Do you have a Vocation?

Don’t think too hard…the answer is Yes!

Every single person was created by God and called by God…so we all have a calling. Some people are called to marriage, others to the single life, and some to serve God and his Church through the vocation of religious consecration (sisters and brothers), diaconate, or priesthood. 

How do we know what path God is calling us to follow?

We have to seek to HEAR God’s voice!

  • Hearing Starts by Listening – spend time daily in personal prayer and reading Scripture. Ten minutes and day will change your life. Try it!
  • Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacraments – spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, attend Mass, and participate in confession, and he will reveal his plan for you.
  • Appointment with a Priest or Religious – get to see what the life of a priest, brother, or sister is about by talking to a real, live person…he or she won’t bite!
  • Retreat – go on a retreat or discernment weekend. You will learn more about yourself, and God will bless your openness!


Halifax-Yarmouth Vocations

Priestly Ordination of Fr. Patrick Salah
Fr. Craig Cameron

Hello, I am Fr. Craig Cameron, and I am privileged to be the designate of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth in supporting young people in religious vocations, men and women who feel a call to serve our Lord in his Holy Church.

If you would like to discuss your consideration of a vocation to the priesthood, consecrated or religious life, please email me at

I hope and pray that 2024 will be filled with grace for our Archdiocese and will increase awareness of the gift of the holy vocations to our local Church. Please know that I and many faithful people are already praying for you. I look forward to speaking with you and supporting your vocational discernment. I remain yours in the Lord.

Vocations Contacts

Fr. Craig Cameron
Rector, Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica
Director of Vocations & Liturgy,
University Chaplain

Maxine Brown
Vocations Advisor

Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth Vocations

Prayer for Vocations

Lord, my God and my loving Father, you have made me to know you,
to love you, to serve you, and thereby to find and to fulfill myself.
I know that you are in all things, and that every path can lead me to you.
But of them all, there is one especially by which you want me to come to you.
Since I will do what you want of me, I pray you, send your Holy Spirit to me:
into my mind, to show me what you want of me; into my heart,
to give me the determination to do it, and to do it with all my love,
with all my mind, and with all my strength right to the end.

Priestly Discernment Program – Franciscan University

Is God calling you to consider becoming a priest?

Discern a possible vocation to the priesthood and/or religious life with other young men and receive preparation for seminary! Young men in the Priestly Discernment Program (PDP) at Franciscan University of Steubenville gain a firm foundation in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Four Dimensions of Formation:

  1. Intellectual Formation
  2. Human Formation
  3. Spiritual Formation
  4. Pastoral Formation

Here at Franciscan, we add a fifth dimension, dedicated to Fraternal Formation, for the building up of community life and brotherhood.

Log on to our website or visit our Facebook page for more Information.