Residence Halls

For issues with Storm Cards or residence halls, please contact the Office of Conference Services at 718-990-7300. Staff will be available during the entire conference weekend. Males are not allowed in the female dorms; females are not allowed in the male dorms. Exceptions can be made for group leaders and chaperones if there is a teen in need from your group. Be sure to have a chaperone of the opposite sex escort you through the dorm.   

Guest Services

Hospitality is important to us! Please stop by the Information Table in the lobby of Carnesecca Arena and let us know how we can help you. 

Emergency Contact

For emergencies 24 hours a day, call St. John’s Public Safety at 718-990-5252. They will call 911. For less urgent matters needing Public Safety call 718-990-6281, or call 860-460-3947 to reach the site coordinator, Jill Patten. Families may leave messages by calling the group leader.  

Dining Halls

Groups will be assigned to a specific dining hall for the weekend. Participants with Red, Orange, and Yellow wristbands will eat at Montgoris Dining Hall. Those with Green, Blue, and Violet wristbands will eat at Marillac Dining Hall. On Friday night, a BBQ dinner will be served for all on the plaza in front of Carnesecca Arena, weather permittingDuring open dining, groups can choose which time to go to the dining hall. Group leaders should take caution in arriving late to breakfast, as they could miss the meal or start of session if other groups choose to do the same. 

Arena Seating

To seat everyone fairly, we rotate seating sections throughout the weekend. Seating assignments are listed in the app, and ushers will be able to assist you to your section (floor, courtside seats, and arena level seats.) This will give every group the opportunity to sit in the “choice seats.” Seating is open for the workshops. 


The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is open during the conference from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. It is located on campus in St. Thomas More Church. An optional Travelers’ Mass will be celebrated in St. Thomas More Church at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 24. Prayer ministers are available for assistance during the conference. They are wearing bright green shirts. 


Teens must be accompanied by chaperones in Carnesecca Arena. Outside the arena they must be accompanied by TWO adult chaperones. Participants must always wear conference wristbands to ensure admittance into the venue.   

Dress Code
All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. Low-cut tops, miniskirts, short shorts, and clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are not allowed. 

First Aid

For all non-emergent first-aid needs, please go to the First-Aid Station located near Section 1 on the upper level of Carnesecca Arena during arena hours. If you can’t make it to the First-Aid Station, please call St. John’s Public Safety at 718-990-5252 or 718-990-6281 for non-emergent needs. Youth requiring first aid must be accompanied by an adult.  Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the nursing staff. 


Directions to campus can be found here 

Please enter St. John’s University from Gate 1 (8000 Utopia Parkway) regardless if you are in a bus, personal vehicle, or arriving by public transportation.   

Public Safety will direct you to Residence Village for unloading of buses and personal vehicles. The group leader and one adult chaperone (if necessary) will check in and pick up all registration materials at Montgoris Dining Hall. Participants will unload vehicles and wait for the group leader to return. Any participant who needs a photo taken for their Storm Card will need to accompany the group leader into Montgoris.   

Group leaders should have the driver’s contact information and place a sign in the front window identifying the group leader’s name and parish for arrival and departure. Ex. Mary Smith, St. Paul, Waterford, CT.  Buses will be directed to free parking for the weekend. 

Parking:  All participants parking on campus must obtain a parking pass. Please be prepared to provide your license plate number when requesting a parking pass at registration.  Public Safety will direct you to free parking lots/garages. 

Smoking & Alcohol Policy

Except for designated outside areas, all conference venues are smoke-free facilities. During the conference, we ask all participants, including adult chaperones, to refrain from smoking. The consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited during the weekend. 

Marketplace & Concessions

The Marketplace is in the lobby of Carnesecca Arena. The sale and distribution of any items is strictly prohibited without the permission of the conference coordinator. Food trucks will be in the Residence Village on Friday and Saturday night following programming until 11:00 p.m. 

Lost & Found

Lost and Found is located at the Information Table in the lobby of Carnesecca Arena. Any collected item not claimed will be left with SJU public safety. If you realize after the conference that something was left behind in a dorm, please contact St. John’s Public Safety at 718-990-6281Participants are responsible for shipping costs. 

Conference Identification

Conference wristbands and Storm Cards identify you as a participant of the Steubenville NYC Conference. Wristbands must always be worn, and Storm Cards must be carried on your person. Without them, you will not have access to meals, dormitories, or assigned seating. There is a $25 replacement fee if you lose your Storm Card. Please contact the Office of Conference Services, 718-990-7300, for a replacement. Broken/defective wristbands MUST be exchanged at the Information Table in the Carnesecca Arena Lobby in order to receive a new one.