
The Marketplace is located on Level 4. You’ll find T-shirts, books, and other religious items for sale here. The sale and distribution of any items without prior permission is strictly prohibited.

The Marketplace hours are as follows:




First Aid / Emergencies

First Aid
For all medical needs, please go to the First-Aid Room (Level 3, Meeting Room 1). Youth requiring first-aid care must be accompanied by an adult.  Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the first-aid staff.

For extreme emergencies during conference hours, call Lori Miller at 214-886-9470. For less urgent matters, please visit the Guest Services desk located in the lobby of the first floor.

Buses / Parking

Car/Van Parking
All vehicles carrying 15 or fewer passengers are required to load/unload/park in the garage. This will allow for increased safety and greater mobility for all. Parking in the garage is free.


Bus Parking
If your bus driver is NOT attending the conference, ask him or her to park the bus at a different location. See the staging and pedestrian safety instructions below.

If your bus driver IS attending the conference, he or she will either park behind the ICC or at the DART Station across the street. Please follow the instructions of the volunteers. You will load/unload in the drive on the East side (along Las Colinas Blvd.) of the Convention Center. The Dart Station parking is 1/4 mile from ICC (East down NW Hwy 114).  The driver can either choose to walk back from the DART Station or call Patrick Cable at 972-816-9777 for transportation. See the staging and pedestrian safety instructions below.


Bus Staging
If your bus is NOT parked at the Irving Convention Center, your driver can stage your bus for loading no earlier than 30 minutes prior to dismissal. Your driver needs to stay with the bus while waiting. The bus can be staged in the loading/unloading area on the east side of the Convention Center and on the west side of the parking garage.  Drivers should watch for signage indicating no parking areas.


Pedestrian Safety
Please use sidewalks and crosswalks, especially the crosswalks leading to the Convention Center.  It is not safe to cross outside of a crosswalk. Our conference volunteers will not be helping people cross the street. Be sure your teens are together with chaperones when walking to and from the Convention Center.


The sacrament of reconciliation is offered in the Junior Ballroom on Level 3 at select times throughout the weekend.

This year, groups that opted in to a designated time for reconciliation will receive an assigned time for their group. Please reference the Assignments section of the app for your group’s assigned time. This is your group’s guaranteed opportunity to receive the sacrament, so take advantage of it! Please be sure to communicate this time to your group members so they can prepare accordingly.

If your group did not opt in to a designated time, your group may get in line at any of the hours indicated as open to all groups. We are unfortunately unable to provide a designated time to groups who did not pre-request it during the registration process.

During the hours indicated as open to all groups, anyone who desires to receive the sacrament is welcome to get in line.

Reconciliation will be offered at the following times:

9:30-11:00pm (Open to ALL Groups)

11:00am-1:30pm (Open to Assigned Groups)
1:30-2:30pm (Open to Assigned Groups)
2:30-4:00pm (Open to ALL Groups)
5:00-6:45pm(Open to Assigned Groups)
9:45-10:45pm (Open to ALL Groups)

Arrival / Check-In

Check in will take place at the Irving Convention Center lobby from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Friday. Immediately upon arrival, only the group leader plus one additional chaperone and priest (if applicable) should go to check in. Please be sure to have all digital paperwork submitted prior to arrival and bring your signed Safe Environment Form with you to check in. While checking in, it is advised that you send the rest of your chaperones and all your teens to the hotel to check in if needed.

The Group Leader Information Packet will be provided on Friday at check in.

Please see the Buses/Parking section for information on loading, unloading, and parking.

Conference Identification / Wristbands

Conference wristbands identify you as a participant of the Steubenville Lone Star Conference.  Wristbands are to be worn at all times. The wristbands are given to the group leader upon check in and are to be distributed to all chaperones and teens. If a wristband breaks, please bring the broken wristband with you to the Guest Services desk located in the Lobby on the first floor. The broken wristband will be exchanged for a new one.

Guest Services

Hospitality is important to us!  If you have any questions or needs that arise, please stop by the Guest Services desk located in the Lobby on the first floor and let us know how we can help you.

Lost and Found

We maintain a Lost and Found at the Guest Services desk located in the Lobby on the first floor. If you realize after the conference that you lost something, call Lori Miller at 214-886-9470. Two weeks after the conference, all items will be discarded.

Youth Minister Coffee House

Coffee is available for youth ministers at the Coffee House, located on Level 4.

Youth ministers are invited to come together for a time of restoration and ministry at the Youth Minister Gathering on Saturday from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m. in the Coffee House on Level 4.

