Alcohol, Drugs and Weapons

All local laws concerning alcohol, drugs and weapons will be strictly enforced. Possession and/or consumption of alcohol or drugs is prohibited at all Steubenville Youth Conferences. We have a zero tolerance policy, and youth or adults found consuming alcohol will be sent home.

  • Violation of Policy: If a teen is found in possession of drugs, alcohol or weapons; or has
    consumed drugs or alcohol or is a danger to themselves or others, their parents will be called to come pick them up. Teens may not return to the conference. Teens will be kept with officers at the conference security office in order to keep them safe. Teens will be released only to parents or approved adults to be removed from the conference site. During the time the teen is with site security, parents will incur a $30/hour charge.
  • At the discretion of Partnership for Youth staff and/or site public safety personnel some offences may be reported to and handled by local law enforcement.

Camera Use

VIDEO CAMERAS and FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY are not allowed during Liturgical services but are permitted during general sessions. This includes cell phones with cameras and video capabilities. Assigned media representatives will be the only individuals allowed to take pictures or videos during the Liturgy.

Dress Guidelines

Partnership for Youth requests that all participants adhere to the following guidelines regarding modest dress.
Please note that it is the responsibility of group leaders and chaperones to address these guidelines with their teens. Conference staff and volunteers will not personally address modesty with participants unless there is a gross violation.

Please avoid the following:
*Shorts, skirts, or dresses shorter than 5 inches above the knee while standing, or that are tight, drawing attention to the shape of the body.
*Shirts that reveal midriff or are low cut from the neck area.
*Leggings, yoga pants and tights, unless paired with a long loose fit ting tunic or dress.
*Rolling up of skirts or shorts at the leg or waistband.
*Pants or shorts that say to the point where they reveal one’s undergarments.
*Clothing that may appear to have an anti-Christian message or with writings that include crude language, promotion of alcohol or drug use, or suggestive material of a crude or a sexual nature.
*”Free Hugs” signs and shirts.

*Shoes must be worn at all time.
*During all Liturgies and prayers, out of respect, every male must remove any headwear. This includes all hats, visors, headbands, bandanas, etc.
*Individuals serving in any capacity during the liturgical celebrations are asked to wear long pants or a long skirt and an appropriate shirt.
*Dancing that appears inappropriate or vulgar will not be permitted.

E-Cigarettes and Smoking

All Steubenville Youth Conference facilities are smoke-free. This includes the use of e-cigarettes. Outside of conference session times, smoking is permitted in designated areas.

The Smoke-Free Illinois Act is (SFIA) a state law which protects residents, workers, and visitors from the harmful effects of exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and e-cigarette vapor by prohibiting smoking of all forms of combustible tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars, and hookah, and e-cigarettes, vapes, and any other electronic smoking device, in public places and places of employment. In addition to indoor areas, use of these products is banned outdoors within 15 feet from any entrance, exit, window that opens, or ventilation intake of a public place or place of employment. The SFIA has been protecting Illinois residents and visitors from the dangers of secondhand smoke since its enactment on January 1, 2008; e-cigarettes were added to the act beginning January 1, 2024.

The SFIA defines places of employment as any area under the control of a public or private employer that employees are required to occupy, enter, or pass through while on the job. Public places are defined as a portion of any building or vehicle, whether owned by a private or public entity, used by and open to the public. The definition contains a list of many types of public places, including hospitals, restaurants, stores, offices, elevators, indoor theaters, libraries, warehouses, concert halls, public conveyances, meeting rooms, schools, and private clubs. It is not an exhaustive list. All public places meeting the statute’s definition are subject to the requirements of the SFIA.

Guest Policies

The Steubenville Conferences are closed events. Anyone not registered for the conference as a teen participant, young adult, adult chaperone, group leader, clergy, or volunteer WILL NOT be allowed into any areas of the event site at any time throughout the entire weekend. This includes Masses. Special requests for Guest attendance during ANY part of the conference must be pre-approved and compliance with Safe Environment requirements must be fulfilled. Please contact the Partnership for Youth office at least one month prior to the conference for information.

Infants and Children Policy
Although we strongly support Catholic family life, due to insurance regulations and facility constraints, infants and children are not allowed at the conference.

Late Arrivals and Early Departures
All participants (teens and adults) should attend the entire conference; arriving and departing with their group. The conference theme builds from one session to the next and it is important for participants to be present for the entire day. Late arrivals and early departures are strongly discouraged. In the event that the Group Leader wishes to make an exception, please contact the Partnership for Youth office to coordinate the arrival/departure.

Missing Teen Policy

It is our primary goal to keep all young people safe while attending a Partnership for Youth Steubenville
Youth Conference. In the unlikely event of a teen being reported missing during the conference:

  • PFY Safety/Security Coordinator is notified
  • Gather details regarding when/where/by whom the youth was last seen
  • Confirm teen’s access to cell phone/internet/other communication
  • Security will check First Aid Station, Counselor, and Housing locations
  • After 30 minutes, notify venue safety/security staff
    o With venue staff determine when police are called
    o Once police have been notified, they will take over
  • After 60 minutes, Group Leader will be required to notify parent/guardian
  • Once teen is found, escort youth to Group Leader and request that parent/guardian be notified
  • Depending on circumstances, teen may be sent home


Partnership for Youth reserves the right to deny entrance to, or request the ejection of, any group or individual who does not comply with the policies and procedures of th conference. In the event that entrance is denied, or a person(s) is(are) ejected, no refunds will be issued and they will return home that their own expense.

Prohibited Items

Food may not be brought into conference session areas.

Glow-sticks, laser pointers and flashing items are not permitted.

Clothespins: No passing out clothespins (‘clipping’) during the conference