Evacuation Plan

In case of an emergency, please listen to our staff and security personnel and follow their directions.

Throughout the conference weekend, conference staff will be monitoring the weather.    

In the case of a declared weather WARNING in Jefferson County, an emergency will automatically be declared.  The evacuation procedures (whether during a session or otherwise) will be immediately implemented.  


Guest Services | Registration

Guest Assistance

Our staff and student workers are eager to help you and can be identified with applicable attire. For general conference questions, please ask someone wearing a staff shirt or call 740-283-6801. For nighttime on-campus needs, contact your Housing Host. Student hosts are available on the main floor of each residence hall.

Registration Office

On opening day of each event, Registration Check In, located in the St. Joseph Center Seminar Room, is open from noon to 8:00 p.m. To contact the Registration Team, please call 740-283-6315 or email conferences@franciscan.edu. The Registration Office is closed on Sundays.



The Ohio Smoke-Free Workplace Act prohibits smoking in all buildings/tents on the campus of Franciscan University and in areas adjacent to building entrances. Smoking is also prohibited outdoors within 30 feet of all building entrances and open windows where smoke may enter a building and in any other designated outdoor nonsmoking area. Please respect those around you by complying with these mandates. Ohio State Law also prohibits the purchase, possession, and use of tobacco products by anyone under the age of 21. Please help us by obeying this law.

Sale of Books and Other Items

The sale of any books, pamphlets, CDs, artwork, etc. is permitted only through the Franciscan University Campus Store. Please contact the Campus Store at 740-283-6271 for more information.  

To learn more about the items available in the store, please visit its website at  store.franciscan.edu/home or send questions to campusstore@franciscan.edu.  


WIFI | Lost & Found


Access to the University’s wireless network, “BaronNet-Guest,” is available to all conference guests. If you experience any trouble, call Guest Services at 740-283-6801.


The Lost and Found is located at the J. C. Williams Center Information Desk throughout the scheduled conference. Items in Lost and Found must be claimed within two weeks of the close of the conference. After that time, the return of lost items is not guaranteed. If you realize after the conference that you have lost something, please call 740-283-3771.


Photography and Video

Video or audio recordings may NOT be made of liturgies, speakers, or music. This material is copyrighted and subject to all copyright laws. Flash photography is not allowed during liturgy in the Diocese of Steubenville. Portions of this conference are being photographed and recorded in video and audio format. By attending this conference, you give Franciscan University your consent to use these images and recordings without restriction in publications, advertisements, videos, websites, web-streaming video, and other uses. 


Please silence your cell phones during ALL sessions. This includes Liturgy, Main Sessions, and Workshop Sessions. House phones (for internal use only) are located in the J.C. Williams Center at the Information Desk. 


Our staff will help you find parking upon arrival. We ask that you not park in spaces reserved for service vehicles residence directors, conference team members, or in marked fire lanes. Use of handicapped parking spaces requires proper license plates and/or hang tags.  


Name Badge

The name badge you received serves as your conference pass, which allows you to attend the sessions. Please wear your name badge each day of the conference.  


Lost and Found

The Lost and Found is located at the J. C. Williams Center Information Desk throughout the scheduled conference. Items in the Lost and Found must be claimed within two weeks of the close of the conference. After that time, return of lost items is not guaranteed. If you realize after the conference that you have lost something, please call 740-283-3771. 




Please keep your room locked when you are not in it. At the conclusion of the conference, please return your key to the appropriate key box located in the lobby of your residence hall. There is a $50 charge for lost keys. 


First Aid and Security

The University provides emergency first-aid care on the upper floor of the J. C. Williams Center during conference hours. Please follow the signs or locate a staff member for directions.  

Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the medical staff and can be kept in the first-aid area.  We are not authorized to dispense medicines, including Tylenol and Advil.  Anyone needing these medicines can purchase them in the Campus Store located in the lower level of the J.C. Williams Center.   Only the most basic service can be provided in the First-Aid Center.  Anyone requiring more than one hour of medical attention will be sent to a local hospital.  

In case of a life-threatening emergency, call (9)-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone. (Please note that some campus phones require dialing “9” to access an outside line.) In case of an emergency that is not life-threatening, call Security at 740-283-6911 (or at Extension 6911 from a campus phone), the University operator (0), or locate a staff member. The general number for security is 740-283-6333.  