Emergencies/First Aid/Lost and Found

Emergency Contact 
Cari Terracina

First Aid 
First Aid is located on the second floor of the Riverfront Center. 

Lost and Found 
Lost and Found is located in the Central Office on the second floor of the Riverfront Center. 



Rules and Regulations

Up-building Speech: 

Participants and volunteers are expected to use positive and up-building speech at all times.  Cursing, swearing, and other forms of foul and abusive language will not be permitted.  “No foul language should come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for needed edification, that it may impart grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29  

Treatment of Participants and Volunteers: 

We ask that each participant and volunteer treat others with respect, kindness, and consideration. 
• “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.Colossians 3:12
• “Love one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor.Romans 12:10
• “The prophets of the Old Covenant often denounced sacrifices that were not from the heart or not coupled with love of neighbor…. The only perfect sacrifice is the one that Christ offered on the cross as a total offering to the Father’s love and for our salvation. By uniting ourselves with his sacrifice we can make our lives a living sacrifice to God.Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2100  

Alcohol and Drugs: 

All state of Louisiana laws concerning alcohol and drugs will be strictly enforced. The possession and/or consumption of alcohol or drugs is prohibited at all Steubenville conferences. Please be aware that Louisiana State law prohibits anyone under the age of 21 years from purchasing and consuming alcoholic beverages. 

Smoking Policy: 

All Steubenville South conference facilities are smoke-free facilities. Outside of conference session times, smoking will be limited to a designated location. Please be aware that Louisiana State law prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from purchasing tobacco products (the same rules apply to chewing tobacco). 

Knives, Weapons, and Firearms: 

All state of Louisiana laws concerning knives, weapons, and firearms will be strictly enforced. The possession of knives, weapons, and/or firearms is prohibited at all Steubenville conferences. 

Miscellaneous Guidelines: 

  • Food: Food is provided at the conference for the entire weekend. Please do not bring food (meals) onto the conference site, unless you have special dietary needs. Cooking in any part of the conference venue will not be permitted.
    • Glow sticks and flashing items are not permitted unless they are provided by the Steubenville South Conference Office.
    • Camera use: VIDEO CAMERAS and FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY are NOT allowed during adoration. This includes cell phones with cameras and video capabilities. Assigned media representatives will be the only individuals allowed to take pictures or videos during adoration. 

COVID-19 Safety Measures:  

We are taking measures to ensure that the conference follows local government and diocesan guidelines.  

Here is what we plan to do to help keep us all safe:
• We will have hand sanitizer and soaps available for hand washing.
• We will sanitize heavily trafficked areas before the conference.
• We will have face masks available.
• We will space seating a safe distance apart.  

Here is what you can do to help keep us all safe:
• You should not attend the Steubenville South Conference if you or anyone in your immediate family is sick.
• You should not attend the Steubenville South Conference if you are at a high risk for severe illness.
• Stay at least 6 feet away from other conference participants, if possible. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
• Use hand sanitizer and wash your hands with soap and water frequently.  


Dress Code

The Steubenville South Office has specific guidelines regarding modest dress.  We ask that you adhere to these policies.  You will find scripture and Catechism references at the bottom of this list.  Please review these with all participants, chaperones, parents, and volunteers.  These rules must be enforced by the adult leaders.

    • Shorts, skirts, or dresses that are shorter than 3 inches above the knee while standing, or that are too tight, drawing attention to the shape of the body, are not permitted. 
    • Shirts that reveal the midriff are not permitted, nor are shirts that are too low cut from the neck area or that are too tight, drawing attention to the shape of the body. Spaghetti straps and muscle shirts are not permitted. Making alterations to T-shirts (cutting at the neck or waist, for example) is strongly discouraged. Rolling up skirts or shorts at the leg or waistband is prohibited. Pants or shorts are also not allowed to sag to the point where they reveal one’s undergarments. 
    • During all liturgies and prayers, out of respect, every male, youth or adult, must remove any headwear. This includes all hats, visors, headbands, bandanas, etc. 
    • Clothing or articles that appear to have an anti-Christian message or writings that include crude language, promotion of alcohol or drug use, or suggestive material of a crude or sexual nature are prohibited. There will be no tolerance for cross-dressing. 
    • At such events where music is being played, many people often fee moved to dance.  While we definitely encourage this at Steubenville South, we feel it is necessary to remind you that no moves that appear tasteless or vulgar will be permitted.  We invite you to have a great time, but please keep it clean!
  • Purity requires modesty, an integral part of temperance.  Modesty protects the intimate center of the person.  It means refusing to unveil what should remain hidden.  It is ordered to chastity to whose sensitivity it bears witness.  It guides how one looks at others and behaves toward them in conformity with the dignity of persons and their solidarity.” | Catechism of the Catholic Church #2151
  • Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” | 1 Timothy 4:12
  • All things are lawful to me, but not all things are helpful.  I will not be enslaved by anything… the body is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.  Shun immorality.  Every other sin which a man commits is outside the body; but the immoral man sins against his own body.  Do you not know that you are temples of the Holy Spirit within you… so glorify God in your body.” | 1 Corinthians 6: 12- 20

