Saturday | Northwest




Doors Open


General Session
Celebration of Holy Mass


Women’s Session: Enough 
Men’s Lunch, Reconciliation, & Small Groups


Men’s Session: Hide or Seek
Women’s Lunch, Reconciliation, & Small Group (will continue until 1:30)


Men’s Small Group


Open Time: Recharge
Market Place Open / Reconciliation


Dinner / Small Groups / Reconciliation


Doors Open


General Session
Keynote: Jesus, Our Refuge
Eucharistic Holy Hour and Procession


Small Groups / Reconciliation / Marketplace Open


Friday | Northwest


Registration Check-in / First Interstate for the Performing Arts


     Dinner/ Riverfront Park


     Doors Open


General Session
Keynote: Not Forgotten
Eucharistic Adoration


        Small Groups / Reconciliation / Marketplace Open


Fr. Fernando Camou

Father Fernando Camou is the middle son of five children and was raised in Glendale, Arizona.  He has 15 nieces and nephews with whom he loves to compete. Father Fernando is always up for a jam session, playing drums, guitar, or bass. He marvels at the joy of being a priest of Phoenix, Arizona, since 2015, serving the Church in parish ministry, vocations work, high school chaplaincy, seminary formation, and as a student. He currently serves as rector of the Cathedral of St. Simon and Jude.


(DELETE) T – W | Group Name

Thuruthickara Family

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section E , Row 3, Seats 10-11

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section F: Row 10, Seats 10-11

West Omaha Catholic

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section G , Row 11, Seats 1-11, Row 12, Seats 1-11, Row 13, Seats 1-11, Row 14, Seats 1-11, Row 15, Seats 1-11, Row 16, Seats 1-11, Row 17, Seats 1-11, Row 18, Seats 1-11, Row 19, Seats 1-11, Row 20, Seats 1-11, Row 21, Seats 1-11, Row 22, Seats 1-11, Row 23, Seats 1-11, Row 24, Seats 1-9

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section C: Row 11, Seats 1-11, Row 12, Seats 1-11, Row 13, Seats 1-11, Row 14, Seats 1-11, Row 15, Seats 1-11, Row 16, Seats 1-11, Row 17, Seats 1-11, Row 18, Seats 1-11, Row 19, Seats 1-11, Row 20, Seats 1-11, Row 21, Seats 1-11, Row 22, Seats 1-11, Row 23, Seats 1-11, Row 24, Seats 3-11

(DELETE) St. Peter (Co Springs) – Sts. Peter and Paul | Group Name

St. Peter (CO Springs)

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section H , Row 23, Seats 1-8, Row 24, Seats 1-8

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section B: Row 11, Seats 7-11, Row 12, Seats 1-11

St. Peter (Greeley)

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section A , Row 15, Seats 5-11, Row 16, Seats 5-11, Row 17, Seats 6-11

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section E: Row 8, Seats 5-11, Row 9, Seats 5-11, Row 10, Seats 6-11

St. Rose (NM)

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section A , Row 15, Seats 1-4, Row 16, Seats 1-4, Row 17, Seats 1-5

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section E: Row 8, Seats 1-4, Row 9, Seats 1-4, Row 10, Seats 1-5

St. Stephen

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section E , Row 20, Seats 1-11, Row 21, Seats 1-11, Row 22, Seats 1-11, Row 23, Seats 1-7, Row 24, Seats 1-6

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section A: Row 1, Seats 1-7, Row 2, Seats 1-6, Row 3, Seats 1-11, Row 4, Seats 1-11, Row 5, Seats 1-11

St. Thomas Aquinas

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section A , Row 6, Seats 1-4, Row 7, Seats 1-4, Row 8, Seats 1-4

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section E: Row 17, Seats 1-4, Row 18, Seats 1-4, Row 19, Seats 1-4

St. Thomas More

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section F , Row 21, Seats 1-11, Row 22, Seats 1-11, Row 23, Seats 1-11, Row 24, Seats 1-10

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section H: Row 15, Seats 1-11, Row 16, Seats 1-11, Row 17, Seats 1-11, Row 18, Seats 1-10

Sts. Peter & Paul

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section E , Row 16, Seats 1-4, Row 17, Seats 1-4, Row 18, Seats 1-4

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section A: Row 6, Seats 1-4, Row 7, Seats 1-4, Row 8, Seats 1-4

Sts. Peter & Paul (TX)

Friday – Saturday afternoon:
Section H , Row 6, Seats 5-11, Row 7, Seats 5-11, Row 8, Seats 5-11, Row 9, Seats 5-11, Row 10, Seats 5-11

Saturday evening – Sunday:
Section D: Row 20, Seats 5-11, Row 21, Seats 5-11, Row 22, Seats 5-11, Row 23, Seats 5-11, Row 24, Seats 5-11

Father Jonathan St. Andre, TOR

Father Jonathan St. André, TOR, is the vice president of Franciscan Life at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He is a 1996 graduate of the University where he studied mental health, theology, and philosophy. Father Jonathan professed his vows in 2000 and received his MDiv degree in 2005 in preparation for the priesthood. He was ordained in 2006. Father Jonathan also has a master of arts in Franciscan Studies from St. Bonaventure University and is currently pursuing an education doctorate in leadership and organizations from the University of Dayton.

Fr. Jonathan has been blessed to serve in various ministries within his community including vocation formation, university campus ministry, and the formation of men in the novitiate. His interests include cycling and reading. He grew up in Northern Virginia and is the oldest of four children.