Lauren Koath

Lauren Koath, a native of Dallas, Texas, holds degrees in theology and catechetics from Franciscan University of Steubenville. She has a heart for sharing the joy of the Gospel with the young Church and has been involved in inner city youth ministry for several years in both Texas and Pennsylvania. Lauren currently serves as a missionary with Vagabond Missions in Pittsburgh’s historic Hill District neighborhood. When she isn’t playing basketball with teens on the Hill, you can usually find Lauren kayaking the Pittsburgh rivers, driving around in her pickup truck, or playing guitar.


Matthew Lozano

Matthew Lozano serves as director of Leadership Development for Heart of the Father Ministries. He has 12 years of teaching experience and holds a master’s degree in educational leadership from Villanova University and a master’s degree in theology from the Augustine Institute. He and his wife, Jennifer, have five children and live in the Philadelphia area. He is the co-author of the Unbound Ministry Guidebook and Abba’s Heart.


Fr. Anthony Ouellette

Father Anthony Ouellette is a priest of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, where he pastors the Holy Name of Jesus Parish and serves as regional chaplain for Saint Paul’s Outreach, Kansas City Region. He is the liaison to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for his archbishop and chairperson of the Association of Diocesan Liaisons steering committee. In addition, he is a member of the National Service Committee, chairing the strategic priority on building unity, and a member of the new CHARIS National Service of Communion for the United States.


Sr. Marie Fidelis Sledgeski, DLJC

Sister Marie Fidelis Sledgeski, DLJC, is a religious sister of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. She is currently serving in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as administrator of The Ark and The Dove Worldwide, “home of baptism in the Holy Spirit.” As a Franciscan, charismatic religious community, the mission of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ is to invite all people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.



Announcements made at all sessions will be limited to those of general interest to all guests and will be made by the conference staff.

Our staff and student workers are eager to help you and are identified with applicable attire. For general conference questions, please ask someone wearing a staff shirt or call 740.283.6801.
For nighttime on-campus needs, contact your housing host. Student hosts are available on the main floor of each residence hall.

We do our best to schedule confessors during each conference, but lines may be long when confession is available. If you are unable to receive the sacrament during a conference, you are encouraged to go to confession at your home parish.

The Diocese of Steubenville has granted faculties to hear confessions for all priest guests who hold faculties and are in good standing in their home dioceses, and have submitted a Letter of Good Standing to prove such. A copy of the letter is on file at the Christ the King Chapel office.

The University provides emergency first-aid care on the upper floor of the J. C. Williams Center during conference hours. Please follow the signs or locate a staff member for directions. In case of a life-threatening emergency, call (9)-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone. Please note that some campus phones require dialing “9” to access an outside line. In case of an emergency that is not life-threatening, call Security at 740.283.6911 (or at Extension 6911 from a campus phone), the University operator (0), or locate a staff member. The general number for security is 740.283.6333.

“Access to the university’s wireless network is available to all conference guests. Please follow these steps:
1. Connect to the “FUSGuest” wireless network.
2. Open your web browser. In the address bar, type franciscan.edu, then press <Enter>.
3. Read the Terms of Use, enter your e-mail address, and check the “I agree to the Terms of Use” check box. Then, click “Accept.”

If you experience any trouble, call ITS User Support Services at 740. 284.HELP (4357).”

Please keep your room locked when you are not in it. At the conclusion of the conference, please return your key to the lobby of your residence hall. There is a $50 charge for lost keys.

The Lost and Found is located at the J. C. Williams Center Information Desk throughout the scheduled conference. Items in the Lost and Found must be claimed within two weeks of the close of the conference. After that time, return of lost items is not guaranteed. If you realize after the conference that you have lost something, please call 740.283.3771.

If you have purchased a meal plan, your name badge will be necessary for admission into Antonian Hall for all meals. If you have not purchased a meal plan, consider visiting the Pub (J.C. Williams Center) and Cupertino’s Café (J.C. Williams Center) for a hot meal. See “Retail Hours” under the “Information” button for the hours of operations respectively.

Members of the media, please contact Lisa Ferguson or Tom Sofio in the Marketing and Communications Department, 740. 283.6450, before conducting interviews or publishing reports. No commercial use of conference activities may be made without authorization.