Vocation Resources

Did you know that every diocese has an office for the promotion of vocations?

These vocations offices have a vocations director who is entrusted with helping men and women discern their particular vocations. Below you will find links to the Vocation’s Office websites for the dioceses that have attended the 2024 Steubenville Lone Star and of the Rockies Conference.

Some diocesan sites contain more information than others, but all have some way of contacting the office of vocations and learning more about the discernment process. If detailed on the site, the vocations director and his contact information are included below for your reference.

In addition to the diocesan vocations office links, the bottom of the page contains two links to assist with discerning men’s and women’s religious orders, which are rich with knowledge about consecrated religious life and the discernment process.


Diocese of Amarillo

Vocations Director: Fr. Gabriel Garcia
Phone: (806) 935-5002


Diocese of Bismark

Vocations Director: Fr. Jordan Dosch
Phone: (701) 204-7197

Diocese of Cheyenne 

Vocations Director: Fr. Brian Hess
Phone: (307) 439-4368


Diocese of Colorado Springs

Vocations Director: Fr. Kyle Ingels
Phone: (719) 636-2345

Women’s Vocations Coordinator: Sr. Quynh Pham, FMA
Phone: (719) 866-6448


Diocese of Corpus Christi

Vocations Director: Bob Cummings
Phone: (361) 693-6604


Archdiocese of Denver

Vocations Director: Fr. Jason Wallace
Phone: (303) 722-4687


Diocese of Dodge City

Vocations Director: Fr. Wesley Schawe
Phone: (620) 227-1500


Diocese of Fargo

Vocations Director: Fr. Kyle Metzger
Phone: (701) 356-7957


Diocese of Gallup 

Vocations Director: Fr. Joshua Mayer

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 

Vocations Director: Fr. Richard McNeillie
Phone: (713) 652-8239


Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Vocations Director: Fr. Dan Morris
Phone: (913) 647-0303


Diocese of La Crosse

Vocations Director: Fr. Nate Kuhn
Phone: (608) 791-2667


Diocese of Las Cruces 

Vocations Director: Fr. Ruben Romero
Phone: (575) 523-7578


Diocese of Lincoln 

Vocations Director: Fr. Alec Sasse
Phone: (402) 310-1708

Diocese of Lubbock

Vocations Director: Fr. Jeremy Trull
Phone: (806) 792-3943 ext. 226


Archdiocese of Oklahoma City

Vocations Director: Fr. James Wickersham
Phone: (405) 721-9351


Archdiocese of Omaha

Vocations Director: Fr. Scott Schilmoeller
Phone: (402) 558-3100


Diocese of Pueblo 

Vocations Director: Fr. Carl Wertin
Phone: (719) 544-9861 ext. 1114


Diocese of Rapid City 

Vocations Director: Fr. Mark McCormick
Phone: (605) 343-3541 ext. 2241


Diocese of Reno 

Phone: (775) 326-9428


Diocese of Salt Lake City

Vocations Director: Fr. Joseph D. Delka
Phone: (801) 253-6031


Diocese of San Angelo 

Vocations Director: Fr. Ryan Rojo
Phone: (325) 651-7500


Archdiocese of San Antonio

Vocations Director: Bishop Gary W. Janak
Associate Vocations Director: Sr. Ana Cecilia Montalvo Villanueva, FSpS
Phone: (210) 735-0553


Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Vocations Director: Fr. Adrian Sisneros
Phone: (505) 831-8143


Diocese of Tulsa

Vocations Director: Fr. Duy Nguyen
Phone: (918) 884-4200

Diocese of Wichita

Vocations Director: Fr. Garett Burns
Phone: (316) 440-1714

Discerning Consecrated Religious Life

Men’s Religious Orders

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men
The Conference of Major Superiors of Men provides resources to find men’s religious orders and promote vocations to religious life. These religious orders are located across the country and vary by charism and spirituality.

