Discipleship Quads

What is a Discipleship Quad?

A Discipleship Quad is a group of four people who journey together as disciples through weekly gatherings of fellowship, ongoing conversion, and learning. This 12-month path of accompaniment fosters growth through prayer, accountability, and authentic relationships.

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For whom is a Discipleship Quad?

A Discipleship Quad is for any person who has a desire to grow in faith as a Catholic and will commit to adhere to all components of the Discipleship Quad Commitment. A Quad can be made up of people at any level of spiritual maturity, from long-time, committed Catholics to those who are just beginning their spiritual journey with Jesus. In addition to growing as disciples, Quad members should desire to be formed as disciple-makers.

What are the benefits of participating in a Discipleship Quad?

The benefit of a Discipleship Quad to each individual person is knowing the love of Jesus Christ and deepening a relationship with him. Through the gift of fellowship with people who also desire this relationship, you will be well on your way to finding peace, joy, and fulfillment in life as part of a Discipleship Quad.

What are people saying about Discipleship Quads?

“I think my personal growth in a relationship with God is encouraged and enhanced by my participation in a Discipleship Quad. I see both the struggles and successes of the group members, and I am held accountable for my efforts in furthering my relationship with God. I am more confident that with the help of the Holy Spirit I will be able to share my faith with others in my church community and in my personal and family relationships. Without the group and the Discipleship Quad materials, I don’t think I would be learning and exploring God’s purpose for my life.” – Michele S.

“Sharing my daily journey with others and hearing their daily journey enables me to see more clearly God at work in my everyday life and in others’ lives. I believe God uses other people to speak to us. Having a trusted community where faith and his Word is discussed lets me hear God’s voice calling to me, nudging me to a closer relationship with him. It also gives me a safe space to practice sharing the Good News (not something that comes naturally) with the goal of being able to do that in the broader areas of my life … Discipleship Quads have ignited my faith, revived my love of the Church, and begun my discernment of how I can ‘pass this on’ next year with a new group. It provides a group that holds me accountable in my faith journey.” – Wendy S.

How can I start a Discipleship Quad?

  1. Review all the training resources and download the Discipleship Quad Guidebook for free on our website.
  2. Pray about who God wants you to invite to join the Quad and make a list of their names.
  3. Reach out to each person on your list and set up a time to talk about the Quad. Review the resources with them and send them the link to our website so they can read through the material on their own time.
  4. Follow up with each person three to five days after your initial conversation to see how they are feeling about joining the Quad and discuss any concerns they may have.
  5. Once you have commitments from three other members, determine a day, time, and location to meet each week.
  6. Have your first gathering!

Go to our website for more information on this process, as well as all the resources you need to launch your own Discipleship Quad. All resources are free!

If you have any further questions, please email us at discipleship@franciscan.edu.