The name badge you received serves as your conference pass, which allows you to attend the sessions. Please wear your name badge each day of the conference.

Our staff will help you find parking upon arrival. We ask that you not park in spaces reserved for service vehicles or residence directors or in marked fire lanes. Use of handicapped parking spaces requires proper license plates and/or hang tags.

Please silence your cell phones during ALL sessions. This includes Liturgy, Main Sessions, and Workshop Sessions. House phones (for internal use only) are located in the J.C. Williams Center at the Information Desk.

Video or audio recordings may NOT be made of liturgies, speakers, or music. This material is copyrighted and subject to all copyright laws. Flash photography is not allowed during liturgy in the Diocese of Steubenville. Portions of this conference are being photographed and recorded in video and audio format. By attending this conference, you give Franciscan University your consent to use these images and recordings without restriction in publications, advertisements, videos, websites, web-streaming video, and other uses.

The Registration Office is ready to serve you: opening day, noon to 8:00 pm, and the following day, 8:00 am to noon, in the St. Joseph Center Seminar Room. To contact registration staff, please call 740.283.6315. The Registration Office is closed on Sundays.

The sale of any books, pamphlets, CDs, artwork, etc. is permitted only through the Franciscan University Bookstore. Please contact the Bookstore at 740. 283.6271 for more information.

To learn more about the items available in the Bookstore, please visit its website at franciscan.edu/bookstore or send questions to bookstore@franciscan.edu.

The Ohio Smoke-Free Workplace Act prohibits smoking in all buildings/tents on the campus of Franciscan University and in areas adjacent to building entrances. Smoking is also prohibited outdoors within 30 feet of all building entrances and open windows where smoke may enter a building and in any other designated outdoor nonsmoking area. Please respect those around you by complying with these mandates. Ohio State Law also prohibits the purchase, possession, and use of tobacco products by anyone under the age of 18. Please help us by obeying this law.

Assistance | First Aid | Emergencies


Our staff and student workers are eager to help you and are identified with applicable attire. For general conference questions, please ask someone wearing a staff shirt or call 740. 283.6801. For nighttime on-campus needs, contact your housing host. Student hosts are available on the main floor of each residence hall.

First Aid

It is very important that the Youth and the Chaperones look after their physical well-being throughout the conference weekend.

It is very important that youth and the chaperones look after their physical well-being throughout the conference weekend.

Water stations are available across campus, be sure to stay hydrated!

For all medical needs, please go to the First Aid Station, located in the J.C. Williams Center.  For help, find a Member of the Conference Staff. 

  • Medical personnel are available 24 hours a day during the conference.
  • Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the medical staff.
  • Youth requiring first aid must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.
  • Everyone should know the name of their group leader when going to First Aid.  This will ensure a quick recovery of Liability Release Form for the medical team’s reference. 
  • During the session times, youth will not be allowed into the housing facilities.  If they are not feeling well, they must go to First Aid.
  • We are not authorized to dispense medicines, including Tylenol and Advil.  Anyone needing these medicines can purchase them in the Bookstore located in the lower level of the J.C. Williams Center.  Any medicines that need to be refrigerated can be kept in the First Aid area.
  • Only the most basic service can be provided in the First Aid Center.  Anyone requiring more than one hour of medical attention will be sent to a local hospital.
  • If transportation to the hospital is necessary, a chaperone must accompany the youth, provide support to the youth, and assist in notifying the parents/legal guardian. 
  • Visitors will not be permitted in the First-Aid station except for the accompanying chaperone.

Emergency Contact

  • In case of a life-threatening emergency, call 911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone. Please note that some campus phones require dialing “9” to access an outside line.
  • In case of an emergency that is not life-threatening, call Jefferson Security at 740.283.6911 (or at Extension 6911 from a campus phone), the University operator (0), or locate a staff member.
  • The general number for security is 740.283.6333.

Evacuation Plan 

Throughout the conference weekend, conference staff will be monitoring the weather.  

In the case of a declared weather WARNING in Jefferson County, an emergency will automatically be declared.  The evacuation procedures (whether during a session or otherwise) will be immediately implemented.

If you discover an emergency situation, please contact the nearest staff member.

