Curtis Mitch

Curtis Mitch is a writer and editor at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Among his publications, he is the main annotator for the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (Ignatius Press), a co-author of commentaries on the Gospel of Matthew and the Book of Romans (Baker Academic), and a contributor of several book chapters in the Catholic for a Reason apologetics series (Emmaus Road). He earned a BA in religious studies at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and an MA in theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Curtis resides with his lovely wife, Stacy, and their nine children in Ohio.


Lisa Brenninkmeyer

Lisa Brenninkmeyer is the founder and chief purpose officer of Walking with Purpose (WWP). WWP is a Catholic women’s Bible study ministry which she began out of a desire to see women come to encounter Christ personally through Scripture. Over 45,000 adult women are currently participating in WWP parish or small group studies. Lisa has written nine Bible studies for adult women, six for young adult women, a complete set of offerings for middle school girls and two devotionals. Lisa’s first book, Walking with Purpose: Seven Priorities that Make Life Work, has sold over 80,000 copies to-date. She and her husband Leo have seven children and live in St. Augustine, Florida.


St. Co – St. Ja | Groups

St. Columbkille
Jessica Rauen

Section 5 Row 11-12 Seats 1-5

St. Francis de Sales
Loree Nauertz

Section 2 Row 13-14 Seats 6-12

St. Francis de Sales (Lake Geneva)
Marianne Weber

Section 3 Row 13-14 Seats 6-12

St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Therese McNally

Section 5 Row 7-9 Seats 1-5

St. Francis Youth Group
Cyndi Bayer

Section 5 Row 3-4 Seats 8-12

St. Henry’s Church
Lisa Hendrickx

Section 110 Row L-N Seats All

St. Hubert Catholic Community
Lydia Shields

Section 125 Row J-K Seats 5-14

St. James Basilica
Whitney Somsen

Section 2 Row 16 Seats 1-7
Section 2 Row 17 Seats ALL
Section 2 Row 18 Seats 1-8

St. James Coffee
Melissa Scaccio

Section 2 Row 2 Seats 1-5
Section 2 Row 3 Seats 1-4


St. Jo – St. L | Groups

St. Joachim Catholic Church
Sharon Schouweiler

Section 2 Row 1 Seats 8-12

St. John the Baptist Parish
David Alcott

Section 5 Row 5-7 Seats 7-12

St. John the Baptist, Mankato, MN
(9th Grade Y Disciple Confirmation Group)
Olivia Lippert

Section 2 Row 5-6 Seats 1-5

St. Joseph Community
Kayla Rooney

Section 125 Row C Seats 1-7

St. Joseph the Worker Holy Family
Valerie Koch

Section 2 Row 4 Seats 1-4

St. Jude of the Lake & St. Pius X
Will Murley

Section 130 Row L-M Seats 1-10
Section 130 Row N Seats All

St. Katharine Drexel Parish – Sioux Falls
Curt Lauret

Section 145 Row A-K Seats 1-5

St. Ladislaus
Dawn Cherek

Section 5 Row 8-10 Seats 7-12

St. Leonards/OLV
Peter Bellavance

Section 6 Row 6 Seats 4-6
Section 6 Row 7-11 Seats All
Section 6 Row 12 Seats 4-6


Damon and Melanie Owens

Damon and Melanie Owens are founders of Joyful Ever After ( and hosts of The Catholic Marriage Summit ( Since 1993, Melanie, full-time homeschooling mother of eight, and Damon, first executive director of the Theology of the Body Institute, have trained over 20,000 couples in marriage, NFP, and theology of the body. Presenters at the 2015 World Meeting of Families and the 2017 USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, Damon and Melanie keep a full international speaking schedule on the good news of marriage, sexuality, theology of the body, theology of the family, adoption, and NFP. In 2018, Pope Francis honored Damon with the papal Benemerenti Medal. Damon and Melanie have been married for 27 years and currently live outside Philadelphia with their children.


