Midwest Theological Forum

Midwest Theological Forum is a non-profit organization that organizes programs and activities for priests and seminarians, and also publishes books and resources at the service of the Church.

Since our first publication, the Daily Roman Missal, we have published titles in the areas of Liturgy, Theology, Philosophy, Canon Law, Catholic Religious Education, and Catholic Spirituality. Among our most popular books are the Daily Roman Missal, Handbook of Prayers, The Didache Series, Missale Romanum, Didache Bible, The Book of the Gospels, the Roman Missal, and The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.


Priestly Discernment Program – Franciscan University

Is God calling you to consider becoming a priest?

Discern a possible vocation to the priesthood and/or religious life with other young men and receive preparation for seminary! Young men in the Priestly Discernment Program (PDP) at Franciscan University of Steubenville gain a firm foundation in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Four Dimensions of Formation:

  1. Intellectual Formation
  2. Human Formation
  3. Spiritual Formation
  4. Pastoral Formation

Here at Franciscan, we add a fifth dimension, dedicated to Fraternal Formation, for the building up of community life and brotherhood.

Log on to our website or visit our Facebook page for more Information.

Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R.

Our community was founded in 1988 to renew the contemplative dimension of the Franciscan penitential form of life of the early friars and sisters of the Third Order Regular. Following our Seraphic Father St. Francis, we embrace the Third Order charism of penance by living a life of evangelical conversion in a spirit of prayer, poverty, and humility. As we daily contemplate Christ’s gracious gift of love offered on the cross and intercede for the needs of all mankind, we seek to give to others the mercy we have received. Under the patronage of our Sorrowful Mother and with the Eucharist as the focal point of our daily life, we live out our mission of standing with Mary at the foot of the cross, offering our life with Christ as a holocaust of love for the salvation of souls.

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Franciscan University Pilgrimages

Join Franciscan University Pilgrimages as we visit destinations throughout the world where faith is strengthened, spirits are encouraged, and souls are renewed. With Franciscan friars as spiritual leaders and expert guides, you will have the opportunity to learn more about our Catholic heritage and its roots. We walk where saints once tread. We visit shrines where amazing acts of faith were lived out. We experience the depth and richness of our Catholic traditions in a way that can only be experienced by visiting these holy places. We ensure daily mass and prayer every day on pilgrimage, while fully experiencing the authentic culture you are placed in. It is a great time to experience fellowship with other pilgrims of faith traveling from all over the nation. You will have the opportunity to not only build relationships with Christ, but with your fellow pilgrims in a unique experience. We are excited to share with you our upcoming 2023-2024 pilgrimages to places like the Holy Land, Germany, Scotland, Italy, and hopefully more. If you are interested in any of our pilgrimages, or just want to learn more general information, you can contact the pilgrimage office at pilgrimages@franciscan.edu. You can also call  740-284-5812. Take this to prayer and see what the Lord has in store for you! We are excited to hopefully hear from you and invite you to join us for a once in a lifetime experience on a Franciscan University pilgrimage!

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Apostolate for Family Consecration

The Apostolate for Family Consecration® (AFC) supports and challenges Catholic families to grow in holiness, grow in truth, and grow together so that they can become fully alive in Christ. We offer Catholic family vacations, retreats, and resources to lead families to an encounter with Jesus and form them in the truths of our Catholic Faith.The AFC is a private association of Christ’s faithful founded in 1975 by Jerry and Servant of God Gwen Coniker.

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