Women’s Religious Orders

The Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious
The Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious provides resources to find women’s religious orders and promote vocations to religious life. These religious orders are located across the country and vary by charism and spirituality.


The Marketplace is located in Area J of the Randolph Riverfront Center (2nd floor).

The Marketplace at Steubenville South is scheduled to be open:
Friday, June 21: 4:30 – 6:15 p.m.
Friday, June 21: 9:50 – 11:00 p.m.

Saturday, June 22: 7:00 – 8:30 a.m.
Saturday, June 22: 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, June 22: 5:15 – 7:15 p.m.
Saturday, June 22: 10:00 – 11:30 p.m.

Come check out merch from CATgear, Totally Catholic Tees, Sarah Swafford, Josh Blakesley, and more!


The Marketplace is located in the Aurora Exhibit Hall #2.  

Marketplace Hours

1:00 pm – 11:30 pm

7:00 am – 11:30 pm

7:00 am – 1:00 pm  

The sale and distribution of any items is strictly prohibited without the permission of the conference director.    

The Marketplace will be closed during General Sessions.


The Eucharistic Chapel is open daily. It is located in the Juniper Ballroom.

Prayer ministers are available for assistance during the conference. They are wearing orange or purple shirts.

Hotel Information


Life Teen Security will monitor the Gatlin Conference wing and patio. Youth leaving the area must be accompanied by a chaperone.


Life Teen will not monitor the pool area. Chaperones are expected to monitor their own groups. Swimsuit modesty policies are encouraged.


Group leaders are responsible for check-in/out of their group’s hotel rooms and for arranging luggage storage, if necessary.

Lights out

Groups are expected to vacate the conference wing of the hotel at 10:45 pm each evening.

Groups are expected to return to their rooms by 11:30pm each evening out of respect for the other hotel guests.


For groups that pre-ordered breakfast from the Rosen, sandwiches can be picked up Saturday & Sunday morning in Butler from 7:30-8:30 am.

Clinic / Emergencies

For all medical needs, please visit the Clinic located at the Guest Services / Registration Desk outside the main room.

Youth requiring medical attention must be accompanied by an adult.

Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the clinic staff upon arrival.

The Clinic is open during all conference hours.

In case of an emergency, please contact Ann Sottile, 843-270-7489 and, if necessary, dial 911.

Youth Minister Hospitality

Youth Minister Gathering

Youth ministers and group leaders are invited to come together for XLT / praise & worship at the Youth Minister Gathering in Gatlin B.

The gathering will be on Saturday from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m.

Prayer ministers and coffee will be available.

Buses / Parking

Parking is available in the surface lot in the front of the hotel.

Buses may drop off in front of the convention wing – follow appropriate signs.


Meals will be served in Gatlin C.  

Please do not eat on the floor and be sure to clean up your space!

Friday Dinner: 4:30-6:30pm
Groups may eat in Gatlin C, at the Hallway tables, or out in the Courtyard.

Please eat when your group arrives. Check-in must be completed and wristbands worn to enter the dinner line.

Saturday Lunch
Groups may eat in Gatlin C or out in the Courtyard.

Men: 11:00am-Noon

Women: 12:15-1:15pm

Saturday Dinner: 5:15-7:00pm
Groups should remain in Gatlin C to eat. Please adhere to your assigned times.

5:15-6:00pm: GREEN & RED

6:00-6:45pm: BLUE & YELLOW

Campus Rules and Behavior Expectations

General Campus Rules 

Chaperones must know where their teens are at all times. 

No drugs or alcohol. If any are found, the participant/group can be subject to immediate expulsion. 


The Ohio Smoke-Free Workplace Act prohibits smoking in all buildings/tents on the campus of Franciscan University and in areas adjacent to building entrances. Smoking is also prohibited outdoors within 30 feet of all building entrances and open windows where smoke may enter a building and in any other designated outdoor nonsmoking area. Please respect those around you by complying with these mandates. Ohio State Law also prohibits the purchase, possession, and use of tobacco products by anyone under the age of 21. Please help us by obeying this law.

Property Damage

The responsible party will pay for full repair/replacement costs. 

Young Children and Infants

Infants and children are generally not permitted into the youth conference due to high decibel sound levels. In addition, Group Leaders and adult chaperones must keep as their top priority oversight of their youth. 

Dress Code/Language 

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. 

Clothing must cover all undergarments and midriffs.    

Bikini tops, low cut tops, mini skirts, yoga pants and short shorts are unacceptable. 