Joshua Miller

Dr. Joshua Miller is devoted to building culture in which each person can flourish in his/her personal vocation for building up the body of Christ and sanctifying the world. He is the co-author with Luke Burgis of Unrepeatable: Cultivating the Unique Calling of Every Person (2018) and a contributing author of The Motivation Code (2020). Dr. Miller helped build The Center for Leadership (CFL) at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He leads the freshmen seminar, Personal Vocation and Christ Centered Leadership, and coordinates the CFL vocation coach program. He has an MA and PhD in philosophy of the human person. He and his wife, Brooke, are joyfully Catholic, have six children and live in Steubenville, Ohio.


Mark Joseph

I had a great upbringing, the oldest of four boys to two loving parents. Married right after college, we had three kids in six years. I bought a business at 27 and grew it moderately over 10 years before hitting the proverbial homerun.

Although things looked good from the outside, I was never satisfied. I was chasing the American dream. I was incapable of living in the moment, always pushing for more, striving for what I hadn’t already achieved. The pace crowded out the peace.

I then suffered significant tragedy, where I was literally forced to my knees, in need of real help. Quite unexpectedly in March, 2006, I experienced conversion, really feeling the unconditional love of God for the first time in my life. My journey began there.

Having become passionate about my faith, I felt a real call to leave the commercial world to go to work for the Catholic Church, joining Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2012. Today I work as the Vice President of Outreach and Evangelization at the University, where I am part of a team that gets to evangelize, educate, and empower, all by God’s grace, tens of thousands every year.

Given what I’ve learned and how the message resonates with so many, all by the grace of God, I’ve become committed to helping others.

I’ve written a book, which was published in August, 2018 by Our Sunday Visitor, and launched this web site. I blog, speak, and work with people who are overwhelmed by life to understand that they are made for greatness, coaching them through the process that leads to peace, joy, and fulfillment.

I am married to my best friend, Cyndi, and have three adult children, two son-in-laws, one soon to be daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter. Cyndi and I live outside of Pittsburgh, PA., where our passions are faith, family, health, and fitness.


Sarah Kaczmarek

Sarah Kaczmarek serves as the Director of Pastoral Ministry at Encounter Ministries and overseer of the Encounter School of Ministry. She has served in ministry for the last 15 years and has a desire to see all of God’s children walk in wholeness and holiness. She is the co-founder of the Millenial Church Conferences and a co-creator of Kindred Collective. She has loved serving as a youth minister in a parish and as the Associate Director of Alpha Catholic before joining Encounter Ministries. She holds an MA in Counseling and is currently completing a certificate in Spiritual Direction.

Peter Mallampalli

Peter Mallampalli is a seminarian of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. He is completing his undergraduate degree in philosophy with a minor in Spanish at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Peter is one of two founders of Opus Novum Catholic Charismatic Renewal at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and is honored to speak at the Jesus 2020 conference.


Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB

Father Boniface Hicks, OSB, is a Benedictine monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He has provided spiritual direction for many men and women, including married couples, seminarians, consecrated religious, and priests. He became programming manager and on-air contributor for We Are One Body® Catholic radio in 2010 and has recorded thousands of radio programs on theology and the spiritual life. He serves as the director of Spiritual Formation and director for the Institute for Ministry Formation at Saint Vincent Seminary. Together with Father Thomas Acklin, OSB, he is the author of Spiritual Direction: A Guide for Sharing the Father’s Love and Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father’s Love, both published by Emmaus Road Publishing.


Lauren Koath

Lauren Koath, a native of Dallas, Texas, holds degrees in theology and catechetics from Franciscan University of Steubenville. She has a heart for sharing the joy of the Gospel with the young Church and has been involved in inner city youth ministry for several years in both Texas and Pennsylvania. Lauren currently serves as a missionary with Vagabond Missions in Pittsburgh’s historic Hill District neighborhood. When she isn’t playing basketball with teens on the Hill, you can usually find Lauren kayaking the Pittsburgh rivers, driving around in her pickup truck, or playing guitar.


John Beaulieu

John Beaulieu has worked in the Christian Outreach Office of Franciscan University since 2003 and serves as the director of Evangelization and Engagement. A graduate of Franciscan University, John has served in ministry for over 30 years. He spent 2 years serving with NET and 19 years as a parish youth minister. A regular speaker at parish and diocesan events, John addresses topics such as life in the Spirit, media and teen culture, and Catholic evangelization. John and his wife, Lisa, live in Steubenville with their five children.


