts at the leg or waistband.
*Pants or shorts that say to the point where they reveal one’s undergarments.
*Clothing that may appear to have an anti-Christian message or with writings that include crude language, promotion of alcohol or drug use, or suggestive material of a crude or a sexual nature.
*”Free Hugs” signs and shirts.

*Shoes must be worn at all time.
*During all Liturgies and prayers, out of respect, every male must remove any headwear. This includes all hats, visors, headbands, bandanas, etc.
*Individuals serving in any capacity during the liturgical celebrations are asked to wear long pants or a long skirt and an appropriate shirt.
*Dancing that appears inappropriate or vulgar will not be permitted.

Saturday Joliet

8:00-9:00 am



General Session

11:20am- 12:40pm

–   Reconciliation
–   Marketplace Open
–   Small Groups


General Session


Eucharistic Adoration


–   Reconciliation
–   Marketplace Open
–   Small Groups


General Session
Closing Mass

Bishop Ronald Hicks

Bishop Ron Hicks was ordained to the priesthood in 1994. He served at several parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago before serving as regional director at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos in El Salvador. He was Dean of Formation at Mundelein Seminary before he was appointed Vicar General, then auxiliary bishop. He was named bishop of the Diocese of Joliet in 2020.

Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary

Schoenstatt’s goal is the moral and spiritual renewal of society. We want to help bring about the Kingdom of the Father on earth by forming personalities and communities firmly rooted in Christian principles and values.

Mary is our way to this goal. Through the covenant of love with her, we want to create and foster a Marian culture in our world – a culture of Marian love for God, Marian faithfulness, Marian nobility, Marian freedom and generosity, Marian purity. We want to give the world a Marian face.

As a secular institute, we have a special mission to be the arm of the Church in the world. We want to influence and shape all levels of society and all aspects of human life with a Christian spirit. By our being and actions, and as instruments of the Blessed Mother, we want to bring the message of God’s love to every corner of the world.

Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary


Damascus is a community of missionaries who are passionate about bringing revival to the Catholic Church. The polls and the pews tell the story of a crisis of faith, where over 80% of young people are leaving the church within 10 years of their confirmation. In response, we believe that God is inviting us to partner with Him in reversing the trends and rewriting the story towards renewed hope and life in Him. We believe that when a generation of people are awakened to God’s love, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and equipped with the tools to live a life on mission, it will change the world.

Since the inception of Catholic Youth Summer Camp in 2001, we have seen thousands of lives transformed through encounters with the living God. In 2016, the Lord blessed us with 500 acres in Centerburg, OH and we began to build a campus to serve the youth of the Church. We dreamed big, but God dreamed bigger.

What started with a handful of missionaries serving 1,000 youth a year, has grown to now be 250+ missionaries serving over 20,000 each year through 3 summer camp locations and year-round ministry to parishes, schools, families, and dioceses across the country. As we boldly move forward to take the Gospel across this nation, we know that this is just the beginning of a movement to reclaim a lost generation for Jesus!




“The saints did not all begin well, but they ended well.” – St. John Vianney

Scapegoat is a new endeavor started by two friends who were inspired to bring new life to the Catholic design world. We started making products that were designed to inspire. Not only will you have a brand spankin’ new patch, you will also have a daily reminder of your future call to Sainthood.

Part of what Scapegoat hopes to accomplish, is to rediscover what it really means to be a “radical” Catholic. To us, that means one thing – Sainthood. Everything we make reminds and inspires us to start each day with a “yes” to God and the adventures He has in store for each of us.

Why “Scapegoat”? In the Old Testament, the book of Leviticus tells us about the Jewish practice of a Chief Priest symbolically placing the sins of the people on a goat and sending it out into the wild. In the New Testament, Jesus takes on this role by taking our sin on His shoulders and dying for our eternal salvation.

We try to communicate this Truth in every product that we create. Jesus is the ultimate Scapegoat. He is the only way to freedom from Sin and a peace that only He can give. We must live our lives in a way that reflects this reality.


Real Presence Radio

Real Presence Radio (RPR) is a lay apostolate Catholic talk radio network in the US with 27 signals in North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota Wisconsin and Wyoming. RPR is dedicated to sharing the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Church.



Learn More

For over 40 years, the Steubenville Conferences, an outreach of Franciscan University of Steubenville, have been helping people develop the relationship with God that they desire.

We want to help you figure out which conference best fits your own needs, so that you can live the abundant life that God wants for you.

To request more information, tap here!

Life Teen

We believe that when a teenager encounters Christ through the beauty of the Catholic faith, they will transform their parish, community, and culture. We’ve seen it happen time and time again.

