E-Cigarettes and Smoking

All Steubenville Youth Conference facilities are smoke-free. This includes the use of e-cigarettes. Outside of conference session times, smoking is permitted in designated areas.

The Smoke-Free Illinois Act is (SFIA) a state law which protects residents, workers, and visitors from the harmful effects of exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and e-cigarette vapor by prohibiting smoking of all forms of combustible tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars, and hookah, and e-cigarettes, vapes, and any other electronic smoking device, in public places and places of employment. In addition to indoor areas, use of these products is banned outdoors within 15 feet from any entrance, exit, window that opens, or ventilation intake of a public place or place of employment. The SFIA has been protecting Illinois residents and visitors from the dangers of secondhand smoke since its enactment on January 1, 2008; e-cigarettes were added to the act beginning January 1, 2024.

The SFIA defines places of employment as any area under the control of a public or private employer that employees are required to occupy, enter, or pass through while on the job. Public places are defined as a portion of any building or vehicle, whether owned by a private or public entity, used by and open to the public. The definition contains a list of many types of public places, including hospitals, restaurants, stores, offices, elevators, indoor theaters, libraries, warehouses, concert halls, public conveyances, meeting rooms, schools, and private clubs. It is not an exhaustive list. All public places meeting the statute’s definition are subject to the requirements of the SFIA.

Camera Use

VIDEO CAMERAS and FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY are not allowed during Liturgical services but are permitted during general sessions. This includes cell phones with cameras and video capabilities. Assigned media representatives will be the only individuals allowed to take pictures or videos during the Liturgy.


Partnership for Youth reserves the right to deny entrance to, or request the ejection of, any group or individual who does not comply with the policies and procedures of th conference. In the event that entrance is denied, or a person(s) is(are) ejected, no refunds will be issued and they will return home that their own expense.

Prohibited Items

Food may not be brought into conference session areas.

Glow-sticks, laser pointers and flashing items are not permitted.

Clothespins: No passing out clothespins (‘clipping’) during the conference

Dress Guidelines

Partnership for Youth requests that all participants adhere to the following guidelines regarding modest dress.
Please note that it is the responsibility of group leaders and chaperones to address these guidelines with their teens. Conference staff and volunteers will not personally address modesty with participants unless there is a gross violation.

Please avoid the following:
*Shorts, skirts, or dresses shorter than 5 inches above the knee while standing, or that are tight, drawing attention to the shape of the body.
*Shirts that reveal midriff or are low cut from the neck area.
*Leggings, yoga pants and tights, unless paired with a long loose fit ting tunic or dress.
*Rolling up of skirts or shorts at the leg or waistband.
*Pants or shorts that say to the point where they reveal one’s undergarments.
*Clothing that may appear to have an anti-Christian message or with writings that include crude language, promotion of alcohol or drug use, or suggestive material of a crude or a sexual nature.
*”Free Hugs” signs and shirts.

*Shoes must be worn at all time.
*During all Liturgies and prayers, out of respect, every male must remove any headwear. This includes all hats, visors, headbands, bandanas, etc.
*Individuals serving in any capacity during the liturgical celebrations are asked to wear long pants or a long skirt and an appropriate shirt.
*Dancing that appears inappropriate or vulgar will not be permitted.

Missing Teen Policy

It is our primary goal to keep all young people safe while attending a Partnership for Youth Steubenville
Youth Conference. In the unlikely event of a teen being reported missing during the conference:

  • PFY Safety/Security Coordinator is notified
  • Gather details regarding when/where/by whom the youth was last seen
  • Confirm teen’s access to cell phone/internet/other communication
  • Security will check First Aid Station, Counselor, and Housing locations
  • After 30 minutes, notify venue safety/security staff
    o With venue staff determine when police are called
    o Once police have been notified, they will take over
  • After 60 minutes, Group Leader will be required to notify parent/guardian
  • Once teen is found, escort youth to Group Leader and request that parent/guardian be notified
  • Depending on circumstances, teen may be sent home

Rules and Regulations

Life Teen is committed to creating an unforgettable and life-changing experience for the youth we serve at Steubenville Conferences, and effective relational ministry is key to creating this experience.

All participants are expected to maintain a Christ-centered atmosphere and treat others with respect and kindness.

