Arrival / Check In

Check in will take place from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Please be sure to have all digital paperwork submitted prior to arrival and bring your signed Safe Environment Form (complete with all chaperone names) with you to check in.

Groups may attend Traveler’s Mass prior to completing Check-In but must obtain their wristbands before getting in line for dinner.

Buses / Parking

Please refer to this map and share it with your driver.

Car/Van Parking
Car/van parking is located in Parking Deck 1 and should be accessed using the Sugarloaf Parkway entrance. The Convention Center access is located on Level 3.

There is no fee to park or need to take a ticket to enter the garage.

The maximum clearance of the parking garage is 8’2″.

Bus Parking
Bus parking is located in Lot C, which may be accessed from the Satellite Blvd entrance. 

Groups will then be required to walk along the sidewalk from Lot C to the Convention Center past the lake.

Note: Only in the event of rain will buses be directed from the Satellite Blvd entrance to the front of the Convention Center for drop off. In this event, please follow the directions of the staff and volunteers directing traffic.

Chapel/Prayer Ministry

The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open throughout the conference weekend.

Groups are encouraged to write a prayer and light a candle in the Chapel at some point during the weekend. Small group leaders are especially encouraged to visit the chapel as a group on Friday evening.

Prayer ministers are available to pray with teens, youth ministers, and chaperones during the weekend, as well as collect prayer intentions to share with our intercessory team. Ministers wear red shirts and can be found in conference sessions or outside the Chapel.


Wristbands must be worn at all times while at the conference.

Your wristband color identifies your seating section and meal times.

If your wristband breaks, please bring the broken wristband with you to the Guest Services desk to receive a new one. 

Dress Code

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. Low-cut tops, miniskirts, short shorts, and clothing with offensive language or obscene images are not permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times. The main session is particularly chilly; sweatshirts are recommended.

Clinic / Emergencies

For all medical needs, please visit the Clinic located in Dogwood on the lower level across from the Marketplace.

DO NOT use the venue’s first-aid station near Hall D. You may be charged for their services.

Youth requiring medical attention must be accompanied by an adult.

Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the clinic staff upon arrival.

The Clinic is open during all conference hours.

In case of an emergency, please contact Ann Sottile, 843-270-7489 and, if necessary, dial 911.

For less urgent matters, please visit the Guest Services Table located in the upper level hallway – past the escalators.


In the Marketplace, t-shirts, books, and other religious items will be available for purchase. Cashless only.

The Marketplace hours are as follows:




The sale and distribution of any items without prior permission is strictly prohibited.


Meals will be served in Hall B. Groups may eat in Hall A, the hallways, or outside courtyard.  Please be sure to clean up your space!

Friday Dinner: 4:30-6:30pm
Please eat when your group arrives. Check-in must be completed and wristbands worn to enter the dinner line.

Saturday Lunch
Men: 11:00am-Noon
Women: 12:15-1:15pm

Saturday Dinner: 5:15-7:00pm
5:15pm – Yellow
5:30pm – Green
5:45pm – Blue
6:00pm – Red


The sacrament of reconciliation is offered at all times when groups are out of session, as follows:




Rules and Regulations

Life Teen is committed to creating an unforgettable and life-changing experience for the youth we serve at Steubenville Conferences, and effective relational ministry is key to creating this experience.

All participants are expected to maintain a Christ-centered atmosphere and treat others with respect and kindness.

Safe Environment Guidelines
All adults attending a Steubenville Conference hosted by Life Teen are responsible for setting and maintaining clear, appropriate boundaries in all ministry relationships, following the Safe Environment guidelines laid out here. In addition to those Safe Environment standards, all groups should adhere to the policies defined by their home diocese. Any suspected inappropriate behavior should be reported to a member of the event staff.

Chaperone Supervision
Adult chaperones must be with youth at all times during the conference. Youth should not wander around the facility without a chaperone present. It is the chaperone’s responsibility to keep the youth safe and supervised at all times throughout the weekend.

Please be sure to always maintain groups of three or more. An adult and a teen should never be alone without another person present. If, for pastoral purposes, an adult needs to have a private conversation with a minor, this must be done in the line of sight of others.

Teens are expected to remain present for every session. If it becomes necessary to leave, teens must be accompanied by an adult chaperone and at least one other individual.

Participants will not possess or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Except for designated outside areas, all conference venues are smoke-free facilities. Group leaders and chaperones will not smoke or use tobacco products, including vaping, or use profanity in the presence of teens. Weapons are not permitted at the event.

Youth Minister Hospitality

Coffee House

Coffee is available for youth ministers during the weekend at the Coffee House, located on the Lower Level in Willow B, next to the Marketplace.

Youth Minister Gathering

Youth ministers and group leaders are invited to come together for XLT / praise & worship at the Youth Minister Gathering in the Ballroom (note separate location from the Coffee House).

The gathering will be on Saturday from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m.

Prayer ministers and snacks will be available.