The Life Teen movement consists of resources that provide solid Catholic teaching and youth ministry experiences for youth in middle school through high school so you can spend less time at your desk and more time ministering to teens.

The goal of Life Teen and Edge is to provide a safe and fun place for youth to find a solid Catholic community, get answers to their questions, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. We give you a playbook to create the youth ministry you’ve always wanted. Our resources empower you and your core team to evangelize teens into life-long disciples. And we’re not the new kids on the block. We’ve been supporting youth ministers like you for nearly four decades. We’ve learned some things along the way and want to share them with you.

Our resources are offered as a subscription so that parishes have the tools to address the needs of teenagers today – not five years ago.

Life Teen

Pink Salt Riot

Our mission here at Pink Salt Riot is to empower modern Christian women to reject the lies perpetuated by our culture and thoughts and instead live in the truth God has for us in His Word. We do this through lifestyle products that come alongside the women we serve to make the truth incarnate in their daily lives.

We focus on creating both awareness resources and lifestyle products – a two prong approach to wholeness that encompasses both your mental and physical life.

We need to know what lie we’re believing, we need to know what the truth is, we need to be empowered to fight those lies with the word of God, and we need to know how to be aware of our thought lives and how lies can resurface in nuanced ways. That all happens through education and awareness, which we provide through email and social media.

We need touchstones that help us carry the torch of truth forward into our daily life. That’s where physical products like are, jewelry, vinyl stickers, and other lifestyle goods come into the picture.

When you put these pieces together along with the community we have created around our brand, possibility of powerful transformation emerges.  All the ingredients are here for you.


Romantic Catholic

Since 2005, Romantic Catholic T-shirts has been creating Catholic Apparel for the whole family to help everyone TEEVANGELIZE the world. The Message on a Tee is read over 3000 times. Let’s Start Teevangelizing today.

We are so blessed to be able to offer our gifts and talents to serve God, mainly with our lives but also with our business.



We desire to awaken culture through truth.

Paradigm is all about life. It is the pattern we live by and the lens through which we see the world. Some see with a clear and pure lens, and others have a lens that is a little cloudy. Truth in our culture has become distorted. It has become something that is adaptable to each individual, depending on his or her desires and needs. However, the fact is that truth cannot be molded or changed. Truth has been foundational since the beginning of time. Our mission at Paradigm is to clean the lens that the world looks through – making truth clear and definitive once more.

We want this mission-based community to be full circle. Not only are you equipped with an evangelization opportunity, but Paradigm’s digital platforms can be a practical resource for those that are looking for the tangible tools to evangelize. We desire to set people on mission, to create opportunities, and to equip people to be Christ’s hands and feet wherever they’re at.

​”Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity…Truth must be the foundation stone, the cement to solidify the entire social edifice.” John Paul II


University of St Thomas Catholic Studies

St. Thomas Catholic Studies is the oldest, largest program of its kind. With Catholic studies, you find deeper integration of your faith, academics and professional pursuits for a meaningful life and career.

Catholic intellectual exploration and career preparation – why not both?

The world and Church need well-formed, ethical professionals to serve the common good. Our students are up to the challenge. Our graduates are in Fortune 500 boardrooms, run parishes and so much more.

Explore 2,000 years of Catholic thought and culture. Forge lasting friendships through St. Thomas Catholic Studies community activities and residential opportunities. Tap into leadership programs through the Center for Catholic Studies. Expand your horizons with our Rome program. Discover how “Christ is all, and in all” (Col. 3:11) in the wisdom you seek, work you choose and actions you take.


Diocese of Winona-Rochester

We are the Vocations Office for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. We help men and women discern their vocation through counsel, events, prayer, location visits, and more.

The Diocese of Winona-Rochester was established on November 26, 1889 when Pope Leo XIII issued the apostolic constitution which erected the diocese, and set its geographical boundaries. The diocese encompasses the 20 southernmost counties of the state of Minnesota and measures 12,282 square miles of some of the Lord’s most beautiful country–bordered by the Mississippi River to the east and the Dakotas to the west. The diocese includes Blue Earth, Cottonwood, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Jackson, Martin, Mower, Murray, Nobles, Olmsted, Pipestone, Rock, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca, Watonwan, and Winona Counties.

The diocese is home to 107 parishes, four high schools, 30 junior high, elementary or preschools, and Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona.

Learn More

Freedom to Love

Freedom to Love forms young men in both the human and spiritual areas of their lives. Too often we attempt to overcome the lure of pornography through only one of these aspects of formation, making it much more difficult to find freedom from sexual temptation.
Freedom to Love combines the supernatural treasures of our Catholic faith along with sound human development in the natural realm.

