Sarah Kroger Quaglia

Sarah Kroger is a songwriter and worship leader. She has been leading worship at a range of national and international events for the past 12 years. Her passion is to create a safe, prayerful space through her music in which people can encounter the heart of God. She has released her fourth studio album, Light, in 2020. Sarah lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband, Dom.

Mari Pablo

Mari Pablo is a proud Hispanic from Miami. She has degrees in theology and psychology from Franciscan University of Steubenville and the Augustine Institute. She has worked in youth ministry for over 15 years, including serving as a youth minister and as a high school theology teacher. Mari is currently serving with The Evangelical Catholic. She is a presenter for Ascension Press, including YOU: Theology of the Body and Connected: CST for this generation. Mari loves to dance, has a deep love for food but an even greater love for Christ, and is dedicated to helping others encounter him.

Fr. Louis Merosne

Father Louis Merosne is madly in love with the Trinity, the Blessed Mother, and the Catholic Church. Born in Haiti, he moved to Boston in 1993. He studied at the Franciscan University (undergraduate French, philosophy, and theology from 2002 to 2005 and graduate theology and Christian ministry from 2005 to 2007). Ordained in 2011, he now serves in Haiti in the Diocese of Anse-à-Veau and Miragoâne under Bishop Pierre-André Dumas. Preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ is both a duty and passion for him. His perpetual prayer intention is to be a saintly priest.

David Calavitta

David Calavitta is a passionate Catholic in love with Christ and his Church. He’s also very much in love with his wife, Brittany, and their two sons.  In addition to his speaking ministry, he currently serves as the director of Design and Marketing for Life Teen International.

Chris Stefanick

Chris Stefanick is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and television host who has devoted his life to inspiring people to live a bold, contagious faith. His live events reach over 85,000 annually; his reality TV show, Real Life Catholic, videos, and radio spots reach millions. Chosen, a confirmation program he authored, has already formed over 500,000 teens. A graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Chris is founder and president of Real Life Catholic, a nonprofit operating as the headquarters for his various initiatives. Above all, Chris is proud to be husband to wife, Natalie, and father to their six children.