Matthew Lozano

Matthew Lozano serves as director of Leadership Development for Heart of the Father Ministries. He has 12 years of teaching experience and holds a master’s degree in educational leadership from Villanova University and a master’s degree in theology from the Augustine Institute. He and his wife, Jennifer, have five children and live in the Philadelphia area. He is the co-author of the Unbound Ministry Guidebook and Abba’s Heart.


Fr. Anthony Ouellette

Father Anthony Ouellette is a priest of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, where he pastors the Holy Name of Jesus Parish and serves as regional chaplain for Saint Paul’s Outreach, Kansas City Region. He is the liaison to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for his archbishop and chairperson of the Association of Diocesan Liaisons steering committee. In addition, he is a member of the National Service Committee, chairing the strategic priority on building unity, and a member of the new CHARIS National Service of Communion for the United States.


Sr. Marie Fidelis Sledgeski, DLJC

Sister Marie Fidelis Sledgeski, DLJC, is a religious sister of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. She is currently serving in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as administrator of The Ark and The Dove Worldwide, “home of baptism in the Holy Spirit.” As a Franciscan, charismatic religious community, the mission of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ is to invite all people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.


Renewal Ministries

Renewal Ministries strengthens and equips Catholics for evangelization and ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit by helping them know the personal love of God in Jesus and grow in holiness.

We proclaim Christ through a weekly television program, two daily radio programs, mission work in more than 35 countries, social media outreach, parish missions, seminars and conferences, books and articles, id’s outreach to young adults, Be Love Revolution’s outreach to young women, Zion’s outreach to young men, and more.



Magnificat exists to evangelize and to encourage Catholic women to grow in holiness by opening more fully to the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The ministry is dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God, an image of the Church, and model for all Christians, especially women.

The essence of Magnificat is the encounter between Mary and Elizabeth.

Magnificat emanates from a desire to share with Catholic women the fruit experienced through the Roman Catholic Church and Charismatic Renewal. It is a response to what Jesus says: “The gift you have received, give as a gift.” Matthew 10:8


Impact Center

Impact Center renews personal spirituality, the core of every human being, and the place of encounter with God’s life, power, and healing, which is the source that forms identity. When you know who you are, you know better why you’re here–your mission.

Impact Center serves parish staff, youth ministers, catechists, formation leaders, married couples, and parents. Be renewed, come to know who you are, and set the world on fire!

We help raise up leaders and focus their energies on key principles for impactful ministry. Through retreats, training, mentoring, and valuable resources to raise the bar for evangelization and mission in parish and diocesan settings.



Sunday | Live

9:45 am  Eastern Time

Live Stream Begins

*Note: The live stream will begin at this time to allow you to test your connection. Programming will begin with the celebration of Holy Mass

10:15 am

Celebration of Holy Mass

Saturday | Live

12:30 pm  (Eastern Time)

Live Stream Begins

*Note: The live stream will begin at this time to allow you to test your connection. Programming will begin with the Steubenville Live Pre-show.

1:00 pm

Steubenville Live Pre-show

1:30-3:00 pm

Saturday Session  1



Keynote: Hope Does Not Disappoint

Ministry Team Q & A

3:00-4:00 pm


Suggested Activities:

Small Groups


Meet the Ministry Team (3:15-3:45)

         Scavenger Hunt

Games and Outdoor Activities


4:00-5:30 pm

Saturday Session 2

Ministry Team Game

Keynote: Hope in Prayer

Prayer Experience

Ministry Team Discussion

5:30-7:00 pm

Recharge/Dinner Break

         Small Groups


Scavenger Hunt

Games and Outdoor Activities


6:45 pm
         Steubenville Live Pre-show

7:00-9:45 pm

Saturday Session 3

Gathering Music and Welcome


Keynote: Hope Alive

Eucharistic Adoration (approximately 8:30-9:30 pm)


9:45-10:00 pm

Steubenville Live Post-show