Dcn. Harold Burke-Sivers

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers is an internationally renowned speaker, author, and preacher. He holds a bachelor of arts degree in economics and business administration from the University of Notre Dame, and a master of theological studies degree from the University of Dallas. He has appeared as a guest on numerous international Catholic radio and television programs and is the host or co-host of several popular series on the Eternal Word Television Network. Deacon Harold, a Benedictine Oblate, is the author of five books, including Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male SpiritualityFather Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African American Priest and the acclaimed new book Our Life of Service: The Handbook for Catholic Deacons. He is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars and the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy.


Alicia Hartle

Alicia Hartle serves as executive director of Pentecost Today USA (the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the US) and is a founding member of an ecumenical household, The Oakland Prayer Group, Abba’s House, Unbound Pittsburgh-Greensburg, and Catholic Women’s Fellowship ministries. Born into the fire of Renewal in the Pittsburgh area, she has worked in ministry and business development on local, national, and international levels. Knowing God and making Him known are her greatest passions.


Fr. Rufino Corona, TOR

Fr. Rufino Corona is a friar on the campus of his alma mater, Franciscan University of Steubenville. Shortly after his graduation, he entered the Third Order Regular of St. Francis and was ordained in 2020. Having grown up in California as a self proclaimed “conference kid,” Fr. Rufino is excited to minister at the conferences for the first time this summer.

Derya Little

Born and raised in Muslim Turkey, Derya Little rejected her family’s Islamic faith and became an atheist after her parents’ divorce. During her stormy adolescence, she tried to convince a Christian missionary that there is no God but was converted to Christ instead. While serving as a Christian youth minister, Derya began to compare the teachings of Protestantism and Catholicism, and during her doctoral studies in England, she entered the Catholic Church. Little has an MA in history and a PhD in politics. Her books include her conversion story, From Islam to Christ, as well as A Beginner’s Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass, At His Feet: Drawing Closer to Christ, and the YA fiction series Two Fallen Worlds.


Norman bin Yazid

Syahryl Norman bin Yazid is a convert to the Catholic Church from the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. He teaches theology at Notre Dame Riverside High School in Southern California. Norman completed his doctor of ministry degree from Claremont School of Theology and wrote his thesis on St. Thomas Aquinas’ notion of freedom and is grateful for the grace of converting to the Catholic Church. He and his wife have two daughters.


St. Lawrence Seminary High School

Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the example of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Lawrence Seminary provides a residential college preparatory education in a living Catholic community nurturing mature, well-rounded men of faith, who prepare for a life of ministry as priests, religious and lay leaders in the Church and world.



Dr. Carole Brown

Dr. Carole Brown is the director of the Sioux Spiritual Center (Catholic Retreat Lodge) in the Diocese of Rapid City. She earned an MA in theology and Christian ministry with a specialization in catechetics from Franciscan University in 1997 and served there as director of Evangelistic Outreach for eight years. She completed her PhD in systematic theology in Dublin in 2010. Her dissertation was titled “Crossing the Threshold of Faith: Pope John Paul II’s Approach to the Problem of the Conversion of the Baptized.” She has over 30 years of experience in evangelization, through youth and young adult ministry, campus ministry, teaching, radio ministry, spiritual direction, and retreat ministry.



6:30 – 7:30 pm

Track Coordinator Dinner
(Baron Room, 2nd Floor FFH)

*This dinner is for track coordinators – both those taking place and those not taking place. If other presenters are already in town, they are most welcome to attend.

Megan Mohan

Megan Mohan graduated from Franciscan University in 2009 and has traveled all over the country speaking about the Gospel ever since. Her desire is to remind people about the truth of who they are, and that they are infinitely loved by God. Megan has recently been certified as a Catholic Mindset Coach, working with people individually to achieve greater healing and transformation by the renewal of their mind. She is passionate about her work, but her greatest joy is her marriage and children.


Lauren Gothard

Lauren Gothard is a daughter of the abundantly generous Father. She has been seeking to know and serve the Lord for eight years since converting to the Catholic Church. She is passionate about seeing a Church fully alive in the joy, peace, and purpose that God has for us. Lauren is currently a full-time missionary for Damascus Catholic Missions Campus in Centerburg, Ohio. She spends most of her time loving on teens and creating environments where people can fall head over heels in love with God. She enjoys good coffee, acoustic vibes, and quality cheese.


Bishop Scott McCaig

Bishop Scott McCaig, CC, was born in Duncan, British Columbia, Canada, and grew up Kamloops, British Columbia and entered into full communion with the Catholic Church in 1987. After serving with NET Catholic Youth Ministries USA, he joined the Society of Apostolic Life the Companions of the Cross in 1989 and later served two terms as general superior (2006 to 2016). Bishop McCaig holds an undergraduate degree in history from Carleton University, a bachelor’s degree in sacred theology from the University of St. Paul, and a master of divinity degree from the University of Toronto. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1995, serving in numerous capacities. He was appointed by Pope Francis as Military Ordinary of Canada on April 8, 2016, and ordained to the episcopacy on the Feast of the Visitation, May 31, 2016. Bishop McCaig serves on several boards, has participated in many missionary outreaches, and assists in training missionaries with NET Ministries of Canada. In addition, he is episcopal advisor for the Spiritual Motherhood of Priests Apostolate in Ottawa, serves on the Committee for Ecumenical Dialogue for the Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops, and is liaison to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario.


Debbie Herbeck

Debbie Herbeck has shared with many her personal journey of faith from Judaism to the Catholic Church. For the past 40 years, Debbie has worked extensively in youth and women’s ministry, speaking, leading mission trips, and mentoring high school and college age women. She is the founder and executive director of Pine Hills Girls’ Camp and the founder and leader of Be Love Revolution, a ministry that helps young girls encounter Christ and be his love in the world. Debbie has written five books and is a frequent author and speaker for Blessed is She. Debbie and her husband, Peter, live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and have 4 young adult children and 10 grandchildren.