Inappropriate and profane attire are not to be worn at any time during the conference.   

Shirts and shoes are to be worn at all times.    

Foul and abusive language will not be permitted. 

Group Leaders and adult chaperones are expected to communicate these expectations to their youth beforehand and to enforce the dress code at the conference.    


All conference participants are expected to follow the direction of the Conference Staff and Security, in addition to posted signage.  Any instances of insubordination will be subject to appropriate discipline. 

Franciscan University of Steubenville and the Conference Office reserve the right to handle disciplinary situations in a way that best serves the overall conference, including the right to deny entrance to, or request the ejection of, any group or individual who does not comply with the regulations and policies of Franciscan University of Steubenville’s High School Youth Conferences. Should this happen, no refund will be given. 

For security reasons, Franciscan University of Steubenville reserves the right to check all bags/luggage/containers and confiscate any of the aforementioned items that are brought to our High School Youth Conferences. 


The following are misconduct issues that will not be tolerated at High School Youth Conferences:   

  • Use, possession, or distribution of narcotic or other controlled substances or drug paraphernalia except as expressly permitted by law.  
  • Public intoxication, or use, possession, sale, consumption, or distribution of alcoholic beverages except as expressly permitted by the law and by University regulations.
  • Possession or use of firearms, explosives, other weapons, incendiary devices, firecrackers or dangerous chemicals on University premises. 

Reporting an Incident 

If you witness a youth or adult chaperone violating any policy in regard to Child Protection or Franciscan University of Steubenville’s guidelines, you are required to report it immediately to a member of the Campus Security or Conference Staff. 

Campus Security can be reached at: 740-283-6333. 

Safe Environment 

In order to ensure the safety of all our youth and remain in compliance with the policies established by the Diocese of Steubenville and Franciscan University of Steubenville, all adult chaperones are required to provide proof of their Safe Environment Training.  

Every adult chaperone must also be background checked to the specifications of his/her home diocese. Proof of these specifications must be presented to the Conference Office via the Adult Chaperone Verification Form at the time of checkin for the conference.  

Priests must submit a “Letter of Good Standing. directly to the diocese of Steubenville who will then review this information and dispense faculties as applicableAll information pertaining to faculties will be on file with the University Chapel Office. 

Session Expectations 

Refrain from running and/or participating in crowd surfing.

Inflatable items brought into the Fieldhouse should be no larger than a standard basketball. Inflatable objects larger than this will be confiscated and not returned. Additionally, any inflatable that lands on the stage will be confiscated and discarded.

Do not go on the stage unless invited by the host or a speaker.

Flash photography is not permitted during the liturgy per the Diocese of Steubenville. 

Videotaping is not permitted during any sessions. 

Refrain from standing on, folding, or moving chairs. 

Keep the aisles clear. 

Guest Policies

The Steubenville Conferences are closed events. Anyone not registered for the conference as a teen participant, young adult, adult chaperone, group leader, clergy, or volunteer WILL NOT be allowed into any areas of the event site at any time throughout the entire weekend. This includes Masses. Special requests for Guest attendance during ANY part of the conference must be pre-approved and compliance with Safe Environment requirements must be fulfilled. Please contact the Partnership for Youth office at least one month prior to the conference for information.

Infants and Children Policy
Although we strongly support Catholic family life, due to insurance regulations and facility constraints, infants and children are not allowed at the conference.

Late Arrivals and Early Departures
All participants (teens and adults) should attend the entire conference; arriving and departing with their group. The conference theme builds from one session to the next and it is important for participants to be present for the entire day. Late arrivals and early departures are strongly discouraged. In the event that the Group Leader wishes to make an exception, please contact the Partnership for Youth office to coordinate the arrival/departure.

Alcohol, Drugs and Weapons

All local laws concerning alcohol, drugs and weapons will be strictly enforced. Possession and/or consumption of alcohol or drugs is prohibited at all Steubenville Youth Conferences. We have a zero tolerance policy, and youth or adults found consuming alcohol will be sent home.

  • Violation of Policy: If a teen is found in possession of drugs, alcohol or weapons; or has
    consumed drugs or alcohol or is a danger to themselves or others, their parents will be called to come pick them up. Teens may not return to the conference. Teens will be kept with officers at the conference security office in order to keep them safe. Teens will be released only to parents or approved adults to be removed from the conference site. During the time the teen is with site security, parents will incur a $30/hour charge.
  • At the discretion of Partnership for Youth staff and/or site public safety personnel some offences may be reported to and handled by local law enforcement.