Safe Environment Guidelines
All adults attending a Steubenville Conference hosted by Life Teen are responsible for setting and maintaining clear, appropriate boundaries in all ministry relationships, following the Safe Environment Guidelines laid out here. In addition to those safe environment standards, all groups should adhere to the policies defined by their home diocese. Any suspected inappropriate behavior should be reported to a member of the event staff.

Chaperone Supervision
Adult chaperones must be with youth at all times during the conference. Youth should not wander around the facility without a chaperone present. It is the chaperone’s responsibility to keep youth safe and supervised at all times throughout the weekend.

Please be sure to always maintain groups of three of more. An adult and a teen should never be alone without another person present. If, for pastoral purposes, an adult needs to have a private conversation with a minor, this must be done in the line of sight of others.

Teens are expected to remain present for every session. If it becomes necessary to leave, teens must be accompanied by an adult chaperone and at least one other individual.

Participants will not possess or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Except for designated outside areas, all conference venues are smoke-free facilities. Group leaders and chaperones will not smoke or use tobacco products, including vaping, or use profanity in the presence of teens. Weapons are not permitted at the event.


The Eucharistic Chapel is located in Coach Commons and is open from 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., except during Mass times.   

Emergencies/First Aid/Lost & Found


Please call UST Public Safety for emergencies at 651-962-5555; Public Safety will contact further emergency assistance if needed. Please also call them for medical emergency during non-conference hours (11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). For Medical assistance during conference visit First Aid located in the lower level of the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex.

For non-medical emergencies 24 hours a day or for less urgent matters, call Amy Cummings 651-231-6815.

First Aid

For all medical needs between 7:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m., please go to the First-Aid Station located in the Tommy room in the lower level of Anderson Athletic and Recreation Center (AARC). Call UST Public Safety, 651-962-5555, after conference hours. Youth requiring first-aid care must be accompanied by an adult. Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the first-aid staff.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located in the Field House. If you realize after the conference that you lost something, call 952-224-0333 within two weeks to claim your items.


Smoking Policy

Except for designated outside areas, all conference venues are smoke-free facilities. During the sessions we ask all participants, including adult chaperones, to refrain from smoking. 


Dress Code

Dress Code

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. TOPS: no low-cut, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, sleeveless, or off the shoulder. BOTTOMS: no miniskirts or short shorts—the hemline must be at fingertip-length or below when arms are hanging at the side. NOTE: Yoga or athletic pants are OK but only when worn WITH a fingertip length modest tunic. Absolutely no clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures is allowed. In addition, all clothing must cover midriffs and undergarments.

Dress Code/Lost & Found

Dress Code

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. TOPS: no low-cut, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, sleeveless, or off the shoulder. BOTTOMS: no miniskirts or short shorts—the hemline must be at fingertip length or below when arms are hanging at the side. NOTE: Yoga or athletic pants are OK but only when worn WITH a fingertip-length modest tunic. Absolutely no clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures is allowed. In addition, all clothing must cover midriffs and undergarments.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located at the Grand Lobby West at the Partnership for Youth table. If items are not claimed prior to the end of conference, they may be claimed by calling 952-224-0333 within two weeks.


Emergency Contact

For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 AND Jessi at 360-352-3321. For non-life-threatening emergencies, please call Jessi at 360-352-3321. Gonzaga University Security may be reached at 509-313-2222. 


Expectations of Youth

Show love and respect for God  

  1. Pray daily for self and others.  
  2. Receive the sacraments.  
  3. Participate in the activities.  
  4. Be open, flexible, and have a servant’s attitude.  
  5. Represent God in your words and actions.  

Show love and respect for yourself  

  1. This is a “no-smoking” weekend. All state laws governing alcohol, drugs, and tobacco will be strictly enforced. Possession or consumption of alcohol and drugs is not permitted at any time during the conference. 
  3. Drink plenty of water, obey sleeping times, and make sure you eat all meals. This will allow you to fully participate and not be tired.  
  4. Remember that you are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Present yourself accordingly.  
  5. If you must leave an activity, your adult chaperone must accompany you.  
  6. Dress modestly. Clothing must cover all undergarments and midriffs. Bikini tops, low-cut tops, miniskirts, short shorts, and shirts with vulgar language are not allowed.  

Show love and respect for others  

  1. Be safe. No horseplay or other potentially harmful actions. Leave pocket knives, lighters, and other hazardous materials at home. No skateboards, iPods, cell phones, laptops, or rollerblades.  
  2. All words and actions you use should build up others and not injure.  
  3. No teens are allowed to drive to or from the conference.  
  4. The facility must remain clean and undamaged.  
  5. No outside visitors at the conference, please.  
  6. All aisles and the stage area must remain clear for safety reasons. Remain in your youth group’s area at all times.  
  7. Make sure that your actions during the activities do not distract others from hearing, seeing, or praying.  
  8. Allow others to sleep. “Lights Out” means that it is time to sleep. Do not be in the showers or halls after this time.  

Consequence Policy  

All youth are expected to follow the above outlined expectations and the directions of conference staff, Convention Center staff, and Gonzaga University staff. Any instances of transgression of these policies, lack of cooperation, or insubordination will be subjected to appropriate discipline and/or fines. Failure to comply may result in immediate dismissal of the participant at the expense of the individual.   


First Aid/Lost & Found

First Aid 
Our First-Aid Room is located in the Main Lobby 

Lost and Found
Lost and Found items may be picked up at the Information Window. For items lost on Gonzaga’s campus, please call Campus Security at 509-313-2222. 


Prayer Ministry

First Line of Defense  

Thank you for your “yes” to care for and minister to the youth at the Steubenville Youth Conference!   

The group leader and adult chaperones are the primary ministers to the youth on the weekend. Please be sure to share this information with all adult chaperones and religions in your group.  

The Team of Prayer Ministers  

Prayer Ministry Stations are located around the ballroom throughout all sessions. When not in sessions, prayer ministers will be stationed near the chapel. Prayer ministers will be wearing red shirts and/or “prayer ministry” lanyards.   

Prayer ministers are there to be of assistance in an intercessory way to help teens experience Christ’s love, healing, and hope as much as possible. Please encourage the teens in your group to take an opportunity to pray with our Prayer Ministry Team. (Be sure that an adult accompanies the teen.)  

Role of Prayer Ministry  

The role of prayer ministry is to serve and support you and your chaperones by offering spiritual assistance to the youth in your group. Prayer ministers can assist you if there are several teens that need attention or if there is a particular situation that you and your chaperones are unsure how to handle.   

Remaining Present  

If a prayer minister does assist your youth, it is necessary to have an adult chaperone from your group present to watch over and pray with them. This is because it is the adult chaperone who will be going home with the youth. In addition, he or she can continue to pray for and with the youth at home if needed.   



Our Adoration Chapel is open whenever the building is open. It is located in the music room at the entrance of the performing art center. Come spend some quiet time with Jesus! Leave your prayer requests on the big sheet of paper; they will all be offered up at the closing Mass on Sunday. 


Dress Code/Lanyards

Dress Code
All Steubenville Conference participants are expected to dress in a modest, respectful manner. Low-cut/revealing tops, short shorts, miniskirts, excessively baggy jeans, and any clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are NOT allowed.  

Name Tag Lanyards
All participants are issued a name tag lanyard. The group’s lanyard color determines which meal shift they are assigned and their seating assignment during sessions. These name tag lanyards are also used for identifying conference attendees and must be worn for admittance into the Convention Center. 



Emergencies/First Aid/Evacuation Plan

Emergency Phone Number

Call 911 for all medical emergencies. For non-medical emergencies (24 hours a day) call Amy Cummings at 651-231-6815.

First Aid
For all medical needs, please go to the First-Aid Station located in Riverview A. The hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Youth requiring first-aid care must be accompanied by an adult. Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the nursing staff.

Evacuation Plan

  • The weather radio is monitored at all times.
  • Remain in your location until notified.
  • Directions will be given from the stage and overhead PA system.
  • You will be directed to emergency locations in interior hallways (NOT Taylor Arena).



The Marketplace is located in Grand Lobby South.

Marketplace Hours:

Friday, July 14th, 2023
Saturday, July 15th, 2023
Sunday, July 16th, 2023




Absolutely no smoking is permitted on the Gonzaga campus or on the Convention Center property. Use of marijuana will result in immediate dismissal from the conference.  

Wi-Fi Access
Wi-Fi is available at the Spokane Convention Center, no password necessary. It is not readily available in the dorms on Gonzaga’s campus. 



Our Marketplace is located on the upper level in the entrance of the venue. It is open Friday and Saturday any time the general sessions are not taking place. We have an amazing selection of books, apparel, accessories, jewelry, music, and more.