Freedom to Love


YDisciple is a toolbox of training resources for adults and teaching resources for teens specifically designed with small groups in mind. And because YDisciple is largely digital it can work whether your small groups meet in person or online.

These resources include not only the highest caliber videos for young people but also leader guides to help adults facilitate meaningful discussion, participant guides to help teens grasp key concepts, and parent resources (in English & Spanish) to encourage parents to stay engaged.

YDisciple isn’t just another video resource. We understand that programs don’t make disciples. Only a disciple can. That’s why YDisciple couples video resources with extensive training and support for leaders.

YDisciple is faithful to the teaching of the Catholic Church.


Net Ministries

National Evangelization Teams

A vast majority of Catholic youth are disconnecting from the Church during their teenage years. Something clearly isn’t working.

At NET Ministries, we’re passionate about challenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church.

That’s why, working alongside youth ministers, parishes, and schools, we help young people encounter the person of Christ through evangelization and discipleship.

Our ministry is carried out by retreat teams, discipleship teams, and YDisciple.


Students for Life of America

Kristan Hawkins launched Students for Life of America full-time in August 2006. Thanks to an angel investor, our organization was able to grow rapidly with the mission to build and become the voice of the Pro-Life Generation.

For the first several years of our organization, we were focused on growing the number and quality of Students for Life groups on college, high school, and graduate campuses. However, simply starting Students for Life groups is not our mission. Abolishing abortion is.

Students for Life has grown up to become one of the leading pro-life advocacy organizations in the world, driving the narrative for the entire movement and leading by example. Our staff size and budget is one of the largest in the entire pro-life movement. And our reach and success are recognized movement-wide.

We are humbled to report that a pro-life advocate cannot go to a pro-life march or any other event without witnessing our legacy of joyful, hopeful, young people proudly waving our signature black-and-white “I am the Pro-Life Generation” signs.


Discipleship Quads

What is a Discipleship Quad?

A Discipleship Quad is a group of four people who journey together as disciples through weekly gatherings of fellowship, ongoing conversion, and learning. This 12-month path of accompaniment fosters growth through prayer, accountability, and authentic relationships.

Learn More

For whom is a Discipleship Quad?

A Discipleship Quad is for any person who has a desire to grow in faith as a Catholic and will commit to adhere to all components of the Discipleship Quad Commitment. A Quad can be made up of people at any level of spiritual maturity, from long-time, committed Catholics to those who are just beginning their spiritual journey with Jesus. In addition to growing as disciples, Quad members should desire to be formed as disciple-makers.

What are the benefits of participating in a Discipleship Quad?

The benefit of a Discipleship Quad to each individual person is knowing the love of Jesus Christ and deepening a relationship with him. Through the gift of fellowship with people who also desire this relationship, you will be well on your way to finding peace, joy, and fulfillment in life as part of a Discipleship Quad.

What are people saying about Discipleship Quads?

“I think my personal growth in a relationship with God is encouraged and enhanced by my participation in a Discipleship Quad. I see both the struggles and successes of the group members, and I am held accountable for my efforts in furthering my relationship with God. I am more confident that with the help of the Holy Spirit I will be able to share my faith with others in my church community and in my personal and family relationships. Without the group and the Discipleship Quad materials, I don’t think I would be learning and exploring God’s purpose for my life.” – Michele S.

“Sharing my daily journey with others and hearing their daily journey enables me to see more clearly God at work in my everyday life and in others’ lives. I believe God uses other people to speak to us. Having a trusted community where faith and his Word is discussed lets me hear God’s voice calling to me, nudging me to a closer relationship with him. It also gives me a safe space to practice sharing the Good News (not something that comes naturally) with the goal of being able to do that in the broader areas of my life … Discipleship Quads have ignited my faith, revived my love of the Church, and begun my discernment of how I can ‘pass this on’ next year with a new group. It provides a group that holds me accountable in my faith journey.” – Wendy S.

How can I start a Discipleship Quad?

  1. Review all the training resources and download the Discipleship Quad Guidebook for free on our website.
  2. Pray about who God wants you to invite to join the Quad and make a list of their names.
  3. Reach out to each person on your list and set up a time to talk about the Quad. Review the resources with them and send them the link to our website so they can read through the material on their own time.
  4. Follow up with each person three to five days after your initial conversation to see how they are feeling about joining the Quad and discuss any concerns they may have.
  5. Once you have commitments from three other members, determine a day, time, and location to meet each week.
  6. Have your first gathering!

Go to our website for more information on this process, as well as all the resources you need to launch your own Discipleship Quad. All resources are free!

If you have any further questions, please email us at