In the case of an emergency, please listen to our staff and security personnel. They will be giving directions as to where you should go and what you should do.

A Walk to Calvary | Stations of the Cross

At each Station, say:
We adore thee, O Christ, and bless thee because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed the world.

After briefly meditating upon the Station, say the following prayers:
Our Father . . . Hail Mary . . . Glory Be . . .

To conclude each Station, say:
Jesus Christ Crucified, have mercy on us.

1st Station: Jesus is condemned to death.

2nd Station: Jesus carries his cross.

3rd Station: Jesus falls the first time.

4th Station: Jesus meets his mother.

5th Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross.

6th Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

7th Station: Jesus falls the second time.

8th Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.

9th Station: Jesus falls a third time.

10th Station: Jesus’ clothes are taken away.

11th Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross.

12th Station: Jesus dies on the cross.

13th Station: The body of Jesus is taken down from the cross.

14th Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb.

Mary, Star of the New Evangelization | Marian Grotto

Holy Mary, star of the new evangelization, make us the light of the world.

We receive Christ in the Eucharist; help us build the Kingdom in the world.

Teach us to do whatever he tells us. May our study of his life lead us to love him, and our love for him lead us to imitate him.

If we are what we should be, we will set the world ablaze and affect the culture.

We ask your intercession to make this so, through Christ, our Lord.


Prayer to Jesus in the Manager | Crèche

O Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, prostrate before thy crib, I believe thou art the God of infinite Majesty, even though I do see thee here as a helpless babe. I humbly adore and thank thee for having so humbled thyself for my salvation as to will to be born in a stable. I thank thee for all thou didst wish to suffer for me in Bethlehem, for thy poverty and humility, for thy nakedness, tears, cold, and sufferings.

Would that I could show thee that tenderness which thy Virgin Mother had toward thee, and love thee as she did. Would that I could praise thee with the joy of the angels, that I could kneel before thee with the faith of St. Joseph, the simplicity of the shepherds. Uniting myself with these first adorers at the crib, I offer thee the homage of my heart, and I beg that thou wouldst  be born spiritually in my soul. Make me reflect in some degree the virtues of thy admirable nativity. Fill me with that spirit of renunciation, of poverty, of humility, which prompted thee to assume the weakness of our nature, and to be born amid destitution and suffering. Grant that from this day forward, I may in all things seek thy greater glory, and may enjoy that peace promised to men of good will.


Prayer at the Tomb of the Unborn | Tomb of the Unborn Child

Almighty God, our Father, you who have given us life and intended us to have it forever, grant us your blessings. Enlighten our minds to an awareness and to a renewed conviction that all human life is sacred because it is created in your image and likeness. Help us to teach by word and the example of our lives that life occupies the first place, that human life is precious because it is the gift of God whose love is infinite. Give us the strength to defend human life against every influence or action that threatens or weakens it, as well as the strength to make every life more human in all its aspects.

Give us the grace…

When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, to stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life. When a child is described as a burden or is looked upon only as a means to satisfy an emotional need, to stand up and insist that every child is a unique and unrepeatable gift of God, a gift of God with a right to a loving and united family.

Almighty Father, give us courage to proclaim the supreme dignity of all human life and to demand that society itself give its protection. We ask this in your name, through the redemptive act of your Son and in the Holy Spirit.


Plenary Indulgences at the Portiuncula | Portiuncula Chapel

By the generosity of the Vatican office of the Apostolic Penitentiary, faithful who visit the Portiuncula can receive plenary indulgences on any of five different occasions through the year: August 2, October 4, January 22, one day a year freely chosen by the individual faithful, and as often as in a group a pilgrimage is made to the Portiuncula Chapel. Plenary indulgences release the recipient from all temporal punishment due to sin, wiping out any time in purgatory incurred by past sins.

According to the decree, those who desire to gain the plenary indulgence should devoutly visit the Portiuncula Chapel, where they pray for the intentions of the Holy Father as well as the Our Father and the Creed. In addition, it is necessary that the Church’s ordinary conditions for receiving a plenary indulgence be met: Individuals must have the interior disposition of complete detachment from sin; have made a sacramental confession; and have received the Holy Eucharist. These must be completed within a week to 10 days before or after the visit